Jess Corbin Cistera OVER 16s Sci Fi










The work was progressing well aboard the space station. Lika was very happy with the progress.
The seizing of that ‘Runt’ traitor was not to be dismissed lightly. Jess Corbin Sci FI

The Matsupa, they now knew, were more than aware of their situation AND, knowing the device was NOT operational?

The frenzy to get, the TriRaptor installation finished, was just a small part, of the ongoing processes involved before it could be used.

Omini. The arrival of a space craft they had hitherto not recognised so were on full alert defence wise praying it was NOT Matsupa.

Isui was a Haphketsut Imppericus from the Orion system.
A specialist in the design of cutting edge technologies including the range finders, targeting system for the TriRaptor?

Lika, had warned them and, made it VERY clear; polarization of the three pulse energy emitters, configured to a central point had to be as good as an immaculate conception.

No progenesis here. The energy source, neutron based star particulates, wrapped in its ‘blanket’ to prevent irradiation across the entire platform housing the TriRaptor.

Fibre optic control systems, linked to an inverter, with variable frequency oscillators, emitting high harmonics, before releasing the excited neutrons to the weapons crystalline substrates.

Fired across IT, the combined polarization of the 3 into 1 released a terrifying level of power.

Qualified, to handle the construction and the installation of all aspects re the device BUT Lika did NOT, have the final activation, programming and deployment skills.

That had to be carried out, by someone, who understood how the TriRaptor functioned, to the level of being a class 1 Scieste or ? Lika had liked the idea, of having someone, who could align the systems, after, they were correctly installed, with, the new ballast system?

Not, liking the idea, of something they spent time on, putting together. A LOT, of time and effort, to install, not being correctly tuned, tweaked for use? Isui, was welcomed with a lot of smiles.

Ejin was an Engineer.True, there were Mobots, that did mechanical and general repairs or installations BUT, this external installation, on the space station, was complex AND, required the presence, of some, who could ensure, all fixtures and fittings externally were correctly aligned; secured. Jess Corbin Sci Fi

It was, or could be, intense work. Employing clones, was one way of avoiding that, as they, did not depend on Oxygen or other gases to survive in space.

Ejin hated them. Many good sciestes had converted to clones, uploading their conscious, into bodies, that were like them, in their YOUTH or totally different AND?  She called some of them ‘Whores’.

Once they acquired their new forms, it ws not unusual for some, to desire to to try out their new found sexual freedoms.

Selling themselves, via broadcast services or used by unscrupulous individuals, to get contracts sighed or, stealing secrets, re industrial and similar espionage?

The exterior west section of the space station had been allocated, to the complete/ final installation. Under the entire space station ran the tubes and structures for the ballast systems.

Hydraulic telescopic arms acted as adjusters giving some fine adjustment to 5 aspects of the TriRaptor weapon.
Three of them were focusing / polarisers and THEY had to be carefully positioned so the ‘CENTRE POINT‘ could be achieved.

Would see the full power, of the weapon deployed, with NO kick back, of any consequence. Some time later, the task had been, with the use of some Mobots; achieved, to her satisfaction. Minor calibration was just that, minor until the rest of the install was complete.

Now the optic cable sensors, connectors, had to be installed, aboard the space station. Others, had to do that, it was NOT her skill set nor did she want to get involved. She, would be resting sipping on some Vilion 4 (wine).

Not, that she, was without company, as Fillian, arrived to join her. She liked him, for his no nonsense masculinity. Well built and the females around him, she had noted liked him; a lot.

“That traitor has been executed. I did it myself.” She smiled. No one of any merit, had anything other than a need, for that tosser to be executed. How much the enemy knew, thanks to him, was debatable but, the conclusion from Fillian was somewhat reassuring.

“Too dumb, to know anything, of any strategoc value BUT, of course, we are on alert, as we have no doubts, that they,
DO know, about the TriRaptor. How long, do you think it will take them to get here?”

The new one, the ‘Omini’  says Lika was right, to demand some urgency on all of us. I had to be careful; NOT, to rush my install, as my adrenalin, was flushing my senses, so I took a mild sedative. That, allowed me, to keep calm AND helped re my breathing.”Jess Corbin Sci Fi

Xii is finishing the optics. Lucky she was aboard the space station before the Matsupa invaded. Her people the Shan are holed up in the mountains.
The Zealots don’t go there, they like to stick to the more populated areas.

Her ‘enthusiasm’ is mostly due to her hatred of them. The males in her family were butchered by the Zealots. Luckily the females and the Ketlevlings were safe.
Rebel forces, are getting quite strong and CAPABLE; according to received transmissions.

We can receive, we just can’t transmit or utilize comcast conversations.
Well to Solus 3, though of course, now thanks to that tosser, deep space coms are also denied?”

“Our ‘Alien’ guests, use their own, communications systems, that are beyond our knowledge. Even Xii had to accept, her abilities were inferior, to their technologies.”

“I am surprised, that you, have not made moves on Xii? “ “Too tech savvy for my liking AND also out of my league. She is from one of the, or was from, one of the richest families.

I’m too military orientated AND already know, once the Mats are out, a lot of work, to restore law and order. I, am not, up for being popular re that. Civil war, WILL happen, especially from those, who supported the enemy.”

The optic systems were almost complete. Xii had been careful  to ensure ALL of the work she was tasked with, was without errors. Five sections to the control injectors and main power systems.

Mobots were OK, for anything, except the finer work. Here, there was a LOT, of fine work!
At least her hands, were nimble, adept and fingers, tying up the loose ends.
Connections and connectors, fitting together, with no compatibility issues.

“Lika took us ALL by surprise. She vanished then reappeared in front of Cib frightening the life out of him.
Able to walk through solid structures ! Apparently it has something to do with particles. dispersed, reassembled.
HER race is one that I think many of use would be afraid of?”

Fillian had to agree. So much had happened with the arrival of Aliens, well to them; ALIENS. The Human(a) were known to them. The abrasive undertones, of some, were to be expected. Fear? Fear of the unknown. Spooked, by the realization, they were NOT, alone in the Qiverse had been suspected for decades BUT?

The arrival, the invasion of the Matsupa and those Zealots, proved that the weaker, would be at the mercy of those wielding the true power? Now aboard the space station it was hard for some to come to terms with the fact, even the Matsupa had enemies. How true, ’the enemy of my enemy is my friend’.Jess Corbin Sci Fi

On the planet below the Zealots had been infuriated by those who performed illegal ‘races’ within their Zones before fleeing back to the protection of Zone 3?

Botniks used for security, were too heavy and too slow to catch them? To the rebels they were known as TRacers.

What they did, the havoc the mayhem;  was not just for the fun of it. They were being trained, for what the Zealots nor the Matsupa Accolyte would ever know, until it was too late.

Meanwhile, they competed against each other, all 30 of them, ten at a time across the various places in 
Zone 1 and 2;  to see who, was the most daring, the most outrageous AND would be nominated into 1st, 2nd or 3rd for the main event?

NOT one of the vehicles had been caught? It was crazy but true. The bots were incapable not only of catching them but those supposedly controlling them had been too preoccupied to know their programming had been hacked.

That would prove fatal for the Zealots but that is then and this is NOW.. Shisuni had been meeting with some of the rebels, giving them new orders.

THEY were to step back, do nothing.. Well for now. They needed the Zealots and that Accolyte to believe they had won. Total domination and subjugation re the control over these primitives.
Nothing was to focus the attention on what was happening above them at the space station.

Almost completed. the TriRaptor needed only to know the whereabouts of that Chx device. Those in charge of that, would soon be doing their testing, emitting the signal, giving their position away? The scanners, had been activated and, monitored almost all, of the planet below, thanks to some additional satellites.

Transparent orbs, invisible from below, the eyes and ears in the heavens provided by the Omini. Isui had done her recalibration and the released satellites her final requirement to ensure when the time was right that Chx device was toast.

SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)





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