Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Part 2 Every picture tells a story

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy part2









The day, before the concert, started with the Swimathon taking place.
The questions still remained as to WHO had picked the Kalheiron to take their place?

Much ado about nothing to some BUT some races who had been attacked by the Kalheiron knew all too well, it was anything other than than about ‘nothing’.

Vicious, vindictive and if the Matsupa were a terror to some, the Kalheiron were on a level with them if not on occasion, worse. They raided worlds, outposts, satellites and took slaves; though they did NOT keep slaves, have slaves in their own domesticity.

A slave uprising had seen hundreds of their own butchered. It took a long time, to end the rebellion. NO mercy was shown and NOT one former slave was left alive.

Hence, they take them, trade them to others, but NO, not with us thankyou. NOT that the females are left to do the chores. They have those famous ‘GOKs’ and that includes the Fem ones. anaset Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

The females, are as savage and nasty. A lot of the Kets here, know they. are safe from that lot, doing anything to them, BUT! It does not stop the fear, a kind of PTSD; especially IF you have lived through their attacks.

The Murmui are a people, who live mostly in the caves next to the Estuary. They are commonly known as the Mermaids or Merme. Murmui describes them as who they are.

It was no surprise to them, re the Swimathon. For several years it does take place OR it may not.

Becci’s mama, along with others had taken place in the race a while before they go their. She had made sure they all could swim. Good for the body, kept them fit and healthy.

A few races, to add a little competitive spirit to it, with some well EARNED; prizes at home on Fendiq or Bexes. All good. NOT that it was going to do them any good re the Swimathon.

IF they had been resting, the arrival of Delise looking flustered and almost out of breath? Becci and Torvan, with Celia; let her recover.

“Suzie’s backing musicians have failed to turn up. Delayed in transit is all they would tell La Toyah.

They, her management, are thinking of resheduling it, as no one will entertain using AI. Those systems are too vulnerable to interference and we all know who they mean re that.

La Toyah is really annoyed, she sympathizes with the fans. They all have spent outrageous amounts on their clothing, accessories and more, for what? Also the old fuddy duddies of the Elite management want the whole thing out of the Akademy.

They were none too keen on it happening in the first place. Anaset is in charge of the ongoing situation re us Kets. At least we have the Swimathon to take minds of some of the bad news.” inter Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Anaset, could handle herself physically, Those Kets, who knew her, would be polite, even if they felt annoyed, desiring to vent some of that aggression?

She was, a good listener. NOT into talking so much on her part as LISTENING. Sometimes it was surprising, they would vent their anger, thank her for her time and move off much happier?

Inter, would praise her. She like Anaset and that for many was indeed a complement worth a lot where a lot of her other friends were concerned.

Coitus, Inter and Ruptus were not always together, but when they were there would be quite a sociable gathering forming.
Today was no exception.

Much of the muttering, murmurs about the concert getting cancelled?
At first no one was knowing WHY just that there was updated news going on and none of it was looking good.

Suzie had been the first to realize the situation was looking bad. For the AI setup it would require special permissions. That OBELISK was also though NOT for the Kets to know, a nightmare as it WOULD interfere with the AI systems. 

Thoth and some of the others could not be located. Suspiciously absent ? So far, not good, not good at all. Frustrations were building, tensions mounting was an understatement.

“The problem is, the Akademy systems re AI integration are VERY complex, they have to be with the number of different races, beings including ’sentient’ lifeforms.

Jaho of the Jade was one who had come umder some harsh words. He had tried to explain how the AI here was so intense it was at times even for ‘him’ problematic.

Interference, was liken to, a buzzing sound, a fly resting on the top of his head or close to his ear? The sound magnified to the level he had to alter some of his neural interfaces to try and eliminate it.

When a ‘Sentient’ being resides in a shell of its choosing, it can be for the most part with little in the way of issues.Like the crab that inhabits a shell and changes as it grows is  close to how he will ‘grow’. OR

They can reside in a stationery fixed tenure and yes some are more than happy NOT to take physical form.
Jaho likes his and usually, the Kets get on well with him.

Noise reduction was NOT built into his BUT that is WHY he is at the Akademy, to discover how sound works, frequencies, how to shut out unwanted sounds by cancelling out certain frequencies?jaho Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

‘Noise cancelling headphones’ monitor the sound around you, preventing unwanted noise from ever reaching your ears. Miniature microphones in the earcups or earbuds listen to outside noise frequencies and emit the exact opposite signal, to effectively “cancel out” both sets of sounds when the soundwaves collide.

Other ‘sounds’, could also be good, bad or indifferent.
His neural symnaptics had to be tuned, fine tuned by him which was also ANOTHER reason for him being there.

Once he had mastered how to control those ‘Synaptics’, he would know  his self awareness, would be easily able, to adjust accordingly to allow, reduce or cancel altogether.

In the beginning, his motor and also his OPTICAL interfacing had been a challenge. Like a toddler learning to walk?
Not much different for ‘him’.

Most Human(a) can see around one million different colours. This is because a healthy human eye, has three types of cone cells, each of which can register, about 100 different colour shades, amounting to around a million combinations.

Jaho has a core device, that registers over 1 BILLION light variations from Chroma to to to including ‘Tetrachromacy’

In some races, It's passed through the ‘X’ chromosome, about 12% of Human(a) women have it (yes - there is a genetic test to see if you do, too!)

ALL Haphketsut have the same as Jaho will have , at his peak.  Cistera is a Haphketsut Impericus and Becci is already advanced to almost a comparable level. Our Ameryst has exceptional BALANCE, she can walk a
‘high wire’ and in the beginning startled some of them including Ocasa freaking out!

Highwire walking is a type of tightrope walking, that can take place at a greater height, typically above 20 feet.

Thus Jaho does tend to be a little ‘switched off at times as he tries to come to terms with his new found abilities

Just as a child, will find new flowers, designs, features, COLOURS? to wonder at? With sentients that can suddenly decide to ‘upgrade’ with more vibrant, deeper, or varied strengths re the colours he can see.

He loves his visits to the ‘Galacia Gardens’, his favourite ‘hot house’ is where, he can find his ORCHIDS. Sometimes he works with those who look  after it, Annibeered2

Voluntarily but from working there he gets a greater understanding on why his senses tend to go euphoric with increased endorphin levels? 

Annibee teases him about it. For her, it has to be chog (chocolate or Cacua). It was her who introduced Jaho the Gardens.

Her home world, grows Orchids, for exporting to other worlds from seed to partially grown.

If he wants, when they get their ‘break’ he can go with her to her home so he can see them in a more natural environment.

Her world can be temperate with VERY high temperatures to cooler ones where the bulk of the populations reside in fixed zones. The temperature also, does NOT drop at night in the ‘temperate zones’.

Jaho sought permission but was told whilst at the Akademy it is expected of him to make his own decisions and accept the consequences so he can LEARN from them.

Annibee really likes Jaho. Can they ever become a couple? Couplets or CoJoined? The answer is YES. Some races. some Parentia will NOT like that. Some will be openly ‘hostile’ whilst others, will be more than happy, to have them, as ‘Couplets’ BUT NOT Co Joined.

It was on his way back, from the ‘Hot house’ that he met up with Anibee who had been with several of her friends putting their Concert attire together, when, the bad news, about the band being absent?

He was concerned. This, was supposed to be, a first ‘date’ for them before, they announced, they were going to try becoming ‘Couplets’. You see, they can, trial that, BUT as Co Joined you are joined for life.. YOU cannot leave each other on pain of death; EXECUTION.

The only exception to that, is if ie the male partner, was to die in battle and, yes, that could also apply to some females. Jogarth?

If Anora was to Co Join, with Cxan, but end up killed in battle. He would be executed and buried with her. Problem solved. He might be having that kind of situation were he to secretly Co Join with Anora, as Ocasa said, OVER my dead body.. would he ever allow that union to take place.

As they continued back, to their domiciles they could hear noises? VERY VERY distinct and moreso for Kaho. His audio synapses were tuning into some ?

Suzie tracks and, that must mean, the band had made it after all? Moving closer to the ‘Ovir’ (coffee house, meeting place et) It was getting louder and louder and clearer as to how good it was?

Heads around the door, into the seating area, a stage to one side of it? The owners voice loud over the noise dying away to allow him to speak? “We are not open until later. A commiseration party.

Commiseration /kəˌmɪzəˈreɪʃn/ noun
sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others; compassion.
"the other actors offered him clumsy commiseration"

The five musicians? 6 actually as another joined them with a saxophone? Jaho asked Annibee to get them to play one of Suzies most famous songs?

‘Vinum et musica laetificant cor.’ Music of the heart.

The Sax player stole the moment with the chorus .. usually there is NO  Saxophone in the Suzie song.. but she stole the moment, Everything went quiet as she breathed life into the song...
Wisp  Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

My breath lingers,
with each stolen kiss,
on the edge of happiness,
or into an abyss..

Nothing seems to matter,
no not at all.
in your. arms. what matters..

if I stand, or I should fall ?

Copyright Jess Corbin Jess Corbin Associates All rights reserved


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NO ONE, writes like Jess Corbin.

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NO ONE, but NO ONE, writes like Jess Corbin. an thats a FACT.

Where will HIS story take YOU today?










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