Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Part 2 Every picture tells a story

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy part2









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Only a short time to the concert? The Kets were otherwise occupied, well momentarily. Ah yes; the Swim-mathon. The guys, were taking their time, to get ready; which was causing some delays! Aimbi and Nux

“I mean what is with them!” Nabisa was growling. Look at what we have to do to get ready and them?? Oh excuse me, I just have to strip, slip these swimming togs on and! “

Cyn was laughing. She loved Nabisa and, hearing her, when she got ‘riled’ was always a good moment.

The guys were going to be in for a shock. Nabisa, was a Galacia star, for swimming tournaments AND, she had a LOT of medals but most of all; the prized Drexatnium ‘Aqueous’ statue. ONLY 4 of them won, in the last ‘century’.

“As soon as I, hit that marker, you’re in the water for the return?” Cyn nodded. That for her would be an easy trip back. Nab would speed to the marker buoy and with plenty of time, for her, to do the return.

Her swimming skills, were NOT as proficient as Nabs BUT; she was no amateur. “Just remember you have to climb onto that ‘dragon’ what is it called?”

“Nux?” “No, I think Nux will be in the middle of the Estuary. The one I think you will be seeing is its brother “Xib’. Aimbi told me the order for them.”

Her ‘group’ had already been more than aware of her skills, In one strategic skills test, they, had walked away with, the top marks, thanks to her. Many of the others, were OK swimmers but NOT into diving!

Deep water and, she had retrieved the ‘challenge medallion’, with ease. Working with Cyn, they had found it, dislodged it and, the win was substantial. Locating the item scored good points, you did NOT, have to retrieve it BUT! if you did?! Mega points.

The sight of Chadren with; the Vendaren Sadowan ! BOTH dressed, for a TWO way trip. WHO, was going to take the lead, might have been on HER mind BUT, others too, were staring in some disbelief. The FACT that he was holding her hand.

Sadowan was grinning. Watched by Meladi and Ortora who, were giving them, what we would know, as a ‘thumbs up’. Chadren, had the eyes of a lot of the females. He was well built, muscular and, Nabisa knew, he had those, in all the right places. sadowan300a

As for Sadowan? Slim, sleek and again, powerful physique.
If spies, had, been making their observations, on the competition; the bets, were getting more and more diverse. NO one, had any knowledge of the Vendarens!

Outsider odds. Certainly Meladi and Ortora, had no doubts at all, as to who, was going to win this. Chadren, had been carefully checked over; by Sadowan.

Her bio skills, were exceptional. HE, would NOT, be her partner in the water, were it not for her, knowing he was more than capable, of their bid to win.

AqixiÂ, had surpervised the selection acceptance. Nabisa, was not required to attend. Nor was Cyn. NOT that they were alone, several other , proven swimmers, had also been excused.

The Vendaren AND Chadren? She had grinned. They had shown to be exceptional. The strat test had had them working together effortlessly.

He had, managed to avoid; Shazem. She, would have been, more than a ‘shark’ where they were concerned.The mere thought re that was terrifying.

Fury was an understatement. Luckily La Toyah, had arranged for her, to be elsewhere, helping with the forthcoming concert.
Overall about 40% of those able to participate had decided NOT to.

Saving their energies for the date in question meant NO wearing themselves out OR, having unfortunate injuries that, would have left them unable to attend. Given the cost of the tickets? NO way!

She had noted, the little raised skin mounds, on Sadowan. Where, they connected their bodies, to machines to refresh their essential fluids; NOT Clossistrial fluids, but vitamin and other food intake.

Bringing Chadren close to her, she let him run his hands over them. He understood and she, was well pleased, that he was not put off by them. His digestive system, was typical Human(a) though Chadren was NOT Human(a).

The Vendaren, did NOT eat solid foods, nothing unusual for the Akademy. Over half, of those present, did NOT eat solid foods, or use a digestive system. HER own required special requirements and she had 3 lungs for deep underwater breathing.

They were all, made aware, of the fact, that she would, along with two other water patrols; be on the, estuary, should any of those swimming need to stop. NUX the water dragon, had been introduced, to all of those participating.

A very likeable creature. The other dragon with it, was leaving them, with some ease. He would be at the middle, of the Estuary, the other one, at the marker buoy making sure, there were no problems, as they turned past it and back on themselves, for the return trip.

Also whoever replaced the winning swimmer, would be given the ride, on its back before being dropped into the water. Their hands touching each other for them to signal, they were now a winning pair. Teila and Jojo

Aquasants were banned, from entering. Their abilities, were water based and far exceeded any of the accepted contestants.
Gils, fins and other physiologies that could also give an unfair advantage bordering on cheating ? Banned.

“They’re NOT twins! “ Earlier on that had been upheld, until a sizeable number of them, had dropped out! Finally AqixiÂ, had been persuaded, to let those, who had ‘partners’, willing to take part in the race; enter.

The ‘twins’, were NOT the least bit upset by this decision.
ONLY the twins could walk away with prizes. Whoever was the
first set of twins to get back home; were winners.

Other Kets who were NOT twins were still an acceptable number. Cojoined, Couplets, were also regarded as ‘TWINS’. Teila and Jojo were firm favourites to win. They, were known and nicknamed, the ‘water babies’.

AqixiÂ, had been amused, by how they were as a couple but also water crazy! They spent a lot of time swimming in the Estuary. Keeping fit and she could understand why the odds were in their favour.

They knew the Estuary. The current flow, the good bad and indifferent aspects of its ebb and flow. BOTH were also of good physique. Some of the females were jealous of her.

As for the males! BUT of course it is NOT something they would be dumb enough to provoke. OR be prepared to DIE? They were, highly respected and loved, together, as a COJOINED couple.

Their ‘Group’, who had joined the onlookers, also appreciated their talents.

Penzi and Zenzi ? If Zenzi was the weaker one of the two twins re water and water sports? Penzi had made sure she had had extra training AND they looked unnervingly confident.

What Zenzi lacked, she made up for, with her ‘stamina’; her ENDURANCE. Hence why, Ocasa did NOT, like boxing with them. He, was out of breath, long before she, had appeared, to regain hers.

It was he declared to Ameryst, unnatural! Penzi, was even surprised, on occasion by her abilities.
However, it was known that water, as said, was NOT, one of her strengths.

AqixiÂ, had put her, on her list, for keeping an eye on, or eyes on. Though that, would only, be applicable, if she decided, to replace Penzi on a winning streak? Penzi and Zenzi

Becci along with several others, had been missing Ameryst. “I think, she would have won this! Her training,, always included, water sports. Also, after a competition, she would, swim, to help, ease her muscle aches and pains.”

Those with her, including Ocasa, had nodded their heads.
If they had any favorites it was NOT, Chadren and that VENDAREN! Becci, was NOT, one of his supporters, re that ideology.

Mama, had asked her, to watch out for them. She knew, there would be, a lot of hostility, towards them.

There had been no news, regarding Ameryst? Galacia Federa competitions, were tough. Silence, would not be unusual.

The Akademy, was not allowing, broadcast reception of those games, as they were often savage and, deemed too violent.

The Obelisk, was making strange noises again, with the flashing hieroglyphs, illuminated across it, lighting up the night sky. In the beginning, it had attracted a lot of attention and, debate, as to its purpose.

NOW, it was almost a norm, for it to do strange things. IaSuii, had returned, to find it a glow. 
‘So, our champion, is meeting the first of them. The storyteller. Can spin a good yarn, enough in the past, to stop her neck, getting chopped. ‘

Ameryst, had turned the corner, at the end of a ‘forest path’, to see arched ?metal gates, in front of her, in the distance, a rounded roof to a strange building beneath it. Fantasy? It reminded her of a story that had been a favourite with her as a Ketlevling.

The female approaching? Strange costume and adorned with a mass of what she deemed to be Drax jewelry? Her’s had been carefully chosen by IaSuii. A lot more, than Ameryst would normally, have worn, let alone given credence to.

Makeup and her dress, were also carefully put together and, Thoth, had made sure, she had some VERY expensive apparel. Even more expensive, than some of the Babinsky, her sisters, bragged about.

Now stopped, for both of them, to face each other. “ The eye jewel clusters, are beautifully exquisite! A true innocent, that now stands before me. So, tell me, what YOU, are doing in my palace grounds?”









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