The small inconspicuous device at the feet of Cara had almost gone unnoticed except by Corky. He grabbed at it, pulled it in close, to peer at it. Moving over to one of the Elder Kets on the security detail, who followed him up to the observatory. Inside the chamber he was seen moving over to Ocasa. He told him to hold out his hand which he did as now Corky placed the object into his hand.
“Tell us what that is Ocasa? Loud and clear!” Ocasa glanced at it, his expression changed, it was what he had initialy thought. The device no doubt activated by the trigger. He looked up at Corky and nodded. “It’s a Fluxon unit. M series 3 probably,“ “Used for?“
“Carrier terminal for a Micro sonic disruption pulse and a pretty big one at that! Generally found in a Tasic Anteron hand held lance, heavily shielded. Exposure to it, when firing the weapon without the shielding in place, will leave the user of the lance with serious injuries internally.“
Corky interrupted him, as Serenia arrived to hear the news. “Anyone having that, close to your body when it was triggered.. OUTSIDE of the weapon, does not stand a chance.“ His voice tailed off, as Corky took the object off him. Serenia now examined the object. “Its not unusual, simplistic and does its job, in this case to completely fry Cara’s insides, splashing the internals about!"
Corky had been talking to some others, he now turned back to them “The Shelde unit is the key to this." Ocasa looked at Corky who was handing the Shelde to Serenia. "Make sure this is secured. I have to make some calls. We need an expert to examine that and someone who was on the original design team for it.
In the meantime, I think Ocasa, we’ll go and take a look, at her domicile, don’t you. See if we can find some clues." He looked at Serenia. "I would advise you, to release the Kets in the Stratorium, BUT remind them to SAY NOTHING, about what has happened, to anyone else. I feel that to some of them may be a little difficult.
The threat of expulsion if its discovered they have talked, might encourage them to stay quiet?“ Serenia nodded.
“We need Commander Bishw from Fendiq. Can you contact her and make the arrangements? I want her to examine that Shelde and the data streams over the last few hours on the RALt unit. Oh and you will need to post a guard on that as well as a Monicon?" Serenia could see sense in that.
"Bishw, her expertise in technologies is second to none, IF anyone can find a...“ He grinned as he looked at Ocasa and Serenia. “To use an old earth term ‘Needle in a haystack. She can!”
Bishw was on Satellite 9, close to Fendiq when the call came through. A request granted by the Ka Nathan and authorising her transfer to the Akademy? The Magellan Transat unit was not one of her favorite ways of travel. She preferred Hyperion Class Q cruisers, that traveled at slightly less than light speed, to cover the large distances, between worlds.
The urgency behind the request had been noted. She had no choice. Corky may have acknowledged Bishw for her skills and had to suffer her calling him ‘The old codger!’ but Bishw had a lot of respect for this, 'old codger'.
Experience? She knew all too well, that was something only time could give you, He had it, he used it and skills to match. The third time they had worked together, she had been left on her own, to finish the installation of the drive system for a zimp. Not difficult. All modular. On testing she had been irate to discover that it lacked power at certain speeds. The analyser had declared all test results as normal?
Corky had grinned, taken the manual off her and thrown it to one side. Stuck his head into one of the Inversion units, shoved his hand into the middle of the modules, within the connectors, most of them fiber optic, twisted his hand moving something, before pulling it out, to chuck it onto the unit in front of her.
There was a look of shock on her face. Nothing had been powered down!
He could have lit up with all that power pulsing through the unit! He grinned. “Try it now“
Oh yes, there really is, no accounting for experience. Power, performance, was up by at least another 40% He had calmly told her.
“Replace the inversion optic 1 and link it into optic 2 term. Revert 2 to 1 and remove the restrictor. Works every time even on these newer units. They put that dammed restrictor in, to stop the fly boys as I call them, racing them!"
Sat 9? Then ping, zap! In the Akademy with an armed escort! Corky? He would meet up with her an hour later! Serenia had made herself known to Bishw and let her know the armed escort was there to protect her. If the assassin knew and realized she had been brought in?
She might be a suitable target for termination. Elsewhere, Corky was having a meal and a lengthy talk, interrupted by Margise, informing him, the Elected had not, liked his bringing Bishw in, but had conceded on discovering WHO the female was, that they needed an independent authority, to examine the technologies involved.
They, were not questioning her abilities, or her credibility as a Scieste. She was under Corky’s jurisdiction, they would not interfere in that, but low profile was essential! Thus Scieste Bishw became a Tutor, even if the amount of times, the Kets actually saw her, were few and far between!
Corky had known about Bishw and the fact that she had been part of the team that had developed the Shelde. Bishw was sure that at its core was a substrate, that could reveal more than it was originally intended to, by virtue of its layered composition.
OLD TECHNOLOGY that had been kept in to save on the final cost of producing the Shelde but was not a critical component. Over the decades NOT removed!
To extract data from it, a skilled Bishw would have to revert back to some very strict procedures. Cleanliness and a dust free environment was absolutely essential. Whoever had killed Cara had used new technologies, cleverly adapting the pulse to trigger the Fluxon disruptor, the chances were they would have known they could get away without detection.
Bishw was sure, the Shelde had been used to trigger the disruption device BEFORE it had been wiped. There was nothing else that could have, that had been found within the RALt unit. It might take time but time they had plenty. It was as far as they were concerned with the clock ticking against the killer, just a matter of time.
The mask, the gloves the specially constructed air filtered system within the cube where she was now stood.
Extracting a sizeable amount of the main core components and stripping one piece down to what looked like thin slivers of plastic? Bishw stared at the substructure using a micron amplification viewer. The device they had powered up, was a digital unit which read or sampled silicon wafer devices. Reading the data on the two slivers, recorded with a clarity that astonished Bishw.
“To think old earth technologies. used silicon devices right into the 22nd century!“ The data stream had finished. They looked at it piece by piece until one, ONE section? Bishiw stared at it she pointed to it, there was no mistaking the as you might have called it footprint, a sliver of data that was about to reveal who the assassin was.