Kaila had been with Aqixi watching proceedings. From the off they were more than aware of who the strongest swimmers were AND who they KNEW were going to be in the lead. Maybe NOT straight away but as the race progressed, sure enough theirs and others one might add ALSO, were right.
Chadren, had made his way, to the half way point AND, was now in his swimming gear, just in case, Sadowan wanted to change over.
The dragon, was watching, its head, out of the water, eyes scanning down the estuary, aware of the two main swimmers but the other less accomplished ones?
So far, none of the other swimmers, had had difficulties. A steady pace AND, surprisingly, none of them dropping out of the race.
In the past, it would not be unusual, for some, to decide half way was good enough and change to their other twin?
Near the marker buoy, for the mid point, the Kalheiron, disappeared beneath the water.
NOT unusual, to decide to dive, to swim underwater as it increased their speed etc. Sadowan could also do this AND was very good at submerged swimming.
Diving was a natural for her BUT this time, she had built up, a decent stroke through the water, slicing her way towards the buoy?
Suddenly, the Kalheiron, appeared, next to the buoy. Head above the water and, making it clear, by a wave to the dragon, that she, was the first one there.
To wave to the other ‘K’ watching on the footpath, overlooking the centre point opposite the buoy that she did NOT want her to take over.
NOT, that Sadowan was disappointed. She was still 2nd AND, the return trip, could see her still, with a chance of winning. Also the Vendaren are NOT emotional, though we could argue that, as being suspect because she definitely, had ‘feelings’ for Chadren.
Looking across to her and watching, as she turned to pursue the Kalheiron. No indication she wanted him to change with her. Others too, had now caught up and some, were leaving the race, the others, slowly turning for the return trip.
All in all, just 12 remained. BUT, a decent pace, kept by all and, IF Sadowan, was now chasing the K, she, was not, at all in any other frame of mind, bar that of winning.
The ‘K’, was swimming faster, than she had expected. Surprised, at what appeared to be, renewed energy? Bursts did happen, but would soon slow down, to a more steady pace?
This time, it was NOT happening. The distance, between them was growing. The odds, of Sadowan winning, were getting less and less.
Chadren, had dressed and was now, heading along the bank of the estuary, with some others, including Celia. She too, was surprised, at the K, being in the lead, but swimming much faster?
Faster than most, would have expected and, for professionals watching on, they too, were puzzled. The ‘K’ was a good swimmer, no disputing that BUT, the whole scenario, had them somewhat astonished?
Attention shifted to the dragon, as it, slunk into the water to rescue, one of them, who was clearly exhausted, now resting on its back, as it, re emerged to cheers, from those watching! 
Offloaded onto the grassy bank, next to two others helping her to see her slump down catching her breath. To have gotten that far, was to many of them, something to praise her for.
The movement, of those watching on, as they shifted, towards the finishing point, saw a number of them, now gathering there.
Heliera, had been watching the entire race. She too, was NOT convinced, by the speed of the K swimmer.
Difficult to reason, as to why, what was unfolding, was taking place? She, was a VERY good swimmer and, up to champion status.
NOT, entering the race, as she had decided, to save her strength, for the concert? Aware however, of the jeers from those three trouble makers?
Sneering at Sadowan and, making some nasty tauting jibes. The usual ‘loser’ and Vendaren weakling and and.. Totally immersed, in the delight, of seeing their ‘K’ champion WINNING, but most of all, the amount of Drax, they would get, from the ILLEGAL betting, on who would win?
Zetian, still recovering, from the destruction, of her concert dress, needed that extra Drax, to bribe someone (actually BULLY, was more appropriate re the truth) to sell (give or else) their prize gown, to her?
The sight of Chadren appearing nearby, made them jeer even louder. Seeing him, getting enraged and, his retorts at them, to shut up falling it seemed on deaf ears?
Then, he shouted, loud enough, for all around them, to hear? No deaf ears there, re how much, he had enjoyed, hearing about her gown, being destroyed? “Yeah Chadren, go Chadren!” Cheers, from those close to him.
Surprisingly shut them up. Zetian was fuming. The others close to her were shifting away from her, They knew, when she was like this, it was not unusual for her, to lose her temper and lash out at them?
Closer and closer, to the finishing line and Sadowan was getting a lot of encouragement, from those, who wanted her to win but, others who despised the Kalheiron?
Not, that they, wanted to appear, sore losers. 2nd place, was a good prize win. The Haphketsut Cistera, had made sure, the winners, would receive, some really good prizes. Even those, taking part in the race, received some reward as praise, for their efforts.
To many from different peoples, races etc , a Kalheiron winning, was a situation, they would find irritating BUT, the gloating, from the ‘K’ was to be expected. THEY, were always a race, who enjoyed, seeing others belittled?
Of course, the trio of trouble makers, would add to that derision. Promoting their winner, whilst taunting others, especially those, who had taken part in the race ? Losers?
Finally, the ‘K’, passed the winning line, to cheers from SOME, not all, but SOME; who were inclined to be fair and not judgemental. A winner, was a winner.
What had been expected, was now taking place as its ‘TWIN’ joined her. Globe cast had been broadcasting the whole event.
“This..” The Kalheiron hissed. “Is why WE, are the superior race, within the Qiverse. Masters of the Qiverse. Unlike those losers, who dare to challenge us, compete for what? Against the might of the Kalheiron?”
They beckoned, for the trio, to join them. We win for ours BUT, we also honour our benefactors, the Matsupa. The true Gods, within the Qiverse. All others are heretics. Learn your place as their slaves, their FOOD, within OUR Qiverse.
We are giving out WINNERS prize to the Matsupa. Those from Fendiq who will be their SERVANTS, their SLAVES, THEY will enjoy seeing you. crawling beneath them on your knees. Serving the Matsupa, who will teach you the meaning of servitude. “
Globecast had broadcast, all of this rhetoric. IT was NOT good. The Akademy elders were furious. Little they could do, to appease, the communications, they were getting with threats, abuse and .. from outside the Akademy?
Sadowan was being portrayed, as the loser she was and, inferior to, the great Kalheiron, not forgetting, the taunts, from the Matsupa trouble makers. The intensity of the situation, was fast creating one which was getting out of control.
Some of those, who had been quietly for the most part, observers; now started fighting each other.
Then it happened. Hoki a Simeron, appeared as though by magic? Her tiny form, caught their attention as they saw her hover mid air, toward Heliera to whisper to her?
“Well well well.. now that, is interesting..“