“The Vendaran’s used the parasite to good effect across many worlds, until a cure was sought out, thanks to Juanna, who found those from within the Oracle at Xaenthis. Acquiring the anti dote took a lot of research and diligence on her part but, if that had seemed at times daunting, what was to follow would leave that pale in comparison. She would have to run the gauntlet, the blockade of Vendaran vessels?
Fully armed and mobilized to STOP ANYONE attempting to get past them. Most of the Vendaran ‘Lords’ swore she, would not dare to attempt to outrun their blockade! They were a little skeptical, that she might, enlist some outside help, however to their knowledge, their spies, there were no Kal Heiron forces near enough to them, who would pose a threat.
Knowing the Kal Heiron were not liked, in that part of the galaxy, did give them some reassurance. They were of the belief, that they were hardly likely, to encounter another Kal Heiron vessel let alone a fleet.
However as an Elite, protected by the Kal Heiron hierachy, that status, kept them from attacking her. The thought of provoking a full scale attack, from the Kal Heiron? A good enough reason to leave her well alone. Block her, do everything to stop her bar using hostile force.
Only Juanna, could initiate an attack and that, they saw as most unlikely. Having more than enough craft at their disposal, to form a very potent blockade, had left them to believe, she could not possibly get through.
Pobert Hechek, the great Suivese, military commander. You can find out more on him, there’s a statue of him further along the Collonades! Decided he would not sit back and let her fail in her bid to render aid. Pobert I can tell you, was a brilliant strategist. He discovered, that one of the moons orbiting the planet had a Vendaran outpost on it. If that was put under attack?
The Vendaran commander in charge of the blockade, on hearing the news of the attack dispatched forces to investigate whether it was truth and if so, their orders were to destroy the enemy. No mercy. So far Pobert's plan was working. Ten of their craft diverted from the main force was insignificant and yet did create a gap.
What he planned to do, was to attack that diversionary force, drawing more away from the blockade? However, he was, more than aware that his force could not withstand a full on battle with them. He needed help, some back up, but from where?
Nesor was a Kal Heiron Ket who wanted to earn his 'Equa'. To distinguish himself in a fray of sorts? What better news could he have, than word from Pobert, about his proposed attack on a small number of Vendaran vessels. Not much more than ten in number? A large enough number for Nesor to give the idea consideration. Easy pickings. Quick way for him to earn his 'Equa' and Pobert had agreed to testify to the win.
He launched the attack on their approaching forces as they came into range. In the midst of the fray, much to Pobert's relief! Nesor and the Kal Heiron arrived. Two of the Vendaran vessels had been destroyed, one badly weakened whilst Pobert had had to have one of his vessels beat a hasty retreat, badly damaged.
Nesor busy engaging the remaining craft, his attention was now focused on attacking the main blockade to force an opening big enough for Juanna to slip through. After which he would pull his forces back. Certain they would not want to follow him, knowing that would expose an even bigger gap.
Juanna seeing the weakening of the blockade, found an opening and slipped through. The element of chance and surprise in her favor as she tore through their lines. They, were caught completely, by surprise! The initial response was to her advantage. The moment she was into the planets stratosphere, Pobert ordered his forces to run for it! Not pursued. Exactly as he had anticipated!
Elsewhere, Nesor was enjoying the fight. His forces were equal to the Vendaran but far superior. If his opponents were vicious and sly, his forces were vicious and deadly. Should Leisek the commander of the Vendarans, have quickly surmised a strong tactical response to the threat posed by the Kal Heiron?
On deploying his hastily drawn up battle plan, against them, he realized his enemy were not to be dismissed lightly. The onslaught, by Nesor and the Kal Heiron, was relentless. Their weapons superior and death to them appeared to be something they looked forward to? Jsiwke one of his Overlords, had once told him.
'Be very wary of those who do not fear death. NEVER ever think that they are, or have anything resembling a desire to live. Fall into the trap of thinking you can change their opinions on that and YOU, will end up, the one who is dead!" YET, the battle plan was working!
Leisek and his forces were holding out but he reasoned, not for much longer! What was on the horizon coming into view, was the joker thrown into the pack. The arrival of a further twenty Kal Heiron vessels, commanded by Elsiara aboard an 'A' class, virtually indestructible battle craft?
Nesor's kin? Leisek was no fool. Those who turn and run, live to fight another day. He had those who were brave, strong, able so why should he throw them against the odds into a scenario that had only one outcome. Their deaths. He ordered the Vendaran fleet under his command to break loose and scatter. They would join up elsewhere.
Juanna was almost through the planets stratosphere, into the atmosphere below. When, the unforeseen tragedy struck. Her craft, developed a power fault, causing it, to lose momentum. slowing it down to almost a crawl. Only capable of maintaining a fifth of her original speed.
The Vendaran, Jasinq in charge of one of the M class vessels had been ordered to pursue her. Coming out of the stream of gases, clearing in front of him, now visible; his quarry! Weapons charged. He went for the kill!"
"Oh that, is sooo sad.“ Becci scrunched her lips. Erino was about to growl at Becci to be quiet, when Adela, Ethan and Soniette arrived. Much to his annoyance, they broke into conversation on the story being told. Erino would almost lose his temper with them! They scowled, but went quiet!
“Nesor with Elsiara who realized their opponents had vanished at speed into the vastness of space? Turned their attention to finding and attacking, the remaining forces who, because of their numbers and communications with the forces that had scattered, brought them to the attention of Nesor. More of them!
Jasinq so intent on and relishing, the destruction of the craft in front of him, had not seen the Kal Heiron craft, emerge from the gases behind him. In an instant the shock horror of it being there? The plasma weapons from it, targeting his vessel and he was no longer a threat to Juanna. Total destruction.
Under escort, Juanna landed on the planet as Tkeina the Kal Heiron commander saluted her bravery and left her to rejoin the Kal Heiron fleet. The Vendaran Overlords retreated taking all of their vessels with them. Not before Nesor had secured his 'Equa' followed by his sister who seeing the opportunity to do likewise, seized upon it. The blockade, was gone.
Juanna, was awarded The Sacred 'Blue Taloine' made as some of you may have heard or if you have been very lucky, to have seen; of Crysca,
It exactly resembles, the Blue Taloine flower, only found within the Jade worlds. For her courage and her bravery, they erected a memorial on the planet she had saved. Pobert was also honored and both, became long term friends."
Crysca. (From the Galacia Imperitannica : A form of crystallized ceramic, that is placed into an atomic reaction process. When cut and polished it sparkles like one of our diamonds. An expensive, elaborate and rare process. A small piece fetches a high price. (The amount used to make the Taloine award is incalculable.)
Abbi was keen to get them to understand fully, the message she was trying to put across. “Sometimes, you have, to stand up for what you believe in and, you WILL be surprised when others you least suspect would do so, stand with you. Always remember that! Where there is one who wlll DICTATE there are hundreds who will RELATE, who will not stand to be dominated, to be bullied, to be enslaved."
The sound of the ‘Cloister’ ringing in their ears, announced that it was now, ‘REST time’. Time for them, to disperse; history lesson over. It could be said that Abbi, was somewhat relieved!
It was, as Cistera went to move out from the rest of the Kets, that she stepped accidentally, on Elder Ket Keisop’s foot! He howled, the brute force of her heel, as one might say, hard down, he could feel the pain! Cistera moved it, dragging her foot across his instep, making it worse. He lost his temper, seeming to think maybe, she had done it on purpose?
WORDS! We won’t go into detail, cept both of them, knew words not for delicate ears. Becci Ethan and Soniette stared at them both, along with an audience of others in astonishment. Suffice to say, they were ignored.
Kesop was continuing to lambast Cistera, on her clumsiness. “Are you always this ...?” Kesop raised his foot, removes his Lisca (soft shoe), to rub his instep the mark all too obvious, where it had been mauled. Cistera is watching, trying to apologize. “What’s the rush.” He pauses to scowl. “That’s the trouble with you new Kets, isn’t it ! Always rush, rush; rush!“