Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Part 2 Every picture tells a story

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy part2









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The ‘Stratorium, was being used for a match, between two females, who had a disagreement. Across the Qiverse, various races, love, hate, despise, each other.  Hence the origins of what often ends up as war.

With, everything else going on?  Margise had finally given into them getting rid of some pent up aggression. Every time, they ‘crossed paths’ it ended up in confrontation, verbal abuse, cussing, threatening and !

Other Kets, were getting tired of them, interrupting their Ovir meet ups. As Becci had noted, the hostility between them, was getting worse. Not that it was always aimed at one individual named Kinzi.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Becci, had taken time out, to scold Sikash.
She had the face of a slapped might be the thought crossing many onlookers minds.

Sikash, had thrown a punch at Becci, who was taken by surprise, as her whole body lit up and her gems glowed to form a defensive shield around her.

A sudden surge across Sikash, throwing her back, with a nasty tingle, to jar her senses. “NOOO!”  Delise had shrieked at her.

Don’t be so dumb Si! She is a Haphketsut ! Protected from such attacks and the outcome, is NEVER good, for those attempting such an assault, let alone one, that was deliberately unprovoked”!

Thats a violation of Akademy rules.” she had hissed back at Delise. “I can report her for that. It’s using a weapon against me!”

Celia shook her head. She moved close to Sikash. “Becci did NOT activate the gems. They automatically react and you are lucky, VERY lucky Si that all you got was thrown back with a slight tingle.

Becci, her gems can KILL you. She is too young and, not fully in control of the gems. What you got, was a warning, a reminder, to NOT be stupid enough, to take on a Haphketsut!  “

Actually that was not strictly true. The ‘entity’ aboard Raptor, had by passed, the normal processes for Becci, to ensure, her gems, were more than fully under her control.

HOWEVER the gems, were also controlled by other forces, ancient powers that limited their full effect, whilst she was at the Akademy. They would protect her but limit the flow of power against any would be adversary.
UNLESS the intention was clearly to kill her.

Sikash was scowling rubbing her arms.. The appearance of her arch nemesis Kinzi? Margise like Celia, knew all too well, what was the cause of her aggression.

They both, had reached, what we would know, as ‘Puberty’. Hormonal disturbances generated within them, the chemical flush now triggering certain glands to release emotional heaven or hell.

Coming to terms, with what was happening to them, their bodies with physical changes that had them at odds, to understand fully, what was happening to them?

Often the Akademy, could help, with those, who had gone through such, to take time out to explain the various outcomes. It would depend on what race you were as to what actually happened during this phase in their lives.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Aggression was inbuilt into some. A kind of triggering of that to increased levels that made them feel angry, defensive, disagreeable? NOT because they had previously been like this. The over riding hormones could be savage, indifferent, brutal assault on their senses.

Some races, had the means to help their offspring.
Ancient rituals that had to be followed and in doing so would give them control of those new senses, new physiology and more.

Away from home? At the Akademy Kets could struggle and the Ket (lets - females) were not alone re these changes.
The males also could go through some noticeable physical challenges.

For some, who had been born via ‘Progenesis’ there could also be substantial changes taking place. Size, colour of skin, height and so many more.

Those ‘animorphs’ ie the Kets from Bexes...needed a top of a chemical that was spat into their mouth to help them adjust as they transformed for the first time, OR were finding the transformation to be difficult.

Before, they took their first transformation, they, had one of their own, who would monitor them carefully. Thereafter, until they were able to do so, with little or no real issues.

BUT back to the present. Margise had access to the Akademy archives. She knew how, they, could get some control of their ‘puberty’. TO balance their chemical changes, they needed, to physically expend their energy, whereupon their bodies, would settle down and, lose some of the aggression.

Sikash was disturbed by her skin colour. She, had noted how the males, would appear to like Kinzi much better than her? Some feeling of being dirty? Constantly bathing, to see, if her skin colour, would change, would become lighter?

It was a truth, that it was due, to those body changes, with the chemical flushes, that was causing her, to think that way. It, was not actually based on fact.

NOT entirely the opposite, but some knew, she was liked, far more, simply because, she was deemed to be far more confident AND capable than her rival.

More laid back and, less willing, to put herself out for others, well other than her closest companions,
Kinzi too, was now finding her hormone changes, to be doing things to leave her emotions all of them in disarray askew.

Tears, tearful, intemperate and quick tempered. Sikash had disturbed her attempts at coming around from such a session where she had felt like crying. Mocking her? Cry baby and similar as we might know it?

Luckily, she had shifted away, from her leaving her without Kinzi throwing a punch in her direction.
BOTH, were physically fit. Surprisingly more so, re laid back Kinzi.

SO, here we were. The Stratorium was busy, a lot of Kets had taken time out to watch them battle it out. NO restrictions, have at each other, provided it, was without weapons. Hand to hand combat.

Nivaheh was an elder ‘Shoishen’ female. Very capable physically AND also possessed the power of telekinesis. Able to move objects and that included should the need arise, to separate them ?

Referee, for the entire encounter, Margise was more than pleased to have her in the ‘ring’ with them.
Their ‘fans’ were split, into the two main groups. AND both of them had a good number of them.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Ethan, had been a fan, of Sikash, ever since he had witnessed her in one of her outbursts against Kinzi. He had giggled to himself as she shoved herself forward to have their faces a breath’s distance from each other.

Not as powerful as Ameryst. What he liked about her was her confidence. He did detect that she had become fixated on her colour.

Her skin colour BUT he had taken her aside to allow her to see him morph? She had stroked his fur much to his amusement.

It is, WHO you are, BENEATH the colour, that makes YOU, who you are, NOT the colour of your skin! Take the Jogarth.

A perfect example, of those, who others take one look and hate? NO! They are Jogarth and if any resentment exists, it is because of WHO they are, KNOWN for being,  NOT what colour they are!

In the ‘ring’ they were evenly matched. Blow for blow, cursing and like a pair of dancers. Around and, at each other, until finally, BOTH of them, fell to the floor; exhausted.

At first, difficult to conceive, they could, be almost unable to move? Both, were lifted and carried off, to their domiciles. Becci  was with the group taking Sikash. She sensed some peace within her.

As for Celia, with Kinzi? By the time they got her onto her recline, she was snoring her head off!  Margise had ordered the medicents to do some tests on both of them.

The levels were good, much much better than before. Both of them with what we would know as the ‘pineal gland’; were stablizing really well. A few more of these bouts and they would have worked out their grievances.

Leaving Sikash, with some exotic oils?  Ethan had left a message telling her, how he loved her skin colour and, most of all, these oils would protect and preserve it. She was special, her skin when she bathed and applied the oil was looking and feeling good.

Well moisturised and, the colour was as one of the other Ket (lets) who helped apply it to her back; leaving her skin colour absolutely glowing.  The dryness of her skin, had been, one of the issues, she had been emotionally upset over. She felt annoyed at being upset at something like that,. NOW? The feeling was good, really good.

Ethan had been in the Ovir drinking when Skikash appeared. She looked stunning and, other male Kets, were noting how she shone. The gold (Draxet) necklace and bracelet, against her skin was the final adornment to her beauty.

Stopping to pause next to him,. she had leaned in to plant a kiss on his forehead. Whispering “Thankyou/” before moving off, to join the others from her usual group. One of tjhem  sniffed her skin. “Whoa Si, this is mega expensive and rare, very rare! I tried to get some from Bexes, but they won’t release it to anyone who is not from there. !”

You have a soft spot for her.” Delise smiled. Dressed ready for the  ‘Furiz’; Fairground. Not long, before the ‘concert’ They were joined by several others when Torvan appared. He rushed towards them.

We have to go help Ocasa.” Uhh? A problem, a mega problem...










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NO ONE, but NO ONE, writes like Jess Corbin. an thats a FACT.

Where will HIS story take YOU today?










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