Jess Corbin Cistera OVER 16s Sci Fi










The underground tunnels that had originally been mining areas were ideal for establishing a new transport hub. They, could do training, in places the Matsupa and Zealots did not know about, care about or interfere with the continued progress being steadily achieved?

The urgency to find the Chx device took priority. Snetnels or sentinel robots as we would know them, were bots that had been modified by the Zealots, to spy, observe and track where deemed appropriate.

Facial, body mass and more, were common place in almost all of Zones 1 nd 2.  Zone 3 was independent and the surveillance had been removed. Well, initially tampered with, blocked.

Drug running, slave trading and more illegal activities, meant that being watched was NOT acceptable by the criminals.
Thus a large number of those devices had been removed or trashed to the point they did nothing.

The numbers of those migrating into Zone 3 had increased to such a level the Zealots had set up traps to seize those attempting entry, robbing them, killing them or enslaving them to work in the mines by those within Zone 3 paying for their new slaves.

Slaves had NO rights. They were the property of whoever bought them. They could never become free citizens. Until they died or were sold to someone else, they were slaves. Owners could do anything with them. ANYTHING. Whips, chains, whoring and or beatings were not uncommon.

Organ removals, transplants, experimentation produced some terrifying mutations. Fattened up and then fed to some of the Cannib or cannibal Aliens gave some Human(a) a lot of pleasure seeing them ripped apart; eaten alive. Jess Corbin Sci Fi

Old transport craft, shipping, general motility especially electrically powered battery systems, buildings and structures, could be recycled for parts.

Parts the resistance were using to set up  monitoring of their own. That allowed them to secrete themselves into Zones 1 and 2 with some gratuitous violence against the Zealots OR valuable resources seized, destroyed.

The ‘countryside’ was not favored by the Aliens. Well the bulk of them. Zealots who were stupid enough to believe otherwise, re their safety in such areas could face packs of over 20 at a time WOLVES.

True some Alien species could kill such with ease BUT maybe a maximum of two or three at any one time? A full pack of over 20 and sometimes up to 50 of them? NO.

Genetically enhanced by the resistance Sciestes to be vicious AND attracted to the Aliens. They ignored the local inhabitants the Human(a).
The reebels could send them into city or residential zones to attack the Zealots. A sudden attack like that was terrifying to them and often ended up with hundreds of them; dead.

Robotic enforcers, used by the Zealots, were, or could be, used agaisnt such an adversary BUT, once the creatures had realized their attack was failing, they would keep it occupied, just out of its weapons range, whilst others retreat at speed Into buildings, structures to kill.

Clothing, footwear and other essentials were often items from various raids Trading them, selling them was not illegal. As for ?

Weapons ? Forbidden, on pain of execution if caught with them. That included knives and blades. Of course iron bars and other items that could be adapted for use as weapons remained for use by the rebels. HOWEVER Zealots were not without their weapons. Some high tech very powerful ones that could kill instantly any would be attacker wielding a metal bar et!

Resistance used liquids and, other chemicals to cause damage, serious corrosion and erosion that damaged the Zealots prized possessions or even them as beings.

Some chemicals et could, be deadly, to certain aliens, simply by them breathing them in, or touching them. Smearing, of certain items, that were grabbed or needed by them to hold onto, became regular targets.

Often the Matsupa Accolyte could force the Zealots to retaliate. Hundreds massacred, butchered, fed upon or burned alive. Fire or plasma based instant cremation was not uncommon.

Of course, they forced crowds, to witness executions, sacrificing and feeding on them. Rituals wihere virgins were seized, bones smashed, hearts ripped out. The younger the better.

Forcing the primitives to engage in lewd obscene and debased acts encouraging pregnancies to occur. Farming them, for their offspring, to sacrifice or, for eating the new succulent newborns.

Experiments included, cross breeding of species. Into the womb of the Human(a) females. Beasts they would from their own worlds, have eaten the Human(a) womb used to breed the often mutated, deformed spewed or aborted fetuses of such creatures?

Solus 3 (Earth) was a cesspit of stinking rotting flesh from those who committed suicide. Die rather than continue to EXIST, note EXIST. Living ? There was for the bulk of the Human(a) a day to day, hour to hour hell;  of despair and FEAR. Kept weak, underfed and unable to fight back?

The Matsupa Accolyte, with its Zealot hordes, knew NOTHING, could challenge ITs power, well other than a Matsupa pure blood. It got enraged at the attacks from the rebels; the insidious, almost invisible scum.

NO matter how much technology, they used, to try and stop the rebel scum, the threat, the attacks continued. Random, deadly, effective. Zealot commanders had become nervous, fearful of failing their God as failure for them meant being torn apart.

At no time and this, is important to remember, did the Accolyte feel the need, to activate the Chx device.
That device was an external security device NOT an internal one. The threats remained internal.

It had other races, trading with them, from other places within the Qiverse. Having an active Chx device, was a nuisance, as protocols had to be followed and some races, would NOT trade with them, if the Chx device was enabled.

The Matsupa, were not adverse, to cheating traders, by allowing them to use Zimps or small transport craft to unload their cargoes on the planet below and then, destroying their main craft with the Chx device.

Eating or sacrificing their emissaries or those doing the deliveries, including skinning them alive, was also not unheard of. Lying cheating, deceit, was all too familiar a trait, that a lot of other races, had come to recognise, as being their ‘hallmark’.

Other Matsupa Accolytes, not so much the pure blood ancients, ALWAYS were wary of any stronghold that had activated their Chx device. Suspicion, doubt, treachery amongst the Accolytes was NOT uncommon.

Killing another and seizing their possessions, their power, was deemed to be more than acceptable. ONLY another Accolyte could kill an Accolyte though of course a pure blood ancient could NOT be killed by them BUT could easily wipe them from existence.

We should NOT forget, their most feared enemies. The Haphketsut Omini, the most feared, being
the Imppericus immortai. Could wipe them, from existence with one wave of their ‘hands’.
The Gods of creation ? None of them had ever lived, breathed or existed, re ever meeting one of them.

One of the reasons an Accolyte, always stayed close to their ‘Portai Semperu’ Usually a statue of themselves that formed a portal, a gateway to another and that could cover vast distances.

IF another more powerful Accolyte invaded they could still flee through that. Weakness was deemed just that by the Matsupa Gods, the pure blood ancients. Killing amongst the Accolytes was encouraged.

SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)





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