Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Part 2 Every picture tells a story

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy part2









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“I really, don’t know what, they are playing at.” Dire & Straits (Group leaders) - Omeja - Mikar - Dodger &,Lolly - Xison  -  Becci  - Alia D - Alia G were all together at an Ovir for their first real ‘Group’ meet up. faeronMIA450d

“Uh?” “Two new ‘group’ members. BOTH from the same, race,
type.. hmm.” “Type?” Becci was not the only one curious at the use of that expression. IT hinted at something bizarre?

“Faeron. They’re ‘Immortals!’ “ “Uh?” Xison interrupted.
“Have none of you ever come across a ‘fairy ring’ in a forest clearing? OR similar? “

They shook their heads. Xison leaned forwards to pick up her shelde. Now illuminated she showed them some pictures.

“Magical beings. Good, bad and indifferent. Can be, really nasty, if they choose to be, especially IF you are dumb enough, to upset them! “

“These are, the two we are expecting.” His words tailed off as two ‘females’ approached them. Both of them were dressed exquisitely.

“You are the ‘Wild bears’ ‘Group’? I am Mia and this is my sister Tia. We are not permitted to be separated.
Think of us as Cojoined. “

Heliera? She approached them. “La Toyah sent me to make sure that you all are aware of her decision re this.
Their powers are limited just like yours Becci.

Defensive only BUT, they cannot be killed OR injured. Their whole bodies, light up, with a blinding light, IF they are at threat OR provoked. “

She looked at Mia AND Tia. “Could you, show them, your wings?” They nodded, as they stepped back, their bodies starting to glow and, there they were.

“Wow, they are beautiful.” Mia smiled. “Forgive my sister Tia who is showing off! I too have FOUR wings.
We can make them appear and disappear at will.”

“What you all see, are NOT, in any sense of the word PHYSICAL. An illusion; no. BUT they are what we call ethereal. Very light and delicate, especially in a way that does not seem to come from the real, physical world.faerontia450b

We, do not need them, to ‘FLY’! They are part of, who we once were, when we were much  much smaller.”

Suddenly, Tia shimmered bathed in light, but this time, a more intense almost BLUE light? Her size ?!! She shrunk to almost a third of her original size.

“Whoa! “ As the blue died away she returned to her normal size. “NOT our normal to be that small BUT.” She grinned.

“Sometimes, being that small, allows us, to enter certain places, our larger sizes won’t.

That I hope, will be useful to the ‘Group’ when we are playing in the strategic trials. It is NOT cheating. A natural aspect to our ‘being’ who we are. “

Heliera left them, somewhat pleased, to note, how well they were being welcomed. She felt her palm tingle as the little disc flickered and glowed.

Hoki! Appearing next to her? “They’re Faeron arn’t they?” Heliera nodded. “We. have similar beings. but ours. are much smaller. They indulge in rituals, using rings, to leave little gifts for my people the Simeron.

In return for us, keeping their clearing clean and tidy; free from the beasts such as the Raits who are disgusting creatures. They poo and. steal like thieves in the night, interrupt rituals. that are sacred to the Faeron.

Our hunters, are almost always successful and, the Raits giving up their hearts so nicely, is a good way to get extra natural medicines and gifts. If we leave them corn and other fruits they bless my people, with strong, healthy; babies. 

They like Strawberry Frubu.” She giggled. “I tore my clothing on some brambi... Mama would be really cross! I put my Frubu down, whilst I, groaned at realizing, what I had done? Saw a Faeron appear and look at the Frubu sniffing it with some interest?HOKI300

I put some onto a leaf, as it sipped at it. Smiled and then took out a tiny little straw? Waved it at me and I fetl a tingle, before, my clothing repaired itself! The tear was gone! The Frubu?  I left it, for others to now appear and vanish with it.

When I got home, Mama was staring at my clothing, moving into grab hold of it? Shaking her head? Muttering strange VERY strange, this is almost like new, even the previously worn areas are not showing any wear at all, Are you sure this is NOT new?

Luckily my Bow (Brother) saved me. He’s always hungry, I had picked some of his favorite Muitz (wild mushrooms). In amongst the Brambi two fat large ones! “

“You, are going, to have to be careful. Something strange is going on. I can take you into the Concert. BUT we will still have to be careful.”
She showed her the shelde, with the modified clothing she would be wearing.

That, will make you, appear older AND similar to me, height and weight wise. I had to bribe with some body fluids, a Sentient, but the illusion, is exactly that.

What they will see, when they look at you, is NOT, how you normally look. I was worried because of the Obelisk blocking a lot of mystical power BUT this will not , I am told, be affected by that.

I tell you Hoki, some of those ‘ Sentients ’ are really weird. This ‘female’ was definitely one of them.
Zadoi recommended ‘her’; IT. She wanted some of my fluids, well we won’t go there.
Taste, something to do with taste.

They don’t have taste, or the sensation of it, which is also, really wacky. The way they appear to you is really creepy. They have this power to assume the form they consider is acceptable to you. Some other race will see them differently? So Zadoi says. I think as a Jade he is far less spooky. z23ee300

Whoa it makes me shiver when I think of ‘her’; IT. Those eyes! they have this ripple across them, different colours, patterns and I swear it is as though they can read your mind, your thoughts. Sense your whole being.

X22EE what is that for a name?! Still I suppose if we look at some of the names, pronouns and more of some around it probably is not so strange. She had some strange collar I’ve never seen one like that before.

I think, it could form a shield around her head. You know, like one of those bubbles. BUT THEY, don’t need special air or chemical mixes.

Still  Zadoi, said she could be trusted. NOT long before the concert AND,  it got me the means, for us to go together.

She showed me, how it works. I have to spray you with it and, it will last for the concert and a little more. I will take you back to my domicile and AFTER the others have left, we can get that sorted.

Unknown to them., watching from a concealed area, IT watched with some interest and took in the conversation?
‘A Simeron. how interesting. I may take that as a specimen to add to my collection.’ She smiled as she now observed Hoki turning and vanishing? Inter spacial travel. Now that is, a surprise, for such a small being to do.’









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