Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Part 2 Every picture tells a story

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy part2









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Agraria (minus Ameryst) (Group leaders) Jess Corbin Kets Akademy
Nefri, Conad, Zadoi, Naibisi and Joisi and Linquist, thankfully MINUS Illia; were sat sipping, on some exotic ‘teas’.

“It seems, La Toyah, has received, new instructions, on the ‘Groups’ AND those in them. Oh and Doona, is paired with Amir in the ‘Tigers’, so looking forward, to seeing them, working together!” He grinned.

Naibisi interrupted him. “Have you seen her brothers ? Let alone her sisters?!! I am glad, we are not, competing against them! “ “Whoa her two sisters make Amir look skinny!

BUT, apparently, she is the way she is and, it is nothing unusual; they were really worried about her but reassured she was fine.”

Agraria coughed, to regain their attention? “We are having two new team members. “ ? “One is a ‘Seraphim and the other a ‘Cherubim’ They are both Angelic ui. “ ?  The murmurs and muttering was all about them not having a clue as to what they were? “Zadoi can you explain, tell them more?”

Zadoi leaned in, as they too, shifted closer to him. “ I am NOT talking ‘Ancients’ here. They are what we call,
‘the messengers of the Gods.’ They are gifted with certain powers AND that, can vary according to their ‘mark’.

HOW many WINGS, they have also determines if they are SERAPHIM, CHERUBIM and or SERAPHA, SERAPHAI, ALUI, ALUU. I garther the ones that will be joining us are Angelic ui. BUT one of them is a SERAPHIM.

Many races record them as : ‘Traditionally Seraphim are the red-winged angels which, with Cherubim, are among the first hierarchy of angels next to the throne of God /s. In the Human(a) chronicles of the ‘ faithful ’.. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

According to the Book of Isaiah, in the Old Testament, they had six wings, one pair for flying, another covering the face and the third pair covering the feet.

Six re a Seraphia. 2 re a Cherui . 4 to 6 re Serapha, Alui Aluu. If they desire they can HIDE their wings. YOU will NOT see them. ALSO.

According to the book of the ‘immotai’ they, are recorded, as having the ability, to speak in many tongues, read minds, control certain beings AND are protected, You cannot kill them! ONLY a GOD can kill them.

They sleep, their wings folded UPRIGHT. All have a ‘host’ parasitic being, that cleans their wings, their bodies. They do NOT bathe, swim AND their wings are weather proof, defence shields.

IF. they fold their wings. around themselves. they can appear to VANISH.
HOWEVER. they are NOT  ‘transparents’. They cannot. walk through walls, structures but they can ‘VANISH’ at will, to appear elsewhere. “

“Are they multi species?” “Yes AND can appear in many forms. There are also MALES who appear as MALE but their powers are the same. There are NO, malevolent angelics those having or showing a wish or a desire, to do evil to others.”

“NOT so.” The rasp from Illia? “With wings, just like the Angelic beings. Deceitful and, sometimes; vindictive, abusers and players, players ah yes.” ‘?’  “Ah you are talking about the Omini.”

“So you too know of them.” Zadoi nodded. “Nasty, self righteous ..” Her voice tailed off. It was time some of them had felt a change in Illia’s tone of voice reflecting some fear? They, were wanting to know more.

“ Before all things came into being... before all substance of being.. of existing. THEY created and in THEIR creations?  We ALL are their TOYS, their PLAY THINGS.

We, are liken to being within, what is it the Human(a) call it? THEIR ZOO. Even those such as Zadoi, are no different to any of us, re how they look at us ALL.”Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“It bothers you does it not Illia, that you and YOUR race, cannot, enslave them, why don’t you tell us what happened?“

“We had a run in, with one of them, called Akn en,  Our attack on an isolated world, with plenty of slaves, for the taking,
The Ketlevlings in their thousands, left to die. No use to us. 

Then IT came. THEY laughed, at its primitive simplistic form; UNTIL it changed, morphing before their eyes.. . The wings, piercing, glowing eyes and, how its form, shimmered before.. 

It reversed time, ALL that had happened, with the taking and loading of slaves, the abandonment of the Ketlevlings? As though it had never happened. Some of those who would not be threatened fired on it.

Our archives, recorded the destruction, no, the  ANNIHILATION  of our fleet bar 4 individuals, who were told to make sure we the mighty Jogarth never again threatened an Omini

OR they, would wipe our race, from existence.

After the fleet was destroyed, the survivors tell us, the Omini laughed. LAUGHED. Those FOUR? ended up at one of our outposts to be found across the Qiverse, as though thrown there, A distance, that would have, taken immeasurable time, to traverse? In  the blink of an eye.

It is recorded, that they were so terrified and traumatised, by everything that had happened? Two of them,  chose NOT, to remain with us. Vanishing into the ether, never to be seen or heard of again.

The other two, ended up unable to speak or, think coherently. Their constant babble was, as though their minds, had been ransacked, trashed.

They also us, that those beings, KNEW everything about our race. The creators of all that was and ever will be;  from the beginning. knowing all things, nothing unknown to them. They tolerate us ALL, as their toys, their playthings.

That ‘Obelisk’? The one that suddenly appeared. That illuminates strangely, with unknown hieroglyphs. Is their device. The one they call ‘Thoth’ is one of them.  Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Be warned! be mindful, be careful, NOT to incur ‘ IT’s ’ wrath. Nor the others, of its kind. Anokausomini Pronounced ANOK AU SOMINI (A so called, Haphketsut Princess from the Aten worlds) OR the same as Thoth, an ancient?”

Zadoi was shifting in his seat, somewhat uneasy, at a recollection or was it the inability, to recall something? The moment, he had felt his conscious, rifled by something. leaving it a jumbled mess?

“As for Salerja with her sisters,  Ariana - Inxi.  the eldest of the  Ishaui’  Kets. Their mental processes, are freakishly potent. They are ‘capped’ so that they cannot use their full powers within the Akademy BUT?!

How many of you, can do what she can do? ONLY an ANCIENT can OWN such power. Be warned! be mindful, be careful around HER AND her sisters.

I don’t like you lot, that you KNOW is a FACT. However, I do not want my .”
She paused to look at them all.

“Our ‘Group’ being stupid enough, to incur their wrath OR displeasure. REMEMBER, what I tell you. The Akademy, cannot do anything against their power. I am of the opinion,

they will do NOTHING to us, so long as we, do NOT provoke them. “









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