Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Part 2 Every picture tells a story

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy part2









Ameryst was more than aware of the possible trickery by the ‘Jin’. According to the tales she had read thanks mostly to Torvan presenting her with a few ‘audible’ treats, where she could rest up, lay back and listen to, whatever, in most instances, that was available, from a library of millions?

In reality, the actual archives, were beyond comprehension. Nathan their ‘Papa’ was Human(a) so the preference was, towards those ‘tales’ they could. sometimes, helped by their Papa to enjoy.

‘Fairy tales, Manga, ancient folklore, the list was endless or could be though once decided they tended to dismiss the rest. It was all too much choice! The Jin, ah yes that mystical creature could exist in many forms.

The pretence, on its part, to exist ‘trapped’ within, whatever it deemed appropriate, to capture its next ‘victim’; had been, throughout history, one recognised trait of IT the Jin.

One absolute, their Papa, had made clear to them, was how SOME, note SOME ‘tales’ could, actually, be based on FACT? A little variation, with embellishment by others later, was not unusual BUT, the CORE of the tale could be BASED ON FACT?

Ah the Sleeping Beauty? One of Ameryst’s favourites.

Sleeping Beauty is a fairy tale about a princess who is cursed to sleep for
a hundred years and is eventually awakened by a prince:

The curse:

An evil fairy, curses ‘Princess’ to prick her finger on a spinning wheel and fall, into a 
deep sleep on her sixteenth birthday.

The rescue: A good fairy uses her wand, to put everyone and everything in the palace and
forest to sleep; so the princess won't be frightened when she wakes up.

A ‘Prince’  goes on a quest, to find the ‘Princess’ and, break the curse with a kiss
Must be a true, honest, forever loving; one and only, KISS.

The Jin was grinning. A twisted grin that crossed its lips. “So you like that old Solus3 tale?”
 ‘Oh heck’, thought Ameryst. ‘Might be a good idea, to not, be ‘thinking out loud, it obviously can read minds.’

IT looked at their ‘host’. “May I?” “Why not.” Came back the reply. “Then let us step back to that time, see for ourselves what actually took place?” Raising ITs arms in the air hands shoved forwards to ‘disturb the air’; in front of them the scenery transformed and they were?

The wicked witch? She radiated beauty. ”Look at how sh stunningly  beautiful she IS..
How JEALOUS they are, of her for being the most beautiful,  amongst them.”  In front of her, several Human(a) celebrating the birth of a Ketlevling? A smiling, laughing cute and cuddly Ketlevling.

One of those around it, looked up towards their uninvited? Was glaring at the ‘Witch’? A parent?
 “What are YOU, doing here, it hisses at her. YOU, are not welcome here, when, I discover, who told you of this event, I shall punish them.”

“Well now that, would NOT be surprising at all, for you! YOUR cruelty, is known, throughout the land.
IF someone, does NOT agree, to YOUR way of thinking, OR OBEY you, you punish them, what is it now, as your favourite?

A street flogging? Stoning? Sent to the mines? Like those dwarfs, the whole family, sent to die in the mines?
The old woman and her Ketlet (daughter, female.) who you forced, to spin gold for you, constantly; day and night? Gifting them, the gift of immortality, so they would NEVER die?

YOU call me evil, a ‘wretched being’. Why? Because YOU, are unable, to treat me, the same way?
I have the laws of the land to protect me, the right to free speech and NOT to be forced, to bow down before you, whilst you, ignore the wishes, the desires of your people, as to who they worship?

The statues of THEIR Gods, torn down, smashed and trashed, by your troops. The altars, at which, they could leave gifts, to their Gods, smashed to rubble?

All hail the so called GOD you profess to be, their one and only GOD. Why should they have the free choice, the rights, YOUR power to be equal to YOU, to bow before any GOD other than YOU? Fill your coffers from the taxes you force them to pay or else.

YOU call it DEMOCRACY  when the truth is anything but AUTOCRACY, bolstered by HYPOCRISY. The fear that the people will realize, rise up against you supported by the mighty armies of THEIR chosen GODs, the Matsupa?

YET, as long as I live and breathe, I will do everything to stop YOU, to show the people WHO YOU truly are, a wicked self centred egotist, a user and abuser of his own people.”

She moved forward, to raise a ‘wand’ a stick made of pure draxetnium, well to them ‘GOLD’. Pointed it at the Kevletling. “I am gracious enough, NOT to allow YOU to suffer living as one of their accursed. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy.

By age 16, coming of age.. YOU, will be reborn again, to those who worship the true GODS, a daughter of the Matsupa. A GOD, with true power.

THE absolute, ruler of all who come before their GOD.  A leader of her own army of true believers (Zealots) who shall sweep all before them.

ALL shall bow down before you. WILL worship the ONE and ONLY true GOD. YOU their GOD ‘Antimony’ will have the power of life, of death, of all things, NONE shall dare challenge the will of a GOD.

The first to witness her power will be all of YOU that are still alive. YOU will burn before her, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

The ‘witch’ vanished. Pandemonium? Chaos descended before them, as the whole chamber, erupted into rage, fury, FEAR. .

That Matsupa ‘Witch’ had cursed, their one and only.

FEAR? They knew what she had commanded, ‘cursed’  upon ‘Antimony’ a name, THEY had chosen; only their real GODS, could change, could alter?

Of course, they commanded those Gods, or one of them to attend, ordered to reverse the ‘wicked witches curse’? ‘Broadcast’  to all the people, they, could not fail to do so OR, face the wrath, the hatred of the people.

Their Gods, could not match the power of the Matsupa. The ancient GODs were far more powerful.
“See how weak that being is? Its powers cannot, match that of the ‘Matsupa’.”

The only lie, they could spin was one of  her reaching the age of consent, the age of 16 she would fall asleep, into a deep slumber, protected and bathed in the light of the Gods.

UNTIL her savior, gave to her a kiss. “A KISS? I ask you, who wants some stranger kissing you? Their stinking breath, not cleaning their teeth, food trapped between them, rotten teeth?  ‘A stalker?? Weird, weird, weird.’.

Oh I looove the Princess, I am a lowly thick, smelly, stupid individual who can plant a kiss to wake the Princess, to have her with no choice on waking but to be mine and mine alone, to be a Zombie, obedient, compliant and too stupid, to do anything, be anything but be stupid.

Never knowing, she could, have been a God, a leader of a great army to sweep all before them.
Those like them, denying her, abusing their powers? NOW you see why I serve the ‘Matsupa’, the true GODs, “

She paused looked at Ameryst, that crooked smile, the slight twisting of her lips.

 “It took a Haphketsut, an OMINI,  to change that Kevletlings promised future to that of a Zombie..
A HAPHKETSUT and YOU Ameryst, are you proud to be one of them?

Don’t YOU after seeing this, the true facet, the TRUTH, to your ‘Sleeping beauty, want to remain a Haphketsut?

Surely a follower, a believer a GOD, to the true faith of the Matsupa? is far more befitting your status, as a GOD leading armies to victory to smash down the unbelievers?

YOU, have the right, to choose, YOUR own, destiny Ameryst.

A GOD amonst your people or ?  a puppet of others. The OMINI; the puppets of those who claim, who pervert the truth re the origins of all things that ever came into being, existing?

LIARS. They the ‘Matsupa’ are the one and only ‘TRUE’ GODs, YOUR only true GODs. Be a GOD amongst them Ameryst. You are strong, powerful but your true power lies with the Matsupa, YOUR companion GODs your friends, YOUR FAMILY.

A FAMILY who will never betray you, will see YOU honoured before all, who fall before your great armies, subjugated, bowing to the will of the one true GODs.”!

The scene changed, they were back where they had started from. “I sense you still do NOT believe that you are capable of so much more.. I need to show YOU Ameryst, the destiny that could be YOURS.”

Before her, an army led by her against the hated Jogarth? Anora the Empress, on her knees before her, begging for mercy? At her side Cxan, a slave band on his arm.

Compliant, obedient before.. ANORA!  CXAN?!!!

Ameryst, could feel, the rage inside her. THAT she had sworn, would NEVER be! As for, the image of Ocasa in chains, whipped by Illia enjoying his suffering.

A smile upon her lips, with every slap, of the whip across his body, the body she loved, had cuddled up to and, kept in her heart. The screams, the bleeding flesh AND ILLIA. the Jogarth ...

After,she had finished with Anora, she would bury Illia, up to her neck in sand and then, let her be eaten by the ‘fire ants’. Her thoughts were interrupted.

“Choose YOUR destiny carefully Ameryst. FOR others lives, will depend on YOU making the right choices.”

Take a look into your future Ameryst.. THIS is YOU...One of the most powerful of our GODs .. Amersia..
All those, who fell, before the Zealot armies, led by their one true GOD.. YET HOW dare the PRIMITIVES. still seek to deny, question, refuse their TRUE GODs.

Your own Papa’s world Human(a) Solus 3 refused you, as their GOD...

They would sooner die than submit to their true GOD.

So YOU accepted and respected their wishes, every last one of them.”

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy.










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NO ONE, but NO ONE, writes like Jess Corbin. an thats a FACT.

Where will HIS story take YOU today?










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