It was hot. The temperature had soared, to over 90 degrees and Corky was not venturing out, from his air conditioned paradise. Despite pleas to the contrary, he wouldn’t be swayed. "If you lot are bored, why don't you go and help Elder Ket Zicci.
She’s mapping out, the old mining tunnels. Looking for volunteers. La Toyah gave her a permit to do this, knowing it would greatly benefit us, to have those tunnels mapped and, because she has a vast knowledge of ..“ He paused, grinning?
“Chemicals, minerals and other composites. Aware of the risks involved and able to steer certain Kets, away from blowing themselves up!“ After the other Kets had stopped laughing, much to Claria's disgust!
Much relieved to see them leave, as they ventured to enquire as to where, they could locate Elder Ket Zicci. FINALLY they came upon her! Zicci had indeed been mapping the mines, it was part of her last year at the Akademy. Her father owned one of the biggest mining conglomerates in the Zone 3.
Another reason why she had been given the project. It required a lot of patience and a thorough understanding of safety issues. Adapting certain technologies so all could track and back track safely, without getting LOST or trapped!
Most of those leaving were experienced 2nd year Kets! This lot were coming into their 2nd year. First impressions were good. Despite knowing prior history on some of their activities, she was short on recruits. They had thought it would be a few hours a day. Zicci keen to get the project completed, had kept them in the mines, using old mining accommodation areas with useable recline chambers.
"Oh." Might have been the words from her lips, on seeing those, who had some colorful history in the mines! Assured that there were no intentions on their part, of them repeating history?
That did NOT stop her concerns! "I do not need to remind you, of the ease, that you can create a fusion reaction, resulting in an explosion! She had glanced at Claria when she had said it. Claria had been agitated at having been singled out. Zicci was not sparing on the humiliation as she continued.
“I want the tunnels left INTACT not BLOWN UP!“ There was some laughter. Zicci however surprised them when she praised their team work. Their resourcefulness on turning the situation to their advantage. Lining them up she allocated certain devices to them.
Most were familiar with how they worked which was a bonus for her. Maybe she had underestimated their value to her. "You have to use the markers to score the surface of the tunnel passages, they leave a distinct chemical imprint. that is recorded and identified by the trackers modules you have on your wrists.“ She passed them several small devices.
“Each chemical marker has a unique signature so you’ll know where you are and be able to go back to any given point safely. 3 of you in each team, are MARKERS. 3 of you, are TRACKERS. You can split up, but each group of four, must have ONE MARKER and ONE TRACKER with them. That is not negotiable.“ They nodded. “Yeow !“ There was a squeal from Soniette.
"An inteli marker." Injected into their arm. Lying just beneath the skin. "This makes sure, none of you get lost. You all have a unique ident that shows up as a life sign on our control center monitoring equipment. We’ll know where you all are." It would appear that nothing had been left to chance.
“Get your food and other liquids, put on the suits and attach the other equipment. Plus of course the extra equipment that you feel you need to take. Do take a change of clothing! Two changes are a really good idea! The transporters will take you to your drop off points, near underground entrances, when you’re ready.“