Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Part 2 Every picture tells a story

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy part2









It was an hour later. They were sat eating and drinking. “This is quite good!” Fesh smiled as Ornatha grinned “We thought you’d like it and there are loads more if anyone wants some!” Soon the Kets were laid back, having a siesta, some just resting their eyes, some fast asleep whilst Opheliad was in quiet meditation. Ocasa had passed by, one of the inner compartments of the Ixcoi (tent as we would know it) that some of the females were sat within.

Some form of exercising in progress? Glancing over to one figure, Orpheliad? Thinking to himself HOW does she put her body into such a position! You could call it what we would call Yoga. Opheliad’s limbs were very supple. Ornatha and Xugan, disappeared off somewhere, to return about an hour later, to talk to Sadowan.

“OK everyone, we’ve found a pool area in a cave, warm spring water from a ‘Thremdelt.‘ (A borehole that was sunk by previous miners to a level below that was usually hot volcanic rock, flooded by water.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Family Sci Fi

The borehole allowed hot water to bubble, to the surface heatng the pool of cold water!) It’s safe and Ornatha and Xugan have checked it out for us, so if you want a swim grab your kit and follow them!” Bar, Opheliad and Belanna who were whispering, barely audible to the others?

Those who chose to take time out BEFORE the swim mathon was about
to start,  went off to the new found pool. They had checked the temperature, it was almost perfect!

“It’s the hot springs, probably from deep volcanic rock and this planet has some volcanoes so I’m told in the far away lands.“ Fesh nodded. “So I’ve heard!
Luckily they’re not active!”

“So have you ever thought of taking a trip into the Far Away Lands? Curious?” Fesh interrupted.  “You can end up being expelled,, not a good idea to break the rules.“ Sadowan laid back floating on the water, she moved her head to look back at Ocasa

“So you, wouldn’t wander over to have a look?” Ocasa stared at her then at Fesh. “NO!“ Fesh glares at Sadowan.
“I don’t see, why, some of you, find it so hard, to accept, there are rules, to be obeyed! Put there, probably for our safety!”

Celia sat up splashed down “Oh, as if you wouldn’t given the opportunity Fesh, take a look!” “Rules are rules!
Don't go mentioning such daft ideas to Taon either!” Sadowan interrupted them.

“So everyone ready for the swim? We can leave some gear here, so we can enjoy the pool, after the swim?
I’m up for some recon along the path that runs the length of the Estuary down to the middle marker?” Ocasa nodded.
“ I will join you Fesh.  These others, have to go join the competitors. “

He stopped to turn around look at Sadowan. “I’ve seen you swimming Sadowan. You, are a natural ‘FISH’. so my sister Ameryst told me; she also told me, to place a bet for HER on YOU!.

A while later, some of them, were dressing. The discussion had been about realform creatures. From the pool area there was a scream! They rushed over to where Cala was stood up, about to get out of the pool, frozen to the spot. Terrified?

In front of her, a water creature. Its huge head out of the water and body slithering towards her.
“Hold still Cala, don’t move.” Some of the Kets hearing Fesh’s remarks fell about laughing. Cala was definitely NOT moving, not strictly true, she was shaking!

“It’s a realform. An illusion. Don’t show fear! See those two glowing spots, they’re sensors designed to scan your body’s reactions. Increased pulse rate, chemical rush? It will detect and react. Do you think its hostile?“ More laughter.

"Stand up to it!" Cala turned glared at Xugan as if to say.“ I’m already STANDING you idiot.“
“When I say, all of us, rush at it.“ Sadowan started to move towards it. “NOW!“ As they rushed at it, it vanished.

“Thank the, for that! “ Hisses Sadowan “I was pretty sure it was realform.” Cala looked at her, stammered.
"You mean it might not have been?" "Well they do make those things so realistic, sometimes a bit difficult to tell.

We would have known, it wasn't of course, if it had eaten you. by the huge bulge you would have made!"
Some were laughing. Cala toppled backwards falling to the ground, caught mid way, by Xugan.

“She’s fainted! Help me get her out of the pool.“ Ocasa couldn’t stop laughing. The look on poor Cala’s face.
He was rethinking things as he turned glared at Sadowan. “You were joking about it possibly being real?!“

“Well that Avauab beast, does like volcanic waters and this pool is definitely heated from volcanic waters.
They come up through the bore holes.“ "That's it! I'm carrying a weapon next time!" "A stunner will do it, though best get out of the water before you use it! If not the water will triple the energy lash and feed it back to you!

“I remember once.” Xugan started to talk, as Cala stirred, back to conscious reality?!. “Going into a cave, just like this, it too had one of those creatures, we had to fire at it for it to vanish in the shadows, not that we hung around after that.
There were two skeletons of miners, the bones spread across the cave floor.” Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Family Sci Fi

“Eaten by it?” "Yes. You would not think, given its size to start with, that it can swallow a whole miner. Let it sit in its guts, whilst it pours its juices, over its meal, to soften it and digest it. Leaving just the bones behind.

They usually spit a venom, that paralysis its victim, before slowly eating it alive." Cala fainted again! “Thanks for that Xugan!“

Opheliad and Belanna, were telling everyone, who their favourite winners were, for the swim. “Such a shame Ameryst could not be here.” She noted the look on Ocasa’s face, of disappointment. “Could not enter.

She is from Fendiq.” Fre mutters, with those around him, glaring back at him. Ocasa looked at Fre. as he, turned back to Sadowan.

“i think Sadowan is my favourite.” She was smiling,liking the fact that he appeared to be a fan of hers? As for those Kalheiron?
WHO picked them? “ Guess who might spring to mind. The ‘Matsupa’ triple troublemakers.

“But the Kalheiron hate the Matsupa?” “They have an agreement NOT to wage war on each other. Not strictly true, the Kalheiron, can be as bad as the Mats, when it comes to keeping their word. Given the chance, they will not hesitate to attack each other. “

“I think they are up to something.” Fre was shaking his head, rolling his eyes.
“Duh! Of course they are. That ‘Zetian’ was definitely smirking when I saw her earlier.”
Sadowan interrupted them.

“Difficult to cheat. Everyone is observed from start to finish; closely observed and monitored. “ 
Celia looked at her. “Trust me Sadowan, that Zetian, is telling everyone the Kalheiron are going to win this.

So sure in fact, that it leaves me with no doubts at all, they, IT,  KNOWS something, we don’t and that means CHEATING. HOW, we shall see. The Kalheiron ‘ twins’ are good swimmers BUT I would NOT agree they are better than Sadowan. “

Chadren, had been preparing for the swim. Teaming up with Sadowan was having him feel good. She had told him that he did NOT have to do anything but cheer her on. For him their training together had left him in no doubts she was more than capable.

IF he had been disposed to feeling less than capable she had been quick to remind him that as a PAIR they did really well. Accepting they were NOT, equal in everything they SHARED was also good for them.

Sadowan liked Chadren for his ability, to talk about his feelings with her, when it came to certain aspects of their friendship. Including of course, how he felt she was stronger, much better at swimming?

To which she, had reminded him, that he was really good at some sports where she was less than perfect.
She had asked him. Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Family Sci Fi

“Do you like being with me? Do you like what we share? I.. “
She had paused, to stop, turn and, plant a kiss on his cheek.
“I, like that we care, CARE for each other.

NOW, I, have a race to win.” They, had met up to head over to the competitors enclosure. Seeing  her in her swimsuit was nothing new BUT this?

She, had been gifted, by HIS parentia who manufatured the sports wear, a deluxe ‘champions’ swim suit.  Lighter, fuller and firmer, with uplift support to increase her free flowing within the water; dynamics.

Stepping into the water, aware of a lot of eyes on her, she felt the sensation, of how good submerged in the water.

How amazing it felt, across he whole body.
The tingle was astonishing. Now she understood why, champion Galacia Aquanauts, as they were called, loved these suits.
As for the COST???

Hers was a custom suit, specially made for her, to fit her contours, her weight, her height and so much more measured in secret, by Meladi supplying Chadren with the details.

Fitting like a glove was an understatement.
Chadren had been in awe of her beauty but, seeing her in that suit, every curve, every full and perfectly formed part of her, had had him realise the meaning of the word ‘ perfection ‘.

At the Estuary starting point, a rope barrier had been set out into the water. Swimmers could swim out, grab hold of the rope as they waited for the starting blast where the rope would lower and then the final blast for them to swim.

The main one, with those who genuinely qualified as twins, gave the first row, the main starting point to them. Any other swimmers were or could be, second in line or third and TIMED re their swim; HOWEVER.

ONLY a TWIN, could be at the middle marker buoy, to have the opportunity to turn as the prospective winner AND get 5 additional points, added to their score, IF. they did the whole course as one and did NOT have another TWIN changing places with them?

Some of the other twins, realized how she stole the moment. NOT that there were those who’s Parentia had not spent a lot of money on their specially made suits. The price however of the one Sadowan was wearing was beyond a price. Unique ONE of a kind.

The final blast and, the race started as Sadowan, slow but steadily moved ahead, of some but with some, pushing ahead at a frantic pace ahead of her? The Kalheiron following her, was maintaining a similar pace to hers. 

Rushing ahead, was burning up energy too fast. Sadowan knew that, the Kalheiron knew that. It would not be long before they were passing those ahead of them, one after another until it was only Sadowan and the one Kalheiron twin?

Those looking on holding their breath as they, got closer and closer to the middle marker buoy.?
Zetian was grinning. Turning to Lixii and Xixian. “Now we, will teach HER, a VENDAREN, a lesson in being the LOSER she is. This is for the Vendaren who trash our Holy sites, enslave our Zealots. “

Closer and closer to the middle marker buoy..










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NO ONE, but NO ONE, writes like Jess Corbin. an thats a FACT.

Where will HIS story take YOU today?










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