Unknown to Ameryst, her ‘host’, had warned the Jin, NOT to interfere with ITs own plans for her. Amused, by the presence of the Jin, IT was NOT, liking the attempted take over, the disappearance with Ameryst, for some time earlier, reappearing with a contrite somewhat belligerent later?
The Jin? Do we think IT, considered in any way shape or form, form being the main key word here, as to the desires, wishes of its host? NO. Selfish, greedy, manipulative, it sought, nay demanded almost; absolute control of its new quarry. Ameryst.
IT was a total ‘pathological liar’, in, every sense of that facet, of the Jin’s being. IT’s existence however corporeal, that might be. The mere fact, that she was of Human(a) origins, with Ameryst’s Papa, Human(a) made things even more a compulsion on its part to tempt, tease and secure its ‘prey’.
An obsession on IT’s part, to convert her to the ‘Faith’, to make her a Matupa Accolyte, would be the ultimate revenge, against all that it and the Matsupa held against such a race of beings it despised beyond all meaure? In all its glory, its fury and rage re their hatred of all things Human(a).
We KNOW, don’t we, that our Ameryst was LIED to. IT made, nay insinuated ‘truths’, that were anything BUT the truth. Showing her, what IT knew, would have her screaming, almost with rage, at the sight of Anora, her beloved Cxan but most of all, seeing Ocasa, being whipped by Illia?
When your senses are blinded, YOU are easily ‘blind sided’ by lies and deception. From those, who will play you for a fool, seek, to offer, make promises, re the ultimate power to be able to do unto others whatever you want? Without having to pay the price, be punished? NO! IT is what THEY desire YOU to do, They are the real masters; MANIPULATING you, THEIR, puppet on a string?
The trick, is to keep you, so confused, under constant pressure, that you, cannot think straight, cannot, nor have the energy, the strength to challenge their truth or rather UNTRUTHS, MISINFORMATION, LYING, CHEATING, DECEIT?
Out of sight, of hearing, of mind re the Jin; IT, did not like, the thought mayhaps, that Ameryst could THINK for herself, could judge the situation, for what it was AND, realize, she was being played? It was NOT the Jin, that had seen her, resting rather her HOST, who separated them.
Dwelling upon, the crazy situation, she had found herself in? What Torvan had told her, remained upper most in her thoughts. HOW. to find out, discover, UNCOVER. the NAME of the Jin? She felt her mind addled, muddled. An impossible scenario surely?
YET we need to remember all that was taking place. was in its essence a TEST. Her courage, her resolute faith in herself as HER, the one who was strong. Not, the most intelligent, amongst her kith and kin BUT still, strong. Maybe what was needed, was to calm down, seek some solace, remember,
REMEMBER; what she had found comfort in?
When Ocasa, was not around, to snuggle up to, to lay in his arms and feel at ease? She laid back her thoughts drifting back to hear his voice. “Here it is.”
He, had placed it into her arms , tucked her arms around it, kissed her on her forehead and left. She had pulled it in close to her, the scent of him on it, comforting, reassuring,
Ah yes. her favourite ‘Doll’ as we would know it. Bobbies. The one she called BOOBIES much to everyones amusement,
The ones, she dragged everywhere when Ocasa was not around? Mama had given her the ‘horse’ as it was known’ to Papa.
Already, for some reason, named by her Mama. NOT her?. She had been told the horses name.
NOT willing to call it anything else, she had accepted it as such, despite it being a very peculiar name? ‘Ijuia’.
A Persian unusual white / grey whereas Papa had told her, the ‘BLACK stallions’, were the most common.
Thus hers was special? Rare just like her. Special! The FACT that Mama had named it? Ijuia? The name lingered on her lips,. It seemed to remain there, as she found some comfort from remembering the times, she had held it and Booobie, no; Bobbies, secure, safe... tired so tired.. as she fell asleep.
Some time had passed, before her being woken. Bathed, dressed, fussed over and now escorted, to eat and drink aware, that her ‘Host’ was absent?
Unknown to Ameryst, her ‘Host’ had been sent on as we might know it, ‘a fools errand’. A biscuit, or a cookie, for someone who was left handed?
The Jin. Ah yes, of course, the infuriating at times, well actually almost ALL of the time; ‘smirk’ on its face. She, could still not decide, IF it was male or female, OR?.
The form Torvan had told her, was HOW IT, wanted you, to perceive it to be. NOT real. NOT true. Deception, fabrication, misleading and contrived by IT, to have you lied to; conned.
“I do hope, you, have given thought, to what I showed re YOUR future. One you cannot escape, we ALL have a PAST, a NOW and of course a FUTURE.”
Sipping at her tea before placing the vess (cup, vessel, container) down Ameryst stared at the Jin. Looking at her, as it muttered..
“ Life IS a book, where you, cannot simply skip, to the last pages and CHEAT.”
Ameryst rolled her eyes. CHEAT? Exactly what this being was doing. CHEATING, LYING, DECEIVING or attempting to, re HER?
You know YOU remind me, of my closest companion, my Bobbies and ‘her’ horse. Inseparable, bound by a TRUTH, they were WHO they were, but most of all, WHAT they meant to me.
The past YES, the NOW not so much, but, the FUTURE? To claim, I, would know their FUTURE, is liken to YOU, claiming YOU know MY FUTURE?
Only a fool, would be deceived into such a fairy tale. My Boobies, no my BOBBIES would see YOU, as I do, for what YOU are.
As my Papa would say, a charlatan, a cheat, a medicine man with the cure all potion for all ailments. Now that, often made my Papa laugh. I would, as a child, wonder why the amusement re that, BUT now?
I know; WHY!
The horse? Mama named the horse. A Persian so Papa told me. Arn’t YOU Persian?”
The Jin, stared at her, a wry twisted curling of its lips a smile crossing them. “So we share something in common. The horse, a PERSIAN horse, was really special to you?
Well I can understand that, we ancient Persians, have every right ,to feel proud. NOW, maybe you, will acknowledge my true nature, in persuading YOU, to become a Matsupa Accolyte?”
“True nature. Oh yes I know YOUR true nature. “ The Jin interrupted her,. “Persian horse eh? Did you give it a name? IT would have to be something significant.” Ameryst? She paused, pursed her lips. 
‘Ijuia’ Is that, not YOUR; real name?”
The face, on the Jin, changed. It morphed into a hideous demon like being. Ugly scaly body with contorted twisted limbs. The deep blazing red in its eyes, scowling and the fury reflected within them was all too clear.
“Now, Ijuia, I would like for YOU, to go away and, never. NEVER, EVER; bother me again! “
The scream was a deafening, high pitched squeal as its body went into spasm, before disintegrating, dust to dust, no dust.
Ameryst smiled. “My appetite is back to normal.Some delicious food and a Frubu wash to wash it down.. Thankyou Boobies.. “ She giggled. “Torvan I love you, Mama you knew! Papa as always, wise words.
A voice in her ears? “You have passed the first test. Temptation.” Was it, the voice she recognised of IaSuii? Or Thoth?
The ‘God of Creation’ smiled. They were right to pick you. You are indeed, strong, not from physical strength alone, from what you have learned from others.
Your Mama, Cistera is a Haphketsut Omini Impericus.. One of our most revered chosen. She would truly be proud of you! BUT!
YOU still have TWO more tests.. “