Of course the whole area, had to be sealed off from ANY outsiders. The new tech equipment, scanners, detectors and more gave a sizeable area monitored by them. Well the ones chosen to do just that AND nothing else. They kept an eye so to speak on ANY movement within the zone.
Shift changes were frequent. They did NO want them losing concentration, getting bored AND failing to observe potential threats. Scats were a nuisance. Large mountain cats as we would know them and they were NOT the least bit afraid of attacking would be prey, ripping it apart.
Drones could NOT be deployed. Being detected by the Matsupa, was too great a risk to take. HOWEVER Nadia had an idea that sounded VERY promising. Well hmm SOUNDED. In practice not so much.
The Elonia Satellite or Muskrat as it was nicknamed, orbiting Solus 3 remained intact. ITs defence systems ,were VERY advanced. A lot and I mean a LOT of money had been spent on it, by private investment. Its shielding, was too much hassle for the Matsupa to desire to take on.
Less than a hundred aboard it? NO, they left it alone. Surviving there would be long term problematic for the crews. Some had switched to becoming ‘Clones’. Almost the same as Shi and the rest of them were BUT they were far more enhanced one might say in so many ways as to have the so called ‘clones’ appearing rather primitive.
Still it did, allow the ‘clones’ to inhabit the space station, with little or no issues. BUT we digress.
HOW to get to it? “Why don’t you ask your sentients for the answers?” Nadia was grinning, unusual for her as she seldom did?
It annoyed Shi that the answer could be that simple but in fairness it was something that had not crossed her mind.
“Why, don’t we, take one of the shuttle craft?” Shuttle craft? What the was that? IN one of the huge and, I mean, HUGE crates?
They needed the services of a Mecha, to open it and, take it apart, to reveal its contents. As the hatch opened and they stepped inside, the interior illuminated and that was when they gasped.
It was inter dimensionally perfect. Solid yet ethereal in its contol systems. You moved your hands, your fingers intimated what control you wanted and it was there,. Sound, lighting, heat, navigational sensors and maps, MAPS beyond their comprehension and all to do with the ? QIVERSE?
ALL the preconceptions, suspicions, had been in one instant, shoved in front of them. Races, Aliens forever and ever, endless, never ending, or so it seemed to the QIVERSE.
The Human(a) a speck, a spot of nothingness, against the vastness of the QIVERSE.
The Matsupa were here, there, everywhere. YET some, had been annihilated, wiped from existence, freeing the planets, they had once reigned hell upon.
SO in a way a revelation. They were NOT invincible, unbeatable. NOW why do we need the satellite? Space station, ah yes as she is reminded by Tess her sentient. SATELLITE uh NO! SPACE STATION.
IT ovelooks Solus 3, in ORBIT, which means it passes over all, of the main continents, allowing us to spy on them. HERE, we have new equipment, that must, be fitted to it, allowing us close imaging of anywhere on the planet.
WE need, MUST discover where they have put the Chx device. IT, has not been activated BUT, we must destroy it. The moment, they detect possible resistance, they will activate it!
The Chx device, will seal off the planet. nothing in, nothing out. IT is an automatic death sentence, to any planet, the moment it gets activated. The Matsupa, clearly do not, consider this planet, that much of risk to leave it unactivated. 
THAT is a stupidity we shall exploit. WHAT we have been training some of your special forces to take on Shi.
I believe her name is ‘Zepster’ but known as ‘Zippy’ ? Apparently she is an excellent shot. Amber shifted in front of them.
“Zips saved my life once. We were together in an underground access area. Back in the time we could go into the city even if back then it was a shite hole.
She, was in front of me and, then, turned her weapon towards me to fire. Took me by surprise and shock! Till I heard a thud and two yahos hit the deck.
“Gotta stay focued Ams ! Behind you is always vulnerable, would hate to lose you gorgeous. Who would keep my vib charged up for me.” “Vib charged?” Amber shook her head. “REALLY? We, are going to ask about that NOW?”
HOW do we detect the Chx device? Their controllers, will never leave the device without regular testing being carried out to make sure that in the event of it being brought into service, IT WILL work.
A failure is NOT an option. Their Matsupa Accolyte will skin them alive, SLOWLY. When they were put in charge of the device IT would have taken one of them and skinned them alive as a reminder NOT to fail IT.
Activate a test pulse, powering the device in standby mode, for a short burst. That short burst, will run diagnostics and whilst that is happening that pulse will be picked up by our sensors. When they do?
It, will give away the exact location. The special forces unit, must move in and distract the operatives, leading them away from the weapon. Why we have females!
Those Zealot operatives, the moment they, see a random bunch of female primitives? Will be after them, abandoning their weapon, believing it has little relevance to the females.
Females, stupid Solus 3 primitives and now handed to them?
From the satellite, uh SPACE STATION, we will fire our special weapon at it. that, will destroy it, in entirety.
I am not, relying on those aboard, the space station, nor any of you. WE need an expert who has used the ‘TriRaptor’ before AND who can make sure its installation is correct BEFORE we use it.
WE CANNOT use it until we KNOW it is in full working order. 2. The target is clearly visible to us AND IS the target not guesswork, nor suspicion they have the Chx device. The TriRaptor cannot penetrate the shields activated by the Chx device.
We will have ONE chance only. The moment the TriRaptor, is fired. the Matsupa below, will instantly KNOW, we have, a VERY VERY VERY, powerful weapon. With, the Chx device destroyed AND, them knowing, we have such a weapon it will guarantee the Matsupa Accolyte will flee.
IF they have a Portai Semperu they will use that. OUR mission is NOT, nor can we, destroy that. BUT we can make it almost if not IMPOSSIBLE to get to. Delay will mean the Elite forces can take that seize that Accolyte, WE want her alive, that is probably the only way we can get the Zealot forces to capitulate AND abandon Solus 3 (Earth),
WE will let them leave. WE DO NOT, want them to remain. There, are too many of them. THEY will be able, to use the Portai Semperu. ONCE they have left we will bury that in Celaramite. Harder than your Platinum. We only need to bury half of it to make the Portai useless.
Time to load up the transporter. The short trip at night with no lights around it will not be seen leaving the surface. A thick cloud gives us, some much needed cover. “Will the Matsupa Zealots, NOT detect us at all? “If and I say IF, they are not at some f fest the odds are they might but the craft is LEAVING?”
Amber leaned in, as they settle into the space craft comfort zone. “Food festival?” Shi looked at her, smiled, “Oh yes Ams, a food fest.” Emeru moved close to her to whisper at her. “I am glad that Ams will believe almost anything.” She started to laugh. Amber shifted to glare at them both.
Definitely NOT amused. Scrunching her lips. “You mean a ..! “ They stared at her. “My sentient ‘Riff’ , was not amused that you were laughing, AT me. He tells me, when others are being less than honest with me. Stop it !” Shi stood and cuddled her. “Sorry Ams. We thought it a little crude, why we sort of changed the inference.”
“Well Riff says you are forgiven, BUT don’t make a habit of modifying the truth or I won’t believe anything you say! “ Nadia was watching nodding her head. Those Sentients did not really have a sense as we would know it, well some of us, re; humour.
Into the stratoshere, not long before they were into space. The ‘space station’ clearly visible’ . “Do they know we are coming? Will they fire on us? “ Amber was getting nervous. She, had NEVER been in space before, there was a sensation of some nausea?
Riff, was telling her, to ask Nadia for some xjxi. A herb compound in liquid form and, this vessel would have it included in its manifest prior to delivery? Amber looked at Nadia. “xiji? “ One of the ‘mediscents’ appeared. to jab at her, a slight piercing of her skin as Amber yelped.
“What the.” She went to swipe at it before it vanished. The others, were also taken by surprise. “Its a mediscent A robotic sentient being, a machine, that had an extensive medical database. IT will respond if you call it OR, in an emergency. detect your life signs have been impaired and treat you with the antidote etc. “
1. The space station is always in defensive mode. IF we fire on them they will fire on us. 2. Firing on them will achieve nothing. Those shields are VERY effective.
Out of the dark side of the moon. there appeared a craft moving at high speed towards them. “ Seems we have a welcoming party. Arm weapons arrays. DO NOT fire. Only a fool would fire on us. “ It whatever it was lit up. Lights across it in a continuous rotation speeding up as it slowed down.
“Zeloi?. A little far from home for them.”