The Zealots, were restng after another orgy, of taking, killing, sacrificing to their Gods. The Accolyte too, had enjoyed the festivities. New blood and sucked back, satisfying her former craving, for new born blood.
The ones who should have been looking after the Chx device were seriously drunk.Staggering around to fall and not get up. TOO enebriated to manage anything other than mumble amongst themselves?
OR throwing up, copious amounts, of stinking vomit. Spaced out was an understatement. Seeing things; delusions of illusions?
Like some LSD trip, with all of the multi coloured Kaleidescope fragments, rolling around in front of them?
We have to remember that these Zealot alien beings were new to Solus 3 (Earth) and after some time, it had been over 4 years; they were used to partaking of some drugs, some chemical relief.
Jjiwa, was from, the Shocara home worlds. HE, had hitched a ride, with the Zealots BUT, he and his girl Kiwi, were NOT Zealots, in the true sense of who that evil represented.
They were runaway lovers. elopng one might say, to escape their parentia, who would see him dead, IF they had remained?
Hiding out, they had managed to con, those around them, of their loyalty, their allegiance, to the Gods.. (whoever they might be, was questionable) but go along with the mob and then sit back.
CoJoined, it seemed that some of th Zealots, were happy to accept them, as that and, did not, pressure them, into joining them in their outrages.
Eventually hiding out in Zone 3 and that had been surprisingly easy, though they had to take note of the locals and, declare they were Human(a).
Kiwi was not good at language skills, so Ijiwa, had her playing dumb; unable to speak, so conversation was not forthcoming. Accepted by those around them. They were, getting to be, a well liked couple.
The activities of some of the, well we could say almost ALL, of the Zealot mobs,.had left them with a growing hatred of all they represented.
Meeting Shusuni AND Emersu had persuaded them to help them. Stealing a horde of weapons from a trashed store, where, the place had been trashed.
The Zealots, had no interest in antique, well to them, weapons such as those, they now placed in front of Shisuni and Emersu, included ammunition and, other necessities, to maintain the weapons.. 
Automatic weapons, were in demand by the rebels. True the more advanced weapons, of the Zealots, could be coveted by them BUT.
Actually getting hold of them, not forgetting the weapon might need a bio signature, to operate them?
The older weapons, were still efficient killers. Even a single shot, from one them, could strike home, savage, brutal and often silent, where the snipers were concerned.
Snipers, were some of the most prized, amongst the rebels. Hidden, silent merciless killers. Tucked in, amongst the rubble, the destruction left behind by the Zealot mobs.
Their victims, never knew, WHO had killed them, NOR where their killers were hidden.
IF a MOBOT was present that could respond by targeting the area it believed the killer had been hiding.
Infra red and other means of identifying the body heat or even the residue heat signature left by the weapon used? Some older electronic sighting scopes used energy that could produce heat.
Even the non active ‘battery’ pack, could generate heat. Lightweight incorporated into their clothing especially jackets the packs could be moved around with a modicum of ease.
Sudden ignition, flames, burning and exploding could also be problematic. HOT temperate weather, meant the odds, were NOT in the favour, of those wearing those packs.
Accuracy was key to the Sniper. One shot, one chance and, it had to be accurate. On point and, doing what they, had sought; to KILL. NOT to maim but to KILL.
Nisle and Kroi, were from what we would know, or have known as Norway. Amongst the Fjords, living a peaceful life, BEFORE the Matsupa Zealots arrived.
Luckily for them, there was, a sizeable number, of those Zealots who, would NOT, venture into their area. Too cold for some, too temperate and the ‘Nothern lights’ interfered, with SOME of their biological processes.
The northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis. Heavy MAGNETIC ‘storms’ could occur.
Crazy they might have been, no disputing that BUT, put them into the close proximity, of those magnetic storms and they, would be liken to watching some on LSD tripping out.
Magnetic resonance, also interfered with their technologies. Some systems appeared to use SOUND for the weapon to be activated. Frequencies above normal Human(a) hearing. 
Cognitive disonance was also problematic. They became confused, could lose mobility AND motivity.
Stumble, fall. Alone they were or could be targeted by locals. Beaten and, an intention to KILL, was always present.
Care had to be taken, as the Zealots, would send in groups of their own, to seek retribution. Which brings us, to another perspective on them.
Zealots seldom ever, would KNOW if one of their own was absent. NO roll calls, no records kept, of who they were, were from and more.
Ending up dead, was treated as a sign of weakness. NOT fit, to serve their Gods. Most violence against the locals was NOT premeditated.
It was, spontaneous and, killing, maiming, smashing of their bones, ripping out their hearts was ritual in nature. Concentrated areas for the Zealots to enjoy themselves.
The Accolyte like some of ITs minions, cannibals, those aliens loved eating flesh. Younger the better and, highly sought after.
We have to remember, that RESOURCES, were always sought after and, a number one priority, for the Matsupa Accolyte. Their Zealots ordered to ensure supplies of; Gold, silver, uranium, nitrogen and and ..
Kroi worked at a secured mining facility. Tunnels, old ones tailed off into the mountains. Unguarded and ONLY the ‘whips’, the ones, who controlled their slaves stayed in the main shafts, the isolated ones; NEVER.
Too much risk from being attacked. Using pieces of metal or wood structural timbers, uprights to beat them down. Crystal shards could slice them open, stab them.
Slicing into those ‘aliens’. could produce some disgusting goo as so called or what we might know as’Blood’. OR the stench ! Stinking to the point of making some violently sick.
Also some parasitic organisms? Fleas like rats leaving a sinking ship? Worms and similar could attack by touch, drinking or ingestion in other ways.
Some were essential, to the alien being. Remove it and the Alien ‘host’ could end up in agony
OR dying; DEAD.
Also some of those parasitic organisms were to them like some sniffng drugs.
YES, the Zealots, indulged in drugs. Inhaling them, sniffing them, licking them. IN their ‘mouths, orifices, breathing, swallowing sometimes with others other times alone.
The ‘alien’ loners, were easy targets. Hooked on and, addicted to, specially formulated drugs, liquids, solids. Seeking to have them filled with paranoia; FEAR. Not the Human(a) but the Zealots who had started to feel that.
Why those drunken sots, who had been in charge of the Chx device were fooling around. Triggering the test modules on it? Lit up, pulsing away as the various sections tracked for, tested for any errors. One flashed up to replace a small, but significant optical interlink.
Aboard the ‘Musk Rat space station ? Isui was woken to be told the device had been detected? She smiled as she joined others and headed to the TriRaptor controller.
TIME was finally UP for this Accolyte and, her Zealots.