Jess Corbin Kets Akademy Part 2 Every picture tells a story

Jess Corbin Kets Akademy part2









Kaisu the female nanny had raised the alarm. She had managed to get hold of Anaset who had now hurriedly circulated the information to get the maximum attention of others.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Ocasa, had not long, been talking to Kaisu and, for good reason.
He, kept up a regular visit to his favourite K’bear and Rai Ku, had been fast asleep, when he had left them.

A while later? On going to wake him Raisu had discovered to her horror; he was gone. He had scribbled a  picture on the Shelde unit.

Soniette, was at the Furiz (fairground) when she received the notification. Soon she was joined by several others including Anora AND Cxan had been hanging out together.

Sephron, was taking a trip out, with several of his less than honest companions, when they too, became aware of, the missing K’bear.

Seeking, to gain some extra points, for finding it would suit him fine. His sister was still on the war path over his activities with Doona.

They finally, all met up, as Ocasa, allocated areas to them in the hopes that Rai Ku would be in one of them?

ALL K’bears, have a locator chip, inplanted into their K’bear ‘EMBLEMS.  For some reason, that, had failed to initialise.  Thus, they were in the dark, well actually the bright lights and noise of the Furiz.

Noise, noise and more NOISE. Many were convinced, that a K’bear, would end up terrified?
Scared and too frightened, to ask for help, or even know WHO to ask ?

Some Kets, have a kind of 2nd sense. However, not having been close to, or holding the K’bear, was proving to be a de facto limitation to their skills.

There was, in all fairness, a high degree of panic. Many, were knowing that Rai Ku was quick on his feet.
Quite as one might say; nimble. Moving between the various beings who were now populating the Furiz would not be difficult

He was NOT, so small, as to be accidentally stepped on. Thus, the search continued, until suddenly, a message was received. HE, had been found! A huge sigh of relief. Heading over to the hospitality unit, they now entered to see him sat in the arms of Couplets Taib and Broi. Both of them surprised at the numbers now entering trailing behind Ocasa.

He’s OK”? Broi smiled. “He’s fine. Rai Ku on seeing Ocasa went wild with his little hands reaching out to him.
You knew, you could feel anxious, but not annoyed with him. Truth was the fact he had managed to run out of a secure area was in itself a wonder.

The moment Broi, had seen him, she had turned on her motherly charms. He had melted into her arms, as she gently, lifted him, to see the emblem AND, though it was not transmitting, it was clearly that of a K’bear.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

Ocasa taking him in his arms, he, had he noted Rai Ku, watching Taib and Broi intently. Smiles and a lot of them! Kaisu had arrived with one other to reclaim him.

Kaisu.” “Broi!” They knew each other? “He is sooo cute and cuddly.” Taib had moved to talk to her companion. He was talking to them about adopting him?

Other Kets can and especially ‘Couplets or CoJoined’ have special privileges?

Come and see me later, we’ll sort things out. His Parentia were killed in an invasion of his homeworld. The Akademy elders had known the family. He was a ‘Regis’ of some nobility but too young to take on that role within his own.

IF they formally adopted him, they would become his legit parentia.
It was never that easy as the Akademy would make absolutely sure he would be safe with them, would be supervised until he was older. A lot of rules and regulations that some found too much hassle.

Later Taib and Broi would be talking to their Parentia. The reaction was as hoped. Though the did NOT know the full facts, Kaisu had given them some useful information that was of some substance to convince their Parentia.

The race was one they knew. The suffering and attack on Rai Ku’s homeworld had been savage.
The Kronoks, were a malevolent, vicious, race of beings. They had attacked, pillaged, plundered and left the planet whilst killing hundreds.

The Rogara, had come to their aid and, on seeing them, the Kronoks, had fled into the darkness beyond.
The edge of the Qiverse few seldom to venture into. They had escaped. A satellite device launched to give warning should they ever return.

Ariaja, had arrived at the Ovir, to meet up with Taib and Broi. Her people, had sent the Kronoks packing.
She had been given charge of looking after Rai Ku.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

IF they, wanted to adopt him, she, could make that happen.
Her authority, was recognised, by the Akademy, as his ‘Guardia’ ?

It was agreed, that being with them, would also, ease a lot of their worries, re keeping him safe and, not only at the Akademy.

Others too, were delighted, at the outcome. Ocasa, would still be welcomed, to visit him, but, he was of the opinion, that he would do so, whilst they were taking him under their fold, gradually less and less as time went on.

He told them, how he had observed Rai Ku watching them and, in particular Broi. Switching back from them to look at Ocasa with a look in his eyes, of seeking some approval, for liking them?

Ariaja, was warning her brother Stephan, NOT to interfere.
He, had NO jurisdiction, over what transpired re Rai Ju. If, he was thinking, of making some money from them, he would face her wrath and this time, he would not be so lucky, as to walk away, without some injury on her part.

As for Ocasa discovering anything, he had been up, to or was planning? He decided NOT to chance his luck.
He was still on edge from the warning Interruptus had given him. The triplets were still seeking to entrap Doona? NO.

They had their eyes, on other would be victims. Inxius and Beteny. Spreading rumours and wild assertions about what each had been up to behind each others backs? To do so had taken some effort on their part.

Lixii, Zetian and Xuxian, were maintaining their reputation, as being cunning, devious and downright nasty when it came to having a laugh, the mistreatment of others? The only time they avoided eye contact was with Interuptus.

NOT, that they, were afraid of her. Matsupa are bred to have no such fears. BUT, she had already threatened them with not being able to sit down for a mo (month) and she knew she would not be holding back on that threat coming to reality should they push their luck with her.Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

The ‘Concert’, would be an opportunity not to be missed for getting some good insecurities lodged deep into the sub conscious of Inxius and Beteny.

They would NOT, be breaking the Galacia Federa laws re Couplets or CoJoined. if found guilty, it would be, a death sentence.

Death or execution, was NOT something they aspired to.
Interference, disturbance and anti social as we would know it, behavior was however quite acceptable.

The arrival of Anora into the Ovir where they, were currently partaking, of some Frubu washes had them aware of her appearing to be taking some interest in them?

NOT, that the Jogarth would take them as slaves. NO.
They were more interested in raiding and pillaging their holy sites.

Likewise the Vendarens, would not convert them. They were executed without mercy. It was, up to, the various commanders, but seldom was that, any different, re how they, took care of the Matsupa.

Plenty of treasure to be seized. Drax, was a welcome addition, to their coffers. Their treasure trove.
Other treasures, could be offloaded through those who traded such items.

Holy sites, where ‘Zealots’ were found. could be attacked, looted and the Zealots turned into slaves.
There were, some of the ‘Matsupa’ who were of ancient origins.

NOT the same, as some of the lesser beings. The Immortals powers, could destroy, any attacking force, with such power, as to have those they encountered; ‘cease to exist’. in the blink of an eye.

They were, powerless, against the ‘Omini’ or the Haphketsut Impericus. Hence why Lixii, Zetian, Xixian could be abusive, jeering at and threatening to thus such as their deemed ‘Heretics’ but knowing when it came to those such as Becci ?Jess Corbin Kets Akademy

With, the gem power, at full and, restored to such, they would NOT be so foolish, as to provoke them. The Akademy they knew, had  powers in play that  controlled all those with weapons. Stopping them, limiting them.

Anora, was waiting for Cxan. He, arrived, moments later and, was also aware of the Matsupa trio. NOT, looking too deeply, as Anora could get testy.

She, did not, like him, looking at other females.
Those three ,were up to no good was a known FACT,

but as to what that was?









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