Many of the Kets, know stories from, tales and adventures from; Tolgani’s The book of Legends. (Albeit the abridged Kets version. NOT the full ‘Elders’ versions.)
A lot of time whiled away reading those. Thus Ameryst was no stranger to the unfolding encounter with this ‘Jin’. 
Almost exactly, like the character, that he had taken time to describe AND warn, yes as Torvan had made clear; warn about.
Liars, deceivers and out and out con artistes. Convincing re so called ‘sincerity’ that in essence was anything but. They NEVER did anything without good reason to do so.
Not play along, believe their every word, their every action or get caught up in their deceptions? Would see them get easily flustered, angry and spiteful.
They had, a particular dislike, of those who had the answers, the TRUTH they sought to hide or create falsehoods around.
Others, who had resentments, festering beneath the surface, jealousy, greed, envy of others suited their purposes fine.
A delight, with those, who had been lied to, conned, cheated and who believed, their reassurances that they could see justice, through them, though there would of course be a price, directly or indirectly to pay?
Truth that in reality, was anything but the truth, based upon the original LIE, LYING? Spread by word of mouth that in itself was sometimes worse than the original perpetrator?
Jenia, had a ‘toy’, that was given to her, by her parents. IT went missing. After a short time she declared the toy had been stolen. A close ‘friend’, knew of someone, who was a bit of a bully, who could throw his weight around, find out WHO had taken it and would get it back for her?
In return for doing something, that she knew was wrong AND yet reassured no one else would know she had done it? IT would be their secret?
When she eventually, got the toy back it was broken? The bully, had a lot of resentment towards Jenia. He did not like, how clever, how kind and loved by others she was.
What he found out, was that IF, she had left it with the one who had taken it, she would have got it back; intact!
WHY? Because the person, who had borrowed it, had done so, to show their parentia, the toy and asked, if they could have one ?
Their Parentia, had been upset, that the toy was NOT theirs and had been taken? Told to return it, which is where, the one who had promised, to take the toy and see it returned to Jenia?
The one, who had taken it in the first place, was relieved that they, the ‘bully’ would be giving it back to her. They would when they next met, give her an apology AND an explanation?
Intact, in one piece and the bully was in a state of pure delight. He slammed it to the ground, stepping on it as it broke into several pieces.
Ah yes, jealousy, envy, deception all coming to the fore. It was handed back to her in pieces. Tears and a lot of anger nurtured by the bully.
When she eventually, got the apology, from the one, who had ‘borrowed’ it and returned it, well handed it to the bully in one piece?
Jenia was encouraged, to be less than nice in reply, mostly with encouragement, from the bully? Some not so nice actions or words from her.
Her friends, now told how Merla, had done this, done that and sure enough, they stopped talking to Merla. Tearful that no one would believe her?
Merla, who had been the ‘borrower’, had felt ‘aggrieved’ though knowing, she should not, as she had initially been the one in the wrong? Still, Jenia needed to know the truth.
It did not matter how much she sought to tell Jenia that it had been handed to the ‘bully’ in one piece, intact without a blemish on it ? The ‘bully’ lied, accused her of calling him a liar and so it went on.
In the end Merla went to give her the toy that she had been given as a birth present. Meeting face to face toy in hand they were staring at each other, friends around Jenia looking equally hostile.
Merla had tears in her eyes. As she went to hand the toy over the ‘bully’ heckling her and stirring the crowd with them to hiss at her.
UNTIL. Nena walked towards Merla and stopped her. Turning to them? YOU all know how much you can trust me and what I say is THE TRUTH.
I have NEVER lied to any of you? “ They all nodded. Nena was a handicapped Ketletling. The struggles he had been through, had always demanded courage and many of them loved him for his inner strength, his honesty, ah yes.
HIS HONESTY. He pointed to the ‘Bully’. “YOU are a liar. A deceitful, nasty Ket. The one who.” He turned to Jenia. The one, who smashed YOUR toy.”
The ‘Bully’ was wanting, to give him a smack, but knew he could not do so. He hissed at him. “I am a liar? YOU are the liar. I did NOT do that.” He looked around at them, at Jenia. Observing the crowd to see who would be siding with him.
The ones he bullied, were under his control or else to speak up for him, to challenge any voices raised against HIS word as being anything but the TRUTH! . A growing murmur.
“He, has NO proof, of anything, he says is the truth! Why would I break her toy? She loved that toy, how can he stand there and upset her, with more lies. We all know he has a thing for Merla..” That some knew, was NOT true. Xianj was his female companion. Had been for a long long time.
Nena glared at him. “I really get angry, at those who lie and cheat. Those who think it is OK, to throw their weight around, in the belief, that because you CAN do that, having others too frightened to stand up to you.”
Nena had been injured standing up for his Ketlet. Xianji. Picked on by what we would know as thugs, he had stepped in to stop them only to be beaten down. Losing one arm in which never recovered, he was partly paralysed.
That LIE had some present who knew the truth re Xianji creating a stir amongst them. Enough to shut the dissenters up. If Xianji had been present, the odds were the ‘Bully’ would be getting beaten. She, had taken physical training, enough to protect Nena and herself, future wise. NOT a good idea, to upset her, NOT good at all.
“Carry on Nena, we’re listening.” “Perhaps, what we need, is someone who will tell the truth for you. Someone who can relate to you, who knows YOU only too well?”
He turned, as they now saw a Ketlet (female) approaching them. Kianne was the ‘Bullies’ sister. She stepped towards him, her hand raised, as she slapped out at him. He turned and fled. 
“Of course you would wouldn’t you. You liar! I’m ashamed to have you as a brother.” She now faced Jenia in her hands the same toy, as the one Marla had in hers..
“Mama has asked me, to apologise to you Jenia. She witnessed him, smashing the toy. At first, she did not put two and two together, until one of her friends, told her, what was going on.
Marla’s Mama, had been sipping ‘tacx’ (a form of tea) with Jenia’s Mama. The description of the toy and, what HE had done with it now registering with her.
His sister Kianne was livid. She had bought the same toy and was lucky to be able to do so. as it was, the LAST one. She handed a piece of the toy, a distinctive fragment, to her.
“That was found on the ground at home by me. So we know he did it, My Mama, does not lie Jenia, you others who believed that LIAR. Feel ashamed of yourselves! “
She stepped forward to place the toy into Jenia’s hands. “I know it is NOT the same, re sentimental value, it will not replace the original re WHO gave that to you, BUT ..”
Her voice tailed off, as Jenia gave the toy to Marla, shifting to give Kianne a hug. “Thankyou Ki, I do not want you sharing any of the blame or the guilt re HIM!”
Turning to Marla and the crowd. “I am truly sorry Marla. For being so deceived by him, into thinking you did what we now know he did. I have known you long enough to feel ashamed, that I did not believe you, taking his word over yours. .I will I promise you all, work hard, to regain your trust AND restore some of my dignity.
I need us all, to hear my words well. I was wrong, to place something, such as that toy, above our friendships, our trust in each other.
A lesson, I think, well learned future wise, as there will always be those like him around! Listen to your hearts, the ones from the ones who you KNOW can be trusted. Not the words of those who are incapable of telling the truth.”
Marla’s mother and Jenia’s, from a discreet distance, had been watching them. “I was furious but Ki was in her I am going to kick his butt Mama mode! SO I don’t think we will be seeing him around here for a while.”
She shook her head. “He’ll learn, the hard way, but he will tell one lie too many one of these days and, that will be it. Now Ki will no longer give him any lea way.
She’s told Luka (his Papa) and when he gets back he will have him sent to the Den. ( Compulsory military training.) She knew I would not have told on him. Ah sisters eh.”
The ‘Bully’, was in hiding. It had not gone the way he had planned it. So called ‘friends of his were now keeping their distance. Attracting too much attention, meant they, were also, getting more than they liked.
Ki had seen the pictures that the ‘Bully’ had forced Jenia to pose for. Ones that had been taken on his shelde. Altered, to show far more, than she knew Jenai would ever have exposed. Revealing, shocking and perverse.
She deleted them all. No hidden copies or means for him, to black mail. her OR, sell them to others, to make money from them. He had been saved by her from others finding out and if they had ? The punishment would have been far more, than a trip to the ‘Den’.
It would be later, when she took some of them to one side. Not a lecture but a warning to all of them. “Con artistes, perverted individuals and worse will prey on the innocent, the unwary. the vulnerable. We all know how my brother is. There ARE more like him around. “
All of their sheldes, were now fitted with a monitoring devices. “Anytime you feel threatened, or need help, regardless, of how crazy that might seem, or sound, I want you to use this! “ The device, would monitor those around them, take imaging and voice recordings.
Accomplices. Well some, might dismiss the toy, as being too simplistic, to be given any attention re details BUT one or two of them knew, the smallest infraction, sometimes can lead to far far worse.
The trouble, the root cause as they called it, they knew, lay in the ideology of some. I want that, you have it, I WILL take it from you; steal it is a firm, favourite to do so (or preferably have someone else do it.)
Break it or trash it, if you won’t let me have it; or give it to me (OR if I cannot easily STEAL it or get someone else, much preferred; to do any of that for me. At least if they get caught they will have to accept the punishment that goes with it. 
The story resonated, so well with Ameryst. Jealousy, envy and lying was nothing new to her. As her strength and training had increased so had the competitions.
The more prizes she took, the more it seemed the haters, those who were desiring, to see her lose, get badly injured or worse, increased.
The Akademy, had its share of them. No doubts re that BUT at least they did their best with Margise, Yoyo and others to smooth things out. Not punishment but showing, encouraging them to see the truth for what it was. Nothing wrong with healthy competition.
Working off your resentment in the ring as we would know it, or sports in general, could be really good. Letting off steam, ah yes that was it. Similar on reflection to that coming from around this latest encounter by her with this thing.
This ‘Jin’? Now she KNEW its true colours she was wise enough to smile inside as she knew she could NOT hurt her. A FACT that had been made clear from the off.
Something she knew, this thing did NOT know. It would amuse her to play along with it. What next she wondered, three wishes? Now that would be amusing.
The Jin was not amused. It’s hatred a simmering hatred festering away was not its own. It was its hosts. This was one of the worst, a Human(a) YES but also, ah yes; a Haphketsut PRINCESS. The gems? There but NOT active and weak VERY weak.
An unprotected weak and simple, yes definitely simple minded Ketlet. The way she was dressed, she obviously liked Jewelry, Draxetnium,. Clothing was expensive and the makeup of one with an ego. Self conscious, vulnerable.
WHO were her Parentia? Nothing was known nor it seemed was telling IT who they were or where she was from? IaSuu had told Ameryst, NOT to tell anyone re that. In amongst thoughts, Ameryst was sensing some more of an understanding re her host but moreso re that ‘Jin’.
IF I am right this will be the first time I have enountered your kind. The stories were rife across the Qiverse. Some were proven and known as FACT. One of them she knew was, as her Papa had told her, their hatred of the Human(a) went beyond all reason.
“Never ever take them as anything but a threat, to your existence, those closest to you. Evil has a name A and when the time is right YOU WILL KNOW, who they are, for what they are. NOT that YOU as a Haphketsut Princess ever need to worry. “ He left it at that but Becci had also told her the same.