Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Part 2 Every picture tells a story

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy part2









Lets have a recap..

It all thanks to Ocasa, moaning about, the number of TWINS.. taking in interest in him and,

WHO HE, was going to take to the concert?

Some rivalry, without doubt going on there!
Becci had with Delise told their Mama who with Nathan aboard Raptor had found the scenario amusing to the point it had been decided that to view some of his admirers?Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Check them out, re their abilities, their strengths and weaknesses. NOT as potential partners, he already had?!!! He was promised, by Ocasa, to.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

DID his TWINS know this? Of course they did BUT !
He was NOT a COUPLET with the female NOR CoJoined which meant he was still fair game.

Eventually, the Swim Marathon, shortened to SWIMATHON, would go ahead, agreed, with the consent, of the Akademy Elders,

They, were NOT, going to disagree and upset, some renown patrons, eager to see their ‘Twins’, achieving; competing, even if they were NOT winning.

It was more, about the taking part AND, competing FAIRLY, which they KNEW, the Akademy, would make sure, it WAS FAIR competition.

A chance, to make new competition partners, future friends and ALLIES.

You see, some, were Twins, but did NOT have a suitable SWIM partner. That meant, for some, they could end up with, another TWIN.  All legal and legit, re the rules that applied to ‘TWINS’ winning.

Thus Meladi was NOT as good a swimmer as was Sadowan so they allowed Chadren to take her place.
Something that had NEVER been thought possible?

Do, you remember what Sadowan had said to Chadren?

“This, is a small sample, of what I have on offer for YOUR pleasure. While I am at the Akademy I have some freedom, providing I do nothing, to get me kicked out of the Akademy; a LOT of freedom.

Much of that, I want to share with YOU. I like your physique, your beauty, your stamina and, how you look out for me. Don’t think that we did not know about the incident with the Orgom.

Big ugly and yet, you stood up to him defending us again. That I will not forget. I do, expect for you, to take us to the concert, Well me. Meladi is going with Ortora. Which means we will be on our own. I expect you to treat me as YOUR female.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

This ‘Ketlet’ is YOURS.”

Now Chadren’s siser Shazam is fortunately for him, otherwise engaged, so cannot be, at the Swimathon, BUT even so, there had been a rumour ciculating, that Sadowan could NOT, pair with Chadren, as he was NOT a TWIN?

Whilst Sadowan would NOT, attempt to dispel that rumour, nor did Chadren;  he was being consoled by her; knowing the truth.
It did make HIM, THEM, the more resolved; THEY would WIN,.

His TWIN, sadly, had died shortly after, being born. BUT legitimately living long enough, to have him, registered as a TWIN..

Unknown to them, Shezam, on hearing that, insipid garbage, from several complaining Kets, went to make it clear a) he was a legit TWIN and if anyone dared question that, b) they would have her to deal with.

Those daring to taunt him, tease him or otherwise be offensive, would not like the consequences. A threat,  NOT to dismiss lightly.

True she did NOT, like the match, with Sadowan; BUT, she would NOT see her ‘Bro’ trashed by those, who did NOT know, the pain and the never ending tears, he had cried, over losing his TWIN.

Clever amicable TWINS, could, put their TWO strongest swimmers together and ?! Dubious, but the rules, were the rules.. ONLY TWINS, could win. Those ODD TWINS, had to share their winnings, IF they won, ANY of the prizes. Also to win,  the same TWINS must compete AND finish the race.

The first TWIN to reach the marker buoy could simply turn around and head back for that set of TWINS to win OR could swap partners and the other MUST complete the race for both of them to WIN!

Others were allowed in the Swimathon, BUT, would not, be eligible for the prizes.. Single but pairs, odd or even; friends, family et.  Some serious rivals, who hated, resented or despised each other.
They, were always, to be found, at the Akademy.

Healthy competition is good for the soul..

The first, three TWINS, to win, would win 1st, 2nd and the final 3rd place prizes. So let’s go back to what transpired once more; originally?

“Mama is giving the prizes !” Becci smiled. “Hearing about Ocasa’s ‘Twins dilemma’ she thought it only fair TWO of the runner up, sets of Twins, will get Luxury goods of fheir choosing,

It can be anything within the COMPETITION rules! They will also each receive 1 Drax slips each..”
“Whoa, that, is a LOT; a MEGA amount. Would buy a whole wardrobe from  ‘Babinsky ! “

THEY will also, have their ticket costs refunded, PLUS  get to have a ALL their drinks and food at the concert paid for. That will also include, up to TWO others of their choosing. ”

She paused,, noting how some of them, were murmuring that coming 2nd or 3rd place seemed a much better option than coming first? The WINNING masters, ultimate twins,, get a trip to Seyzan Island, the penultimate luxury resort with hot springs,

ALL expenses paid for, luxury accomodation AND 2 drax slips each.
They also, get to choose, TWO from ANY of the males in the Fendiq family, to accompany them OR, two others,

WHOEVER they are who agree to go with them. They have a choice, the choosing of a male from the Fendiq, that Fendiq male OR female does NOT nor will refuse such a request.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

If, you choose from the Fendiq males, that includes Ocasa, they, will be their servants, for the entire holiday retreat.” Nian smiled..
 “Does that mean, they will DO anything we ask of them?”  Becci smirked.

Her brother, knew nothing of this! “Mama says, anything, that does not, require being, a couplet OR Cojoined to legally enjoy! “
Juan  looked at Nian, she smiled.

 “We, will, be entering this!  She smiled. You, are a really good swimmer!  A competition winner.” Oh and if we win, we share him?” Nian nodded! “Good then lets go win this! “

Penzi was looking at Roz. “You and Raz are FENDIQ family!
Which means, you are both, disqualified from entering this competition? “ Becci nodded her head.

“Sorry Cous, but she is right. The Xem twins, from our homeworld, though indirectly related;
I have to point out, are also excluded. Though technically legit TWINS. They will be compensated by Mama to say thankyou for agreeing to that.

You all,  can get, the full information off your Sheldes. Margise has uploaded that to the main Comserve exchange. NO, members, of the Fendiq family, may enter OR participate in the competition.

THE Ket, who is in the lead and, arrives at the HALF way point FIRST, can have the option, for their twin, their chosen PARTNER,  to replace them for the return to the starting point. ONLY the FIRST one!
Does not apply, to any of the others who must, complete the entire course in the Estuary.”

inz stepped forward. “What happens IF, as twins one or both of us cannot swim?
On our home colony, we have never learned, nor know how to? Why we are taking lessons.”
Delise moved in front of Becci, looking at all of those present. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

“Any TWIN, may NOMINATE another, to enter for them, BUT if they win, they must share their winnings and they must NOT, be the twin, of any that are entering the race.”  She glanced at Ninz.

“You two, must NOT, enter this race, it is for experienced swimmers only BUT, that, does NOT deny you, the right, to nominate other TWINS?” I remind all of you, inexperienced swimmers MUST NOT enter this!

Mama has told me, that EVERY twin, entering the race, ALL of you apart from the winners, will receive consolation prizes and believe me, they are really good!

Thanks to La Toyah, Mama has arrange to do this, because she too, when at the Akademy; took part in a Swimamathon !  She, did NOT WIN! The course, distance, is exactly or will be, the same.route she took.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

If you are a weak swimmer DO NOT enter!  Aqixi will be making the final decision re WHO enters this race!

If she says NO, then NO; means NO!

The estuary is OK for swimmng but for this distance, GOOD to really GOOD swimmers only. We will be, having,  Aqixi and, two other water patrols; on the, in the, estuary, should any of those swimming need to stop.

ALL of  you twins, have to spend a session with them, BEFORE you are permitted to enter the race. NUX the water dragon will also be introduced to you.

NOT as terrifying, as some will have you believe and, Mama, would like to tell you all, NO they do NOT eat Kets! “

Much as, La Toyah was hoping, it would have eaten some of them.. it was, a sweet, sometimes childish and would be, Kets conspirator. Made worse by the presence of its other companions, the ‘Mermui’.

Some of the skills challenges, it had helped some to cheat, though that was often too tiresome of her, to dispute. You could not, go and have, a meaningful conversation with it, that was for sure!

What others who were ‘Unknowns could be up to was anyones guess.. ?









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NO ONE, but NO ONE, writes like Jess Corbin. an thats a FACT.

Where will HIS story take YOU today?










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