Jess Corbin Cistera OVER 16s Sci Fi










Jess Corbin Cistera 2 Sci FiThe MATSUPA  IMPERICUS

Pu Appa is a pure bred Matsupa
That means she rules over the Matsupa ‘Accolytes.

She ‘IT’ is total evil incarnate.

Has some of the powers of the Omini Impericus AND WILL
KILL without mercy -THAT INCLUDES other Matsupa ACCOLYTES
who IT deems failed them,

IS, a  natural born serial killer.

Psychotic Isabellani??   Multiply all that by X10  Total domination of the
Qiverse is ALL they care about,

They do NOT wear undergarments. They are  NAKED, sexually they love sex, in all forms, WILL indulge in fornication in front of corpses of their sacrifices covered in blood faeces, depraved and to some they deliver every mates would be perfection.

Think BLACK WIDOW cos you will not live long enough AFTER a close encounter with IT..


The MATSUPA  JinJess Corbin Cistera 2 Sci Fi

SaJwa is a pure bred Matsupa 
That means IT  rules over the Matsupa ‘Accolytes. No one should make the mistake of coming face to face with IT.

IT IS, total evil incarnate.

Has some of the powers of the ancients, of the Omini Impericus AND strange POWERS unique to the Jin.

IT IS a twisted venomous and sadistic KILLER.



Psychotic Isabellani?? Multiply all that by X10

Total domination of ALL lifeforms, subjugation of the
Qiverse is ALL they care about,

They, will sexually mate, with ANY of the pure bred Matsupa, BUT NEVER EVER, those who are Accolytes etc


Aliied with a Matsupa Impeicus they are destroyers of whole worlds. Almost unstoppable evil and with their ZEALOT armies NOT forgetting the Chx device?


Combined they can KILL an OMINI BUT NOT an OMINI Impericus.
They, can summon a ‘CREATOR, who WILL, note the WILL, end the existence, of ANY note ANY, Matsupa especially a Pure blood OR Jin.  OMINI are feared by the Matsupa and seldom will be attacked.

Their destruction is a slow painful death as their ‘bodies’ are torn apart, burnt up in the fires of creation.
A raging fireball. Any of their ZEALOTS and others working with them will be consumed.

The GODs of creation leave NOTHING behind of them, their existence, their past, present and future wiped as though they had never existed.

SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)





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NO ONE writes like Jess Corbin.

Sci Fi - Drama- Romance


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