Landing in a field,. Nie had little time to seek her target. A Matsupa scout who had entered the military bases to plant a neutron device. 
Her craft had deployed two Monicons (Military spheres) to protect the craft and report back to her any relevant information in her search for the Mats as she called them.
An Omiini Haphketsut Imperricus, Nie had been sent to intercept, destroy the device planted to destroy the facility but kill thousands for ‘miles’ around the base.
The Matsupa had a hatred of the Human(a). Their attacks, were not regular, due to the distance across the Qiverse where they built the devices to deploy them and Solus 3 (Earth) was just one of their targets.
Yes the Matsupa, had their Zealots. Religious mob fanatics, who would kill without mercy, preaching as they smashed the bones of their victims, ripped their hearts out?
This so called ‘God’ was called Adoi, a pure blood being and an ‘Ancient’ who could take a mere mortal primitive Human(a), smash their bones AND rip their hearts out, to drink their blood.
Targeting the military base, from the air, would be an easy target, to do a lot of damage to these ‘primitives’ BUT, the Netron device would rip a hole in the planet so vast it would murder millions.
No mercy, the Matsupa ‘Gods’ feel nothing, well bar the flush of, the sensation of feeling the life forces from her victims cast to the wind, dust to dust, no dust.
The guards, were taken by surprise, as the female in form, approached them. Their bodies lifted, their bones crushed mid air before thrown down in front of IT.
Rippling their hearts out, thrown down to be trampled on. The entrance to the base central weapons area. The small sphere was placed into a tunnel section. A tight tubular venting system.
The tube system would amplify the explosive effects from the Netron device imploding to cause a chain reaction as two parts of it now bonded. 
The detonation, was timed, by simply squeezing the device twice liken to moulding putty?
Squeeze, squeeze and watch the colour change. The darker the colour, the less time before it imploded.
This was light. IT needed time to leave, to escape. The presence of so many of these primitives who unknown to IT were involved in a military training?
Scurrying around like the primitives they were. Puny, weak, heretics of the true Gods the Matsupa. She shifted to see two of them in front of her.
More pleasure, in smashing their bones, her power surging across them, illuminating them, as they felt the smashing of, the grinding of their bones.
The tear in the chest, the clothing, the uniforms torn off them as they felt her fingers cutting them open, ripping their hearts out. The female could see, the face of the Matsupa as she stared at her, the terror in her eyes.
Her heart ripped out, as the ‘God’ kept her alive. She could see, could feel, could not move but ? IT, raised her heart, to suck at it, drinking back the blood. Virgin blood, pure; delicious.
Running across ITs lips. sucked back for a tongue to appear licking a the outside of ITs lips. “I will grant for YOU to be, a virgin sacrifice. YOU are pure, innocent, pulsing with dark delicious life force. I accept YOU as a gift to your God. in return I will gift you a present.
The female, felt a glow around her neck, a solid gold necklace, beautifully engraved with an Emerald in the centre of it now in place. Then she fell. dropped to the ground; dead.
The ‘God’ wiped her lips. “I feel invigorated. Such rich and delicious refreshment. NOW it is time I left.
The shift to ITs craft complete the triangular shape rose into the air to vanish at speed into the atmosphere.
Nie, had wanted to intercept, but time was a major factor, in getting to the device.
Her ‘Monicons’ had detected. the incoming craft, from these ‘primitives.’ The Human(a) craft, saw them and went off in pursuit of them ? 
Tricked into the chase deliberately taking them away from the main craft parked on the frozen ground below.
The chase, had the mysterious ‘orbs’ daring at speeds beyond any known on Solus 3 (Earth).
Below them, the military installations; the presence of Nie entering the main complex.
None to block her or stop her. The bodies and the torn hearts around them. She tried NOT, to step on them. The female had a strange look on her face., a warm peaceful, expression?
Around her neck, that gold with attached Emerald. She knew what it was. Taken from another that had been murdered.
The urge, to remove it, was interrupted by the realization she was needing to get to the ‘device’ and disable it.
Closer, to where she could sense it, she moved cautiously. It was NO surprise that there could be a trap, that would instantly trigger, the Netron device.
The orb surrounded it. Forming a dome, that acted as a shield, one of immense power. It, now lifted the device to raise it, floating towards the open doorway.
IN the skies above them, Human(a) were still pursuing the ‘Monicons’ whilst that orb in bright red and green pulsing colours rose into the air, a slight pause and it rose at speed into the atmosphere.
An explosion, liken to fireworks in the heavens. The northern lights flickered, the magnetic fluxing within them, flashing brighter and brighter until, the intensity died back.
Nie, had moved into the chamber beyond. The weapons these primitives had, needed an Haphketsut to watch, observe.
The emerald glowed. The female was being resurrected? A time shift, a sentient being, inhabiting that body, that primitive form, of the female.
“You are indeed a beautiful female. YOU will go forth and become a Haphketsut Omini. Keeping an eye on those around you.
Sharing powers to call on us, if, they are ever stupid enough, to force extinction upon themselves. You are the messenger of the Gods of Creation, 
Beyond all, above all, beneath all, seeing, hearing and knowing all cursed by the knowledge they cannot die, they live for eternity, within eternity.
YOU cannot die, ONLY a God of creation can end your existence. Even I cannot end your life.” The female felt the Emerald glow. “Now you, are one of us.”
Across her forehead the gem implanted now took form sinking back into the skin to sink below it. It was not visible to any looking on, except those, gifted with the powers of the ‘Gods’,
The true Gods of creation; the Ancient ones.
YOU are Bethabi. An Omini, In Beth’s ‘minds eye’ she was feeling the power of knowledge flooding her senses. All knowing, all seeing and flushed, with the power, on an unbelievable level.
Nie left to return to her craft. The ‘Monicons’, had fallen, to sink into it, to be absorbed within it, as now it, took off, rose into the heavens and vanished.
Beth, had stepped outside, to be surrounded by others, who were noticing the blood on her clothing? Inside they came across the bodies.
Major Tom Grey, had the area sealed off. He had leaned in for Beth to place her hand on his shoulder and whisper to him. Leaning back he nodded.
She was right, this was a moment in time he had to ensure what they had found, would never be revealed. Grey had not been affected by what he had seen.
His Corporal Jones had. Throwing up, copious amounts, of vomit, on the path ahead of him. The clearing, of the bodies, to the local crematorium, meant NO trace left, of the ones, who had ‘mysteriously disappeared’ ! Alien abduction?
Beth ended up, being mysteriously promoted. Her meeting two Generals and a prominent Billionaire? All of them were ‘Omini’. The resources they owned, went beyond the powers of these ‘ primitives’. Monitoring, control directly or indirectly.
Nie had smiled. The Matsupa would soon discover the weapon had not triggered. There had been no destruction, no chaos, no millions dying. IT did not stay within this part of the Qiverse. IT knew IF the reason her plan had failed was because of an Omini? IT was leaving towards the Orion galaxies. Out of sight, out of mind?