The arrival of an Omini was nothing new. Well, in part due to some who were already there AND known to us as Thoth, Anksunami of the Ancients. BUT they were NOT of this kind. IT was a being of immense power beyond theirs. IT could terminate their existence in the blink of an eye and YET?
NO. The purpose for IT being there was to observe. Endurance, resilience, persistence and true VALOJUR was what it was seeking. In its presence were THREE ‘kindred’? Seeking out the one the Kets calle d Ocasa?
Cistera his mama, had given him, the task, of ensuring, as a Haphketsut Prince,certain duties? What exactly was NOT disclosed.
What the, might have sprung to mind BUT, Cistera his Mama was a Haphketsut ‘Queen’ of some ancient heritage, that went back, way back in ‘time’ AND, as such?
All of her kith and kin were ‘Immortai Impericca’ meaning, they ranked as top seed so to speak amongst all others in the Qiverse.
Thus, with the sudden responsibilities allocated, Haa was not the least bit worried that he would fail his ‘charges’. There to relax, an outing to attend the ‘concert’?
Becci, had been given, the first option, but Haa, had overuled that, in favour of Ocasa. Why? IT did not have to give reasons or explanation as to WHY.
Ocasa, was in the sights of the Omini, his future, was already set in stone one might say. His thoughts, his actions, beit good bad or indifference, was under their control, though of course he would never believe that !
Margise, knew of the arrival AND, ITs charges. She found that, in retrospect, to be highly amusing. Ocasa, had NO clue, as to what was about to unfold.
Thankfully, her and Yoyo, were otherwise engaged, re security and other tasks centred around the ‘Concert’. Once inside the arena, those in there, were of no concern to them!
It could be said, that Ocasa, was aware, of the responsibilities his Mama had had him promise her he would take on AND, once again was determined to prove why she had given him such a ?
The twins, he had lost count of the numbers re them, had made it clear, they would be joining his ‘inner circle’, which some might say, alarmingly was growing ever larger by the ?!
Luckily, those around him, could help him out, in the tasks of making sure, their seating, refreshments and other essential arrangements were taken care of.
Shared with others, the area itself was a quadrangle within the semi circle and, of some substance. Set within a prime, slightly elevated position, to view all, that was happening or would be re the main staging area.
The ‘Arena’ itself was massive. THOUSANDS and the Kets from the Akademy were taking up a vast number of the reservations BUT also some ‘visitors’ of theirs who were permitted to attend.
A lottery re that option. Winners AND losers. The Akademy Elite were too set in their old ways to allow access to be anything other than strictly controlled admission.
The arrival of Thoth and that ‘Obelisk’ had heightened their suspicions that their presence, was not, to be lightly dismissed. Too many of those, who could harness powers, beyond all reason.
Of course, they knew of the Omini, with ITs charges. All knowing, all seeing and terrifyingly powerful beings but, as for ITs charges?
YET, they had been reassured, that they, had limited, VERY limited powers. NO interference, in changing of, or otherwise re TIME control, events other than those taking place, at the TIME they took place.
There was, another reason, the Omini ‘Haa’ was present. As soon as it arrived, it left its charges and vanished into the ether. No concerns on being left by ‘IT’ to rest up before they would be meeting their ‘baby sitter’.
Ejia and his Cojoined Nubes, had taken on the task of providing some excellent food. Their culinary skills were exceptional. Their talents were bought and paid for with increasing regularity.
To many of the Kets, their CoJoined status was not the least bit surprising. Inseparable yes but at the same time free with encouraging each other to be taking time out with friends,.
No ball and chain relationship here. Trust, yes that as they both made clear was the key to their lasting relationship. Sharing the same interests from the off; of course BUT also they had other somewhat peculiar interests that they both did NOT share.
A Javelin thrower? Professional Javelin competition winner. Nubes could throw one of them like a bolt of lightning striking home, Ameryst was a fan of hers and loved watching her in action. You could even set up a target with a bulls eye as we would know it in the centre and she would NEVER miss.
Eji was a, wait for it, clothing designer. A ‘fashionista’.  Winning awards for some astonishing military clothing. Strong, protective gear that was proven to be able to cope with some of the most extreme of conditions,.
From the hot, tepid to the cold and bitterly cold extremes. Nubes often modelled for his Vestige uniforms. A much loved couple.
Anoksumini, was settling them, into their accomodation. Making sure, they, had some help, with minor chores taken care of. Dress and other clothing, makeup, cosmetics etc with those who were more than capable to furnish them with their experience, their talents and more?
A lot of OOOHs and AHHHs, which amused everyone, even if, they were forbidden, to talk about those, they were now looking after.
Delise, had run some errands, for Becci and Anous. Someone, had to tell Ocasa of the latest arrivals, THAT however, they all decided, could, for the moment; wait.
Ameryst? Ah our sweet Ket, was in amongst a garden or was it gardens. Magnificently spread out before her and her host, was making it clear; this was nothing, in comparison, to the actual dwelling now stood in front of her.
It’s golden dome reflected some of the sunlight fanning it across and over the area in front of them. It has your eyes drawn to it. Beneath it the huge archway towers above you as you approach it.
Beasts of the air adorn its walls. The main building was solid granite blocks weighing over 200 tonnes as we would know it; each. Two giant statues or so she thought until as she now got closer she was almost startled as they turned towards her and bowed.
Large curved blades in their hands. It gave some substance to recalling the rhetoric of the red queen in ?Alice in Wonderland with the classic saying, of ‘chop off her head’.
If Amir, had been introduced and was a GIANT, these two were taller. On reflection BIGGER full stop! Whatever they were eating or fed on would feed Amir for way too long to even contemplate.
Even her sisters and they, were not lacking in size, weight or appetite. As for her brothers ? Well Ameryst was not going to dwell on them. They made Big Foot or so the old Human(a) legends had recorded; seem a midget.
The Atusions, ah yes. Mama had shown her pictures of them. Why, did she get the impression, these were Atusions? The armour they were wearing was Draxetnium coated, heavy and clanked when they moved.
Once through the archway, the open area, of what we would call a courtway stood before, below them. Stone slabs and a gigantic fountain. The air with a slight breeze, was clean, fresh and cool. Much needed, below the sun above them.
Relocating themselves, to the shadows, a table and some seating before two females appeared to bring out refreshments? Food and drink.
The females, were simplistically yet beautifully dressed. Her host was ignoring them, well for the most part. Soon they were dismissed and now she was serving Ameryst some drink.
A gentle, lingering on the tongue, fruity sensation. A wine and an intoxication it induced upon the senses that for some might have been a surprise. To Ameryst? NO.
The Fendiq Kets, were used to minor amounts of such drinks, well certainly from later years. Take it or leave it after the initial introduction which was mandatory.
Why one might ask? The Haphketsut, had certain protocols that had to be followed. A toast, of such to your guests, or for social reasons, where such was considered ill mannered NOT to partake?
Ocasa and Ameryst, shared some similar beverages to this. Neither of them were addicted to it NOR indulged to the point where such activities might have raised ‘eyebrows’.
Frubu drinks, were the firm favourites, of many Kets. They, were NOT intoxicating. Too much, was not always good for you, but otherwise, they were just fruit and similar natural juices.
An overpowering presence? WHY Ameryst wondered did she feel something that now was forming in front of them? “Do not be worried.”
The voice of her host, was of some comfort, but it did not, relieve the inner tension. Whatever this was, was giving her, a most unpleasant sense of ?
Foreboding, yes that was it. Fear it could not be. Ameryst, had no, real perception of that; ever. Her inner strength, let alone her overall physical strength ?
YET this thing, was now forming and, becoming far more visible to the eyes. A female in form, though something had given doubts to even that. 
It, was now talking to them, well to her host. “So this is her.” HER? “The Human(a) offspring.” A distinct tone of some sarcasm in its voice.
“Well I guess, we can’t all be blessed.” Ah there it was, that rasp in its voice.
Ameryst, had heard that before, from those choosing, (well in the beginning) to desire, to pick a fight with her.
“Not met my sisters then?” “No.” “Then this will be really interesting. I sense an inner strength, a physical one that resonates power.” IT stepped closer to Ameryst. To step back reprimanded?
“Behave. This is my guest! No tricks or trickery! NO riddles with hidden meanings of entrapment. I have a desire for some mutual sharing of our knowledge, our understanding of AND enjoyment of pleasure as MY companion.”
IT, stepped back, to pick up a glass, with some drink now being poured into it. Who are what, was pouring that, was in itself a mystery. Just a hand, that appeared, lifted the bottle and poured.
A dark green bony hand, with a gold ring on its main finger. An Emerald in the centre of it. Distinctive, large, some glinting of it, caught in the light streaming across the knuckles.
The image of that, reminded Ameryst of a story. Some strange entity? Not a pleasant one. A bit of a tall tale indeed.. Not something to as Torvan had grinned telling her; to rub up the wrong way or get on its ‘wick’.
Torvan had teased her, with its horror, as he showed her pictures, graphically NOT pleasing to the eye. To attempt to convince her, that such things existed?
More so, to show that thing, those THINGS, possessed the power of life and DEATH. You are entitled to 3 wishes.. their lie of course is that YOU, wonderful YOU, set them free.. A jar, a lamp a ...
BUT be careful, VERY VERY careful, what you wish for?
NOW, what was it? Remembering so well Torvans voice in her ears.. a JIN. Looking around her she realized how appropriate he setting was for just such a thing. Arabian nights, ah yes that was it..