It is easy to think you know it all. The last four years of pure hell from those who believed themselves to be the true Gods! The ones YOU will bow down before, on your KNEES to beg for mercy?
They could NOT and, they KNEW they could NOT, force all of the Human(a) into submission. In the end, too many, even for them. BUT, they had the mobs of Zealots. Pure psychotic not of our world beings.
Regular rounding up, broadcasting of the sacrificial rites, the butchering, the terror; the fear kept most in their place. Those who killed their own, surrendered them to the Zealot command were spared their lives and in some cases; rewarded. 
For those, who sold out their own, they knew they, had nothing to fear from their own. There was never, going to be a day of reckoning? Their masters, were here to stay and, had made that more than clear.
In the dark, damp horrors, of the mines, no one could hear the screams, the pleading for mercy; from those who their whip masters beat down. Scars across their backs, torn, bleeding and DYING.
Stort was one of them, well actually one of the worst of all of them. Every time he killed he would tattoo a mark on his body. A simple line in red. His body had over two hundred of them.
Only the weakest were allowed into the deeper recesses of the mines. Stronger ones could escape into the old mine workings.
True, he had employed some pet wolves of his, to go after, those he believed, had done so? BUT lately?
They, were NOT coming back. Their numbers, gradually diminished and if, there was no, explanation for why, he, was certainly NOT, going to go look for them.
Day after day, year after year dragged on. To the point, of some of the whip masters, going crazy and I mean CRAZY. You see they, were NOT, no NEVER; allowed to leave. Bars, whore houses and more, were next to the mines.
Isolated, cut off from others, even the Zealot encampments. IF caught by them, they were castrated and, always IF released; ‘collared’. The next time they tried to escape their duties.. the collar, would illuminate, activate and, blow their heads off.
Those collars were sport for some of the Zealots. They, would release some, of the locals and, set up traps to trigger the collars. The traps, were kept secret, so the betting, on who was going to get their head blown off first? Proved, highly lucrative, for some.
The Accolyte had demanded the recent festivities. A total unforgiving, unrelenting blood bath. Feasting where the round of their, new born; not so much ‘new born’ mostly due to them, being carried off into the mountains and hidden?
Young male AND females, taken from the whore houses, trafficked bought and paid for; trophies. Sometimes the rescuers, would betray their own, by selling or trading, those they had been put in charge of, re taking them to the mountains?
SO, why you might ask did the Accolyte and the Zealots, not know where, the mountain rebels bases, were to be found? A multi layered security screen, where you could get past one, but not the others was rigorously enforced.
Any who were known, or proved to be traitors, were executed, no mercy. If sometimes their guilt, was questionable it did not matter. This, was a time, when their enemies, had no time for mercy, for rules, regulations other than the ones they dictated to the locals?
Small detachments of Zealots, DID go into the mountains or deep into the forests BUT, NEVER, returned. Stupid the Zealots might have been, well some of them. not to the extent, where the risk was all too evident. They left certain areas, alone.
Mercenaries could be paid by them. The ones, who took the monies, vanished into other Zones, only returning, when the money ran out? Bringing with them some of the heads they had taken re their hosts, would leave others convinced THEY, had earned their pay?
In the mountains, the rebels, had been training their newly formed army. That, was intense, unforgiving AND, though some were crippled for life OR DEAD; none, were willing to give up the training.
The inner rage, the sense, that they wanted blood... even the foul stinking excrement of those Zealots, as they died. Some of the new bio weapons, had been terrifying, to see in action.
Pustules, scabs, vomiting, retching, crapping themselves the burning flesh and, bulging ‘eyes’, that exploded, delighted those, delivering the toxins, the poisons, the aerosol driven, all in the name of bio diversity.
Some, of their enemy, were begging, to be put out of their hell. They were put into broadcasts, as they coughed and spewed begging and pleadeing to their last breath. Dedicated ‘influencers’ earning more and more followers.
Delivering, what their audiences wanted, including and YES; INCLUDING, some of the Zealots. Being murdered, butchered in a situation like that, was to them, a sign of inferiority, of weakness.
Hence WHY, the Zealots, did NOT go after them. They knew, there would be more to follow, to witness, being slaughtered. Even the Accolyte, would take no action. IT, was being entertained.
Meanwhile the message, was being spread, amongst the rebels and, their cohorts. It was time, to put into action, the final hours, before their liberation.
They had to cause, as much disruption, chaos and destruction, to keep the Zealots occupied, well, the Accolyte pre occupied. Occupied might be a word, worth remembering here.
The first signs, of that taking place? In the mine, Stort was preparing his next victim. A young male placed into makeshift stocks naked and after he had pleasured himself. still naked; he took up the whip.
From the corner of his eye, he could see movement. A flash of light? Across his flesh, the laser whip, lashed to tear his skin open. More lashes along his back, his buttocks, between his legs to tear at his scrotum.
The female, wielding the whip, joined by others as he turned screaming in pain, for the whip to cut off his former pride and possessions. Torn from him as she castrated him.
The realization that the female, using the whip on him, was one, he had tortured, almost scalped her, the one who had escaped; vanished? 
Blood, blood and a never ending, river of blood, at his feet, before he tumbled back, to hit the ground. DEAD?
NO not dead, she would NOT kill him. The raits (rats), would eat him alive.. The whip died back, as she stepped forward, to lean over him and, empty her bowels across him.
One of the females grinned. “Look like you lost your bet Miz, she did what she said she would do.” There was a growl from Miz .. now laughing with the others..
“Jeez Jizz, what the hell have you been eating.” It stank so much, they were glad to leave!
The others, including, two non males, who had used whips on the prisoners, now felt the full on fury of the rebels.
Bodies ripped apart. Some, had managed to escape the mine, heading out at speed into the encampment.
Not stopping for anyone or anything, as they tore on and beyond the warning signs? Necks fizzled, scorched, heads blown off. NOT one of the former abusers was left alive.
For some, who, might have liked the idea, of prolonged torture? Orders were succinct and to the point. DO it, get it DONE and move on! Vehicles were commandeered, for the next and the next mining site.
A pre arranged rendezvous, with others, at a central point. One, that would see, transporters land, to drop emergency much needed medical supplies, food and water. NO ONE, drank from the nearby water. THAT, was contaminated.
Taking a look at the swollen, blown faces, of those, who had not, heeded their orders, NOT, to drink, made sure, those orders from thereon, were obeyed.
Many of the former mine workers; prisoners collapsed, too weak, too disfigured and broken physically AND mentally. Some would never, leave their final, resting place.
In Zone 1 and 2, there was a race going on. Zealots watching the ‘TRacers’ with their usual racing, across the main city routes. Specially prepared for them; roads, maintained as betting racetracks / options for the Zealots.
Hirzen was one of the drivers, by his side., a female, who had a mission to complete? HE had no respite re this. ONE of three drivers, with the same orders, as he tore off in the distance. 
NOT sticking to the chosen route? Suddenly the visuals, were playing up for those watching on.
All 3 of them, in an area, where they had to let out their passengers? Blurred and hardly discernible, the imaging, was now restored, as the drivers, drove off.
Back onto the main route? Gambling Zealots muttering, cursing but none, had seen the females, leaving the vehicles. THEY, were now heading in a triangular area, point to point, to lay certain devices on the ground?
Conical black, non shiny and, non reflective. Metallic yes, an unknown metal, that was making the devices heavy and, not moving from where they had been placed?
Anyone, attempting to move them, or remove them, would be in for a shock, literally ! A nasty, jaw juddering; shockwave. Beyond a tingle to their senses, frying their ‘fingers’.
In their hands, the means to check those things, were placed, where they should be? Checked, double checked, triple checked and, finally, the females left, to join up with each other. ALL of them were armed. A small, but powerful laser weapon.
Elsewhere, various warehouses, energy systems and much needed utilities, were being targeted. NOT destroyed, simply rendered, for the moment, non usable.
NOW, given the area covered by the rebels and the damage, the carnage created in their wake? It was of course sudden, brutal, savage and with NO mercy. The bodies were piling up and it was NOT the rebels.
Over 4 years, the Zealots, had become complacent. Lazy, inefficient; weak. Command structures, had always, been a regular nightmare, doing their own thing, their own way of doing it and so on.
Arguments, internal strife, bullying, intimidation, was not reserved for the locals. Thus this time, even the reactions were tempered with laziness, slovenly and slow responses.
It did not of course, help them, when the Accolyte, kept killing their would be commanders who upset IT or failed IT or ?! Indifference was not a trait, the Matsupa tolerated.
Lower beings, primitives, were just that to them. Accolytes, could do as they pleased, especially without a pure blood being present, for them, to be careful NOT to offend.
Of course, we must not forget, the Accolyte was not worried, about the situation, beyond its palacial ‘palace’? IT, had the Chx device on standby.
The moment, the true nature, of all that was taking place, finally hit home, one might say, had IT, now attempting communication, re those manning that device?
Communication services trashed? For general use, yes BUT, the link, to instruct the use of the weapon, was tamper proof. Even idiot proof. It was time to deploy the device.
IT, would wipe out half the world of its water, its food supplies. Enslave, the bulk of those primitives remaining. Killing, slaughtering, the rebels enmasse who dared, to oppose their God?
It was time to activate the Chx device...