Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Part 2 Every picture tells a story

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy part2









Resting in her domicile, the Jin having left her to dwell upon its offer? Ameryst remembered well that Torvan had told her to remember and remember well. Jin are deceivers, liars, cheats and offer NOTHING without a price that many will never be able to afford.

Collection on its due date IF, such an agreement existed AND NO, the Jin, would NEVER, infer such a ‘due’ date exists, UNTIL it was time to collect on THEIR ‘DEBT’ to IT? NOTHING is FREE in life so Torvan would echo Mama’s words faithfully to the letter as one might say.

She, liked his tone of voice but moreso his honesty in trying to help his ‘Kevletling’ become wiser and understand that sometimes those around them were not always what they claimed to be or showed themselves to be?
This time the offer was extreme BUT never the less, a falsehood. IT was NOT REAL.

Cast, within an ever diminishing  moment in time, captured as a trial, a test of her strength to defeat one so clever and cunning a creature if such could be called a ;creature’ I suppose a ‘Creature of habit’ might apply; it was certainly that.

This time however, it had taken on, more than its usual victim. Ameryst, was far more intelligent, savvy and  with it than the Jin obviously gave her credit for being. Rumpelstitskin. ah yes, therein lay a tale of what happens, when you LIE, lie, lie; to the extent, where you cannot, deliver on your so called promises?

NOW, what was it, Torvan had told her, about the Jin? KNOW it’s NAME, yes its NAME and simply telling IT, gives YOU the power over it? She desired the thing to leave them alone, to go away, to realize too late that LYING in the end, when uncovered for what it IS, does the LIAR no favours. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Family Sci Fi

Mama had taken her ‘baby’ as she called her, to a palacial building on a planet where the Matsupa had invaded with their Zealot hordes, their rampaging mobs to instil fear into the local populace.

At the time, she was old enough to understand what had happened AND the carnage of destruction, theft, vandalism and worse; oh so much worse.

The Matsupa Accolyte had fled. Zaidz as IT was a vicious, nasty ‘THING’. It would appear in one form and reappear in another. Depending on what race you were you would see it as a ‘female OR MALE’ version.

ALWAYS wearing the same head gear. The ‘GREEN’ as we would know it ‘SKIN’ never changed.

Reptilian form was also a known variable, complete with scales.
The ‘Scorpion’ as we wouild know it embraced her ‘insignia’.

NOT unlike the Cobra re ancient Egypitan history, an attachment to her head dress, showed one a magnificent Scorpion effigy, made of pure Draxetnium (GOLD).

Her tongue, was that of a Scorpion’s tail, that could flash through ITs lips, to sting stunning its victim. Unwary victims could, easily be caught up, in the lash of it, for them to crumple at her ‘feet;.

Whoever her ‘Chiropodist’ was ? Gross is an understatement. Those ‘feet’ needing regular attention, as scaly disgusting, smelly scales could form.

So what race you might ask? Ancient TroQ from a planetary system in the ‘dark zone’,  invaded by the Matsupa after their beating, from another Omini Impericus? 

The TroQ were a peaceful trading nation.  Zaidz and four others, were unique to that race, aggressively violent and, a contemptuous race of beings.

Despised as outcasts, they had long sought vengeance against those who had cast them out?
The arrival of the Matsupa and their hardened Zealot veterans, were subjugating the planet?

Zaidz and the others were given the powers of the Gods. Their pleasure was the torture of and death to many of those who they reckoned had been ones sentencing them as outcasts? What acts of terror they were delivering gave them true pleasures beyond compare. Compared to the ‘Pure blood’ Ancient Matsupa Onitia watching them!

IT was terrifying, to see the planet and, it occupants, enslaved, sacrificed to their new Gods. NOT that the Matsupa remained there for long. A scout craft from the Omini had detected their presence AND Onitia knew it was time to leave with a gift for the people of that planet? A plague that left millions of them dying.

The outcasts? Now leading their own Zealot armies. Their own space craft emblazoned with the insignia of the dammed’ the Matsupa. The more Ameryst thought upon what her Mama had seen, witnessed and told her?
The more she realized, the words from Torvan to be a real TRUTH. “NEVER trust a Jin, it is a liar, a deceiver.”

BUT how could she find out its NAME?









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NO ONE, but NO ONE, writes like Jess Corbin. an thats a FACT.

Where will HIS story take YOU today?










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