Torvan was in hiding. Well almost. Being a highly popular male and much in demand as one might say by the Ket(lets - females) made worse as they vied for who he was going to be taking as his partner to the concert?
Ocasa was resting, along with Anaset, who had been busy, helping with some of the concert venue arrangements. They had met up and, she had sipped her Frubu wash, before falling asleep.
Dropped onto the recline and, out like a light. He was too tired to disturb her, no energy here for any of that. NOT that this would be the first time she had slept next to him.
His little sister Ameryst, had absolutely no qualms at all in slipping under the covers with him and falling asleep. NOT so much and of some consolation that she did not do that as much since they were at the Akademy.
The arrival of Suzie’s ‘choreographer’ who was later than had been arranged due to some who had attempted to seize her on Sibellius, the orbiting satellite around Onica.
Those attempting that, were deemed stupid, beyond belief. She was a ‘Celestial’ and, capable of scrambling what little they had, between their ears with relative ease.
Xi Phi, had been taken by surprise but not enough to deny her the use of her powers to eject them from her sight with a force that rendered them unconscious.
Galacia Federa military, no jurisdiction there, but they had seen what had transpired.
The delay, because she had, to complete a report, a verbal one with the Satellite commander. Luckily Vessa had been nearby and, answered call for security.
She, had managed, to expediate the process and, in no time at all, Xi Phi was on a transport to the Akademy, Contact had been made with Leyla on Onica, to advise her, of the situation and La Toyah, asked Vessa, to investigate on their behalf.
Attempted kidnapping? To hold her hostage seemed crazy but not unheard of. The would be kidnappers, were too dumb, to know much, about her race. Again, nothing unusual there.
The ‘Celestials’ were another ‘ancient race’ able to trace their heritage back for centuries. They were NOT Haphketsut NOR Omini. Any powers they had were ones acquired and integrated into their genetics through Progenesis.
We have to remember, that many races, suffered, from a decline in the birth rate. For many reasons. Atmosphere, diet, chemicals helped kill off or numb the bio chemistry, that promoted reproduction.
Sterilisation, could be naturally occurring, over time or forced on a race, as an act of war from an enemy using bio weapons Why would you NOT, force such a horror of genocide knowimg eventualy, they would cease to exist?
On other selected races, we know the Vendarens use Clossistrial fluids, to remove all will, all desire to procreate. To only exist to serve their new masters An entire race, can be killed off by them when they do that.
The taking, of those, from certain races, to be their slaves, their military force? Of course, the Jogarth, knew, could envisage those they did NOT take off a planet, or from a colony; seeking revenge, against them.
Thus THEY would resort to soaking a planets atmosphere, with a reagent, that fell to poison the earth, food sources, water sources.
Forbidden by Galactic law, but, within the vast expanse, of the Qiverse, there were too few, to maintain law and order, or to simply enforce such rules.
The Matsupa, of course knew, no rules applied to them. They did as they pleased and, they were NOT alone re that. In some places Kidnapping and ransom demands; extortion, was common place. 
Places where if you travelled or traversed those places / zones, you had to make sure, they were not listed, as volatile or dangerous; high risk to your healh and well being.
They had a hatred of the Immortai, well not their own.. The Celestials, were almost neutral.
You would not see them, attacking the Matsupa, or coming to the aid, of those being attacked. More into the arts, entertainment and, looking after, the well being for other races.
Most races, accepted them for their stance, on anything else even if, they tried, to persuade sometimes via the use of force. THAT was always a bad, a really bad idea.
Powers? To protect themselves were formidable. You did NOT, attack one,, attempt to imprison, or take them as hostages... NOOO NOOO NOOO.
They, could invade your mind, play tricks and have you, talking a load of gibberish, before you could blink. Thus mercenaries, bucaneers and ‘pirates’ left them well alone.
Think of the word ‘Siren’ well their ancestors, were from that race of beings. Sing you to sleep or call you to your doom; get the picture? Beautiful, elegant, classic and refined both males AND females.
So, yes, that was the reason Suzie had them as her backing singers, her dancers and more. Their ‘showcase’, was stunning. Impressive? If, there were a word, to cancel that out ie being better? Ah now there’s a word; AWESOME.
Xi, was one of the best, in the Qiverse, for choreography, session training including, fitness on a regular basis. Tolerating very little, re precision and technique, from those she was placed in charge of.
AI - artificial intelligence is well advanced BUT many races got bored with perfection, the loss of skills and so much more, re your own personal self, that many races, banned their Ketlevlings, from using them, before their age; of ‘Aquies’ what we know as 16 years of age?
At first there was a lot of bickering, resentment. A lot of the Parentia, did not want to take on the responsibilities leaving such resulting resentment and worse to others and then complaining, when they failed to stop the Kevletling from using the devices, to defending rights to ... and so it went on.
The Ketlevlings, who were taught new skills, new, physical and mental abilities, started to appear; cleverer, and even the Parentia, finding it surprising, to see, they, were achieving far more , then they first thought, they were ever capable of.
As they grew nearer to ‘Aques’; they, came to realize. Using media devices, coupled with AI, was being lazy. Not only in mind, but spirit AND could be, physiologically damaging.
Those desiring, to put them down, make them feel losers, lonely, unwanted and losing the will to ? You did not need to attack some physically when their will to live, their peace and inner harmony was being attacked day and night relentlessly, savagely. A real EVIL. WHY?
The ones, who had noticed, someone, was better than they were, more capable and, resolute?
Jealousy, ah yes, we have already seen, thanks to that ‘bully’ how that creates nastiness, a resentment, a desire, to do others harm, to feed their own insecurities?
Media devices allowed them to do that, by doing what we saw anonymously. Until exposed, for what they were. Even then, as we saw with the bully, their ‘pathological’ lying, could still, con others, into bolstering their lying.
(Pathological lying so hard and constantly that they start to con themsekves, into believing, the lies as being nothing other than a TRUTH. So ingrained in them they can become violent, abusive, threatening, to anyone challenging that, as anything, but the TRUTH.
We have to remember, the ones, who like the bully, cause damage to others around them, often walk away unharmed, they run off, like the cowards and liars they are, the moment, they realize their deceptions are about to be revealed, ah ‘the game is up’ and to many of them ‘game is exactly what it is to them.’
To go off elsewhere and create the same all over again. We know Lixii, Zetian and Xuxian, can be just like the ‘bully’ but, that is, the way, they were encouraged, by their ‘parentia’ to be. Think love, the warmth of a genunely caring FAMILY?
NOT necessarily, how they might want to be, BUT! Therein lies a truth, that cannot be ignored. We have to understand, the Parentia and, what they, instill in their offspring, can, be based upon many, good bad or indifference in their traditions, cultures.
Often because, their need to survive, is a number one priority, over everything else. The problems, can be exacerbated (made worse), when the original reasons, for that way of thinking, no longer is a threat.
‘A’ hates ‘B’ because they pose a threat to their fishing? Based upon a deep seated LIE. A TRUTH that no longer exists. WHY? ‘B’ is no longer into fish and, switches instead to goats, the threat to ‘A’ and their fishing no longer exists?
BUT, over decades, they brought their kith and kin, to always remember, ‘A’ IS a threat and, they must, their survival depends upon it, continue their way of thinking, believing, that the threat, still exists, to punish ‘B’ regardless?
That way of thinking, can result in ‘A’ attacking the homes of ‘B’ or ‘B’ retaliating with attacking ‘A’ and, so it goes on. UNTIL someone, much later on, will no longer be conned, who, decides, that ‘A’ should talk with ‘B’ and vice versa, where they all are and, some of them, FORCED to accept,, the threat, the TRUTH.
Nice philosophical thinking. Can, work well BUT, we must also remember, the reprobates, who decide, that such peace, is NOT in their interests. Those who profit, who make from such killing, slavery; discontent.
THEY, sell weapons to ‘A’, without them attacking ‘B’ they no longer need those weapons and, the same, can apply equally, re ‘B’ re those who supply them, with weapons?
Thus those ‘reprobates’ will do everything and anything, to stop that peace meeting, taking place? AN evil minority, of extremists, using mob rule, ah here comes our ‘bully’ NO! ‘BULLIES’ ; to force their beliefs on others, to make others comply’ OBEY or else. 
The Matsupa re their kith and kin ? Their hatred, their religious indoctrinations are forced INTO their Kevletlings, from the moment they breathe, Never knowing anything else?
To obey, absolute obedience, ALL, who do not, follow their beliefs, bow down before their ‘Gods’ are unbelievers, not fit to live. They have their bullies, those imposing ‘Mob rule’ called ‘Zealots’ and NO, we do NOT want to be meeting them, anytime soon.
Now we know how they, think, have been ‘indoctrinated, BRAINWASHED; ’ perhaps and I say here PERHAPS, we can allow them some mercy? can take some deight, in their punishment, when what they attempt to inflict on others goes wrong, OR?
Well, we have, seen what they tried on Doona, re that one. I think Inter threatening, they would not be sitting down for a Mo (Month) was probably deeply satisfying to some. Inter knew what it was like to be bullied and was in no mood to see it re lovely sweet, affable Doona, taking place.
Long term, will it, change who they are, their perceptions, practices? Doubtful and worse still, even if they wanted to ? They, have to go back to their Parentia, their Kith and Kin, to end up back where they started OR; rejected, isolated, discriminated against, for disobedience, failing to follow their ‘faith’.
BUT, there are some answers, some solutions and, it will be interesting to see, the outcomes, re those three AND, others, just like them. Oh yes, there are, other races, just like them.
Coming back to the here and now. Many races, realized, that there was some TRUTH, in what they were learning, from those, who had used MEDIA, to spread information, knowledge and more re Climate, re scientific discoveries, re anatomy, physiology, genetics for the benefits of ?
Cleaner air, water and other liquids, cleaned up; their race got healthier and fitter. Physically and mentally; health and well being. The key core aspect, to better drinks, foods.
In the Qiverse of course, there is or WAS, a nasty tendency, to grab what was, heavily processed, foods or drinks. Often what those foods or drinks contained ? Toxins, impurities, additional ingredients brought into the products by mass production?
Over time that affected your health and well being. Genetically, it could create, cause, many many problems. Growth, weight, mutations. Different races have a tolerance or intolerance to so many foods, drinks and more.
ALL Kets at the Akademy, have a ‘muse’ implanted into their bio systems. They, can attempt to eat, what they, should NOT, be eating, ingesting BUT the ‘muse’ will warn them almost instantly the moment it detects something that should NOT be there.
Drinks like Frubu washes, got healthier. NOT less expensive, but definitely healthier. Some, Parentia conceded, that they, needed to up their Kets allowances, to have them, sticking to quality foods and drinks!
THEY brought in, new rules and regulations, to STOP, food and drinks sellers, from the sales of; producing and selling, anything and everything without, obeying the rules and regulations, on food and drinks safety.
Rogue manufacturers with their installation? Producers could have their installations targeted and destroyed.
The Kets at the Akademy have nothing to worry about re what they eat or drink; ingest. Let us remember that ‘ingestion’ refer to the intake of foods, drinks, minerals, vitamins and so on.
That can vary depending on HOW they ‘ingest that’. For example we KNOW don’t we, that the VENDARENS, take in ‘mineral supplements’ via nodes on their bodies BUT.
Did you know, they also, rely on flushes of their body systems, like a Dialysis, every so often (though NOT with Clossistrial fluids that they pump into their newly acquired slaves.)
That cleanses their body systems, refreshes their whole chemical needs and most of us HAVE them. Wrong electrolyte levels can produce some nasty side effects. Just ONE aspect of those processes. We have of course NOT to foget that they have 3 LUNGS.
Which leads us nicely into the swimming marathon, the SWIMATHON..