Coming up... Ameryst is put to the test again..
“....much less about strength, more about strategy and wisdom, it is a deceiver; cunning! “
IaSuii. leaned in close to her. “Remember. what your Mama told you about ‘deceivers’? “ Ameryst thought for a moment and then nodded.
“Good, then recall her words and you; YOU. WILL. gain strength from them. They, cannot corrupt, the purity of truth, from the lips of an innocent Kevletling. We need to show you this, because what lies ahead, will be far more evil and destructive.
Your wisdom and strength gained from this will see you even stronger. 3 challengers and YES there are 3 but are there really 3 OR? ARE you being deceived?
NOW it is time to dress our champion.. a little deception on our part will not be wasted. Nothing like a little glitz and glamour to throw them, off guard; Ameryst!
If you cannot beat them ? CONFUSE THEM? I wonder if that works?
Where will HIS story take YOU today ? Welcome to the worlds. of Jess Corbin