Fre shook his head. “THIS is all you can think about. “He pulled away from them, to move to Anora, still sobbing as he held his sister. “We don’t know for certain that Ma ma is dead. Only.“ He looked at the others. “That the flagship Inferno was destroyed by alien forces. UNKNOWN alien forces,“ Fre probably had no inkling of how right he might actually be. Yet he had surmised right. There had been NO evidence of Empress Isabellani’s body being found. La Toyah was talking to Corky, “You OK with this? “ He nodded. “Seen enough death and destruction over the years to last me this lifetime.“ “Apparently there are some who are determined to remain loyal to Anora. Commander Jecra of the 1st battalion has taken a force of over 250,000 and garrisoned them on one of the outposts.” “A substantial force.“ “Jecra is an outstanding tactician. Wouldn’t want to be Besise, should civil war take its course. Jecra is NOT the kind of enemy anyone with half a brain, would want to be up against.” “He treats his troops with a lot of unusual respect for a Jogarth commander. He treats his enemies with out the least semblance of mercy.” Corky had been just 13 when he had seen his father butchered by alien forces, it was twenty years later when he ran across that race again, still as barbaric, still as cruel, he had won a galactic token of merit for his valor in destroying their flagship, it had nothing to do with valor. Pure rage, anger, a thirst that needed to be quenched, for revenge. Yet the Jogarth battleship that had rallied with his forces, had been commanded by, Jecra, who had left as soon as he had arrived after the enemy had been ‘dusted’. Smashed into tiny fragments by his ships weapons. He had watched, breathed it, lived it to the final moment, the screams dying away, and had not regretted it? Simply accepted they had earned their death. Yet it still burned inside, the memory of knowing there had been families on that ship, Kets as well as adults dispatched into the darkness of space. It might have been sweet at the time, but over the years, he had grown to realise, as he often commented. Revenge, how much you may want it, pray for it in the end? Leaves a lingering, bitter after taste. “Your mother is NOT the IMPERIAL Empress.“ Van Ea and Illia still arguing? They saw Corky and Serenia enter. Silent contempt. Oh yes, there was an icy coldness. Soon, they would be joined by the rest of the Jogarth Kets. 'Now why, do I sense.' thought Corky. There’s going to be more trouble. Illia? There was an air of defiance on his part. They sat saying nothing, as Corky ordered refreshments then looked at them “The latest news from my contacts, is not good, the Inferno was definitely destroyed. Rammed by one of the alien craft to ensure its complete destruction.” He paused to sip at his drink. Serenia put hers down, looked at them. ”As you all know, taking out a flagship, usually signals the end of a battle. Withdrawal of your forces or surrender.” Corky looked at Serenia as she now moved closer to the Kets. “I gather that withdrawal or surrender.“ Serenia had wondered whether to say that, it just wasn’t a Jogarth option. NOT an option at all. Corky had known only once when the Jogarth had surrendered. Made by Jogarth ground forces invading the planet of Ogriath in the 7th Quadrant. The aliens there, didn’t kill prisoners or subject them to slavery. They released them, usually after twenty or so days, from the time of their capture. However they did execute those that they captured, who were deemed to be Imperials, Kings and similar leaders. Thus, if Isabellani had been captured, she would surely, have been executed. Still that was hardly likely, Isabellani was not one to leave her flagship and lead ground forces. Van Ea looked at Fre “If it was Ogriath, we should have a reasonable number of released troopers.” He shook his head ignoring her. “Ignore her, carry on.” “Apparently it was an invasion force for Ogriath and ground troops had landed to be captured. Thus it IS likely they may be released. Usually its a Galaceon transport, deemed a neutral vessel, that collects them. I’m waiting to hear from my friend the Comtesse as to when this is likely.“ Van Ea interrupted. “I wish to be there, to meet my mother’s troopers.” There followed another argument! Corky interrupted them, this time quite brusquely! “I have to tell you, NONE of you will be leaving! ON Princess Besise’s orders UNTIL such time as the Jogarth Empire is stabilized, you are to remain at the Akademy. She is also concerned, that you may be targets for assassins, so we cannot, disobey her.” Serenia glanced at Corky, grinned. There was far more chance one of them would attempt a coup against their fellow Kets. No need for any assassin! Becci had told Serenia about Fre and the incident with the lance. She did not need to convince Serenia of Fre’s intentions or his hostility towards Anora. Van Ea stood up glared at Illia and Coleja in particular. “No way, is she being crowned Imperiatta Elite. Over my dead body!” She almost screamed it. Fre stood up, grabbed her. As she went to push him away, he pulls her in close to him, whispers to her. Appearing to console her? “Look what would Mama have done? Even if, Princess Besise seizes the Imperial crown, that doesn’t mean later, we don’t take it back, her head with it!” He turned to look at Anora. “Anora is the legal heir and I don’t want to hear anything different, until we leave the Akademy. Then and only then, will this be up for discussion.” He paused, turned his head back to face Van Ea. “We will enjoy taking her head!” She looked at him, delighted at what she had heard! She hugged him to whisper back. “Only if I, personally get to slice it off her slowly with a sabre lance.” They sat down Peace? .“We accept what you are saying.“ Not that Corky or Serenia believed that was the case, but for now there were no more arguments that day, between them. Illia? His thoughts were not on what had transpired. He had been complaining of really bad stomach cramps! If he had been cursing on his overall condition. About to call a medisent, when it changed, he and the other Jogarth Kets, came face to face, with the Vendaran Ket; Mawaena.