Imaging copyrights and more general info:
I have made it clear when it comes to IMAGING on my webs that I WILL give due credit to the creators. HENCE.
Some of the more ‘racier’ imaging is from
Naughty Neurals. OVER 18s ADULT content imaging.
YOU have been duly advised..
I have left the link so you have to ENTER the web address yourselves. BY doing SO, you accept, that you, are fully aware of SOME of the CONTENT being
I am NOT going to nanny state viewers re this. The imaging, used on my webs IS CENSORED content. NOT the full explicit imaging OPTIONS available.
BUT as always
Products, links to other organisations, other websites are provided for information purposes only and do not infer, intimate any association with the manufacturers, the agents, the providers of those products and or services. if visitors to any of Jess Corbin’s websites, pages, works click on links, product placements and or similar they do so at their own risk, we do NOT accept responsibility for using the links and or buying products et.