Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Part 2 Every picture tells a story

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy part2









Coleja was tumbling to the floor. His hands on his abdomen, as he howled in pain. The sharp unforgiving stabbing that now saw him almost in tears?  Van Ea and Illia now stood next to him kicking at him. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“The drug will eat at your digestive system. The damage will be permanent meaning they will have to feed you through a tube. Too weak to stand, a cripple.

How’s that, for a future leader of the mighty Jogarth ? “
They, were laughing, stopping only, as they, heard the noise, of someone, turning the corner, to see them ?

Eyes on them and then, on Coleja? “What, is going on here?”
She leaned down to see Coleja, the tears on his face.

“Why, have you, not called for a Mediscent?! “ “Stay out of this’ “
 Illia stepped towards the female fist raised. That all too familiar to some, bullying, intimidating stance?

“This, is NOTHING to do with you. Now get lost.” The figure, shoved past them to stare at Coleja before raising her hand as though talking to a communicator.

“Mediscent f4je 690u ATTEND.” Illia raised her hand to grab at the her, showing her violently against the bulkhead.
Now facing each other and, the fist, once again raised, but this time to strike at the female.

“Your’re the Jogarth one, the Ijiusan (prize fighter). The one, who forces others, to fight you, so you, can boast, how great the Jogarth are.”  “So what if I am.” They, were momentarily disturbed, by the arrival, of the Mediscent and, though they tried to dismiss it, luckily for Coleja, it chose to ignore them.

Attempting to obstruct it, or prevent it, from doing, what is was made for, IS never a good idea. Van Ea, felt the surge, of a shockwave, coursing across her. Sending her shaking, falling backwards, away from them.

“Mediscent  f4je 690u.” The female hissed, as the Mediscent confirmed her request. Applied the injection to deliver a remedy. Then they both vanished. Cojeja and the Mediscent who had secured him in what we would call a medical facility to make sure he was monitored AND any other treatment administered. That also meant a report on the incident to the Elders?

Illia, was watching, to turn back, the fury, all too clear in her eyes. The remedy, would cancel the effects of the drug. Completely neutralise it. The fact, that this female, KNEW, what it was that Coleja, had been poisoned with, somewhat irritated her further. Worse still, there would be, a report filed and, they would be implicated.

NOT enough proof, to see them expelled, but that, was still NOT, good for them. NOW they, would be watched and carefully if not sometimes anonymously, OBSERVED? For them, would also mean, a lot of restrictions, including re some of Illia’s illicit activities.

Van Ea, stood back, as Illia, swung her fist, towards the female. Before, she could strike home, she felt, the female, move and her body shift, to one side of Illia. The pain that followed, caused Illia, to stumble back, Never, had she felt,  such a force behind the blow, her adversary had just delivered.

Well not strictly true. Ameryst had given her one or two before that had felt almost the same. The recollection of that?
A  Kiatsu but this was no ordinary ‘Kiatsu trained fighter, it was a ‘ interfectorem’  A highly trained, professional.

Many of whom, went onto become ASSASINS? For her it was  to defend herself AND to remind her opponent, that she was NOT to be trifled with. Illia stunned, but too  stupified, to accept, that she was more powerful than her?
Illa the one, who had beaten down Ket after Ket without mercy?

Lunged at her again, as the force, of a blow, striking home, sent illia airborne and I mean AIRBORNE
Lifted off her feet, flung into the air, to crash down, slamming against Van Ea, out cold. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

The female went to move past them as Van Ea, glared a her to ask?
“Who are YOU?” “I, am , Ashoi of the Arcan, More powerful, than any of you Jogarth.

DO NOT, forget today, because I, will NOT, be so kind next time, IF any of you, dare to attack me again. I am a close friend of Ameryst from Fendiq..
It, will be entertaining, to tell her, of what has happened here today.

Indeed Ameryst and her, were friends.  Regularly, training together.
Learning from each other, sharing some tactics, that the other, did not know of or, have the skills for.

Walking high on a ‘tight rope’, had been an experience Ashoi would not be forgetting anytime soon. A thrill, a rush of terror, of excitement and in the end having that ability, as a newly acquired skill, for her, was unreal.

Heights, had always worried her. A fear of heights ah yes. 
Acrophobia is a specific phobia where some experience intense anxiety and fear, when exposed to heights, often leading, to avoidance, of situations, involving elevation.

Now that fear, was gone;  she had conquered it!
The bouncy Ameryst, had shown her, how to focus her mind, her conscious into accepting IT was in control and, the FEAR, was NOTHING but a figment of her imagination.

OK Ameryst, had carefully positioned a net as we would know it beneath them just to reassure Ashoi, in case she fell?

As a fighter Ashoi was not new to fighting her demons. Back on her homeworld there were creatures AND other ALIEN beings who were dangerous. The Kroon were one race, vicious pirates, raiders, who her people had taught a lesson in manners, let alone FEAR; at the thought of ever attacking them again.

The ‘Beasts’, were found, in some of the more remote parts, of the planet, her people had colony on.
Attacking with their sharp claws and terrifying fangs. Learning how to fight them, beat them down and ‘tenderize the meat’ for a wholesome meal, one that fed a LOT of her people and often resulting in a celebration feast? was indeed a reason to celebrate.

Visiting Coleja was a surprise for him BUT he knew who she was as his savior. “I will NOT forget your saving me.
Someday IF it ever happens, I WILL be there for YOU. To stand alongside YOU. If you need me, come find me.”

Cxan with Anora arrived to make sure he was OK and thanking Ashoi. Reaffirming what Coleja had said. Anora had taken her aside, to learn the truth. SO Illia and Van Ea had poisoned him?

“If you or your people, ever need my help and, even when, or IF, I become an Empress of the Jogarth, that will apply to
YOU AND your people, re my promise to aid you.”  She paused to press a diamond brooch into her hand.

“However, valuable this may be to me, it will never, replace the life you saved, Coleja and I, do not, agree on everything but,
I, would NEVER, do what they did. So once again Ashoi; thankyou.”

As for Illia and Van Ea. Illia would take some time fo recover from the bruises and shock at the power of that female.
The concert, was coming up and Illia, was NOT, going to go to that. Revenge, was on her mind. She needed to teach that freak a lesson. Van Ea had felt some FEAR at watching what had taken place. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Family Sci Fi

A ‘Kiatsu trained fighter, an ‘ interfectorem’ was almost unbeatable. Ameryst, had taught Illia who, was the ‘boss’. this one, was someone to avoid; AVOID or risk, ending up crippled for life or; dead.

The Elders, had received the report from the Mediscent.
They, had been advised, to do nothing. NO action, was to be taken against the Jogarth. The Ancient ones, had plans for all of them and, the list they were compiling, was growing.

As for the ‘Swimathon’? A lot of attention was diverted to that. A Simeron. Now that was rare, very very rare.

From beyond from the ‘Far Away Lands’ Her race were ancients in their own right. Protected by powers beyond most here and that little ‘sprite’ to them, was NOT to be messed with.

NOTHING, would happen to it, IT,  was protected by the power of the Ancients. The bravery of their ‘Sprite’ was to be admired.
They, would gift IT, with some extra powers, to say thank you, for what was about to happen.

Some were about to learn a valuable lesson in humility.


I made  a promise to my Kets and I WILL keep it.!
NO ONE but NO ONE writes Sci Fi like Jess Corbin an that’s a FACT!









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NO ONE, but NO ONE, writes like Jess Corbin. an thats a FACT.

Where will HIS story take YOU today?










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