N’Varra had waited for the right moment, to spring her surprise, Favor had been taken aback, at discovering her prize had flown the nest. She cursed at her misfortune. Hunting for her, in the knowledge, that it was unlikely, since no other craft at the Satellite had unloaded or loaded up passengers, that she had left, thus logic would dictate, she must still be there. O`nly in a few areas, if she wished to retain her anonymity.
Security patrols regularly stopped visitors to the Satellite. Monocons could also be found hovering in certain areas carrying out scans. Her target could not have gone far and anyway, was she getting paranoid? Who was to say that NVarra was aware of Favor being there? It might be coincidence, that she had taken off to some Rejiv (Place to eat et.) for refreshments.
Over two hours. About to give up? Two craft were due within the coming hour. If she stayed close to the docking area, then NVarra might show herself and?! A gasp.
Behind her, the intended victim, holding a weapon, shoved into her side. N’Varra took Favor's weapon from her. Ordered her to walk, with her arm around her to alleviate any suspicions, to the reception area.
An hour passed. The cargo carrier, was in dock and loaded ready for the trip to the Akademy, N’Varra boarded and once again, secreted herself in the cargo hold, making herself as comfortable; given the circumstances, as she could!
The trip down to the Akademy, was a mere thirty minutes or so. Delays. Preventing the craft from going beyond the grid. On Onica, power outrages had caused problems. Systems were being gradually restored.
The cargo manifest transmitted. Waiting, waiting, she yawned , dozed off. No one knew she was there! Voices? She woke to hear raised voices. An argument? A male was raging at? His tone of voice was nothing short of threatening.
If she stayed perfectly still, she could make out some of the conversation. “Just make sure, no one compromises the cargo, I get paid, when its delivered and I’m not going to be, in a good mood, if anything happens to it."
The reply, the accent she was sure was a native of Terios. Hmm no wonder there was a lot of risk taking going on, the Terios settlers’s were worse than the Hafa! Why if he was born there, had lived there most of his life, according to the ongoing conversation? Did his voice sound all wrong? Their dialect was distinctly nasal. This was definitely NOT.
“Don’t hang around, once you have the items delivered, just confirm delivery as I told you and leave!“ The voices died away, leaving N’Varra puzzled, as she settled back, closing her eyes.
How irritating to still be awake some minutes later. Was it the Captain who had been on the receiving end of that abuse? Ah maybe not, it was the 'Pilot'. Onica sent up an independent what they called 'Pilot' to take the craft into the stratosphere and down to the planet. Protocol.
Vijette was a galactic agent, a shadow agent and one who was not known except by reputation, no face, nothing to identify her cept to those she answered to, a minute chip that had a code implant and the encryption was virtually impregnable.
Thus her appearance as a member of the crew, did not raise any eyebrows. However, she was in the main reception area, there were a group of males stood around Favor, who was now unable to move. Frozen to the spot, though not literally! Cembrian Ice, partially frozen and at a temperature controlled by the module at her feet.
Almost statuesque in appearance. A tag attached to her, stating that she was awaiting collection as a wanted villain by a certain Bounty hunter. One it should be noted, who Favor had cheated of his prize!
“Just love the hair style” It was an Humana male talking to an Ortarian.“I love the eyes ! She has such gorgeous eyes. I wonder what she did to have Bounty hunters chasing after her! Almost makes you want to release her, well if I knew the transponder codes to be able to do so, I suspect I would.“
Vijette shook her head. Moved past them to pass through hatch into a Rjvir. Sitting down, she waited and minutes passed before she ordered some refreshments.
The male who sat opposite her, had a uniform on. The cluster of leaves forming a u shape on his breast pocket indicated that he was a senior crew member, probably a pilot. Attracting the attention of a female stood talking to another the far side of the Rjvir, she was now approaching.
“Luini. When she had finished her refreshments can you show Vijette to her quarters." He turned back to Vijette.
"I am informed that a uniform, has been left for you." He dismissed Luini as she returned to talk to her companion. Leaning in closer to Vijette he whispers to her."No one else knows what your real identity is, or your reasons for being aboard the craft." He stood up. Luini will look after you. I will see you later."
“I want “ The voice went quieter, as a figure passed her. She glared at the two figures, huddled in a corner, to hiss. “To know, what they’re up to?” His hands, if you call them that, had a grip, now tightening on the arm of one of the Kets.
“You’re hurting me.“ The grip relaxed. “Tell me what I want to know and you can both go.“ There were more figures, heading towards them. Some recognition of the Ket stood in front of the bully? Of the Ket, being threatened? The Ket waved.
Having held their attention, the Ket broke free and rushed towards them. Her assailant watched, as the other Ket left him, to return to the group of Kets, talking to the one who had escaped his clutches. The looks from them in his direction were not pleasant.
He decided it would not be in his interests to remain, without the rest of his usual group of Kets to give him some backup, should he need to lash out at any of them. Turning he rushed off away from them, in the opposite direction.
Her friend consoling her, the one who had a bruised arm and was almost in tears? Calming her down, when Ocasa appeared from one of the hatchways. Seconds later he was stood in front of the Ket who’s arm was clearly swollen.
Ocasa liked this particular Ket. Her disposition was upsetting him which most of the other Kets would tell you, was rare where Ocasa was concerned.
“How did that happen.“ The Ket was loathe to tell him. Ajari knew who he suspected had been the perpetrator of the assault.
On telling Ocasa what he had seen, there was fury in his eyes. She was not much bigger than Lillia. Cute to the point though he would NEVER have admitted it in front, of his friends! Cute enough to want to hug. At this moment in time he was feeling a growing rage.
Becci and Ameryst arriving on the scene so to speak, saw the look on Ocasa's face. Now that meant trouble! She knew when her brother had that look on his face, to move out of his way!
Becci stepped around him to see the little female Ket Kmbar, holding her arm, bewildered if not frightened. "You lot! What is with you!" She immediately summoned a Medisent. The brusing examined, a report generated. Some treatment to ease the swelling and the disposition of the Ket had changed.
"WHO did this!" Ameryst had now become aware of what had happened. Ocasa was about to explain, when Becci hissed at him to take some of the other males and to leave them! Whatever his temperament he was not going to argue with her. Perhaps more than happy to see Kmbar under the safe hands of his sister.
Kmbar was now smiling, relieved that she did not have to explain what had transpired. The swelling was reducing her skin returning to a more natural color. “Whatever the Medisent applied to the skin.“ Ameryst remarks. “Has certainly worked fast!“
"Well I think we could all do with some refreshments, I could certainly do with a Frubu." A little while later they were all sat sipping on Fruibi’s (kind of melon fruit drinks). Kmbar was not one of those Kets you noticed. Becci had been laughing with her and commented, that she was smaller than Lillia but what she lost in size, she made up for in other ways! Once she got talking! You couldn't stop her!
Far more relaxed and at ease, with Becci and Ameryst. So the villain of the piece, was. “Goran!“ Ameryst was livid! This was not, the first time, she had heard that name! Rumors it would seem, that had some foundation, based on fact. A bully and to coin a phrase.
'Used to throwing his weight around.’ Truth was, if you looked at a Gorilla and Goran? The Gorilla might actually be a lot smarter, but the build was almost identical. Thick set, heavy built, muscular and physically, far stronger, than most of the Kets.
Demanding and intimidating, when it came to getting his own way. He had learned a long time ago, that using force, was the way to get what he wanted. Not forgetting, his minions, who did his bidding.
A day had passed. Goran it appeared had gone into hiding. Not so. He was otherwise engaged in activities that were in secret. Away from prying eyes. Only those closest to him knew what he was up to. Food, ah yes. Well he had to eat!
Hence he was sat having some food with others when? That particular afternoon saw some of the Kets reading up on the itinerary for the coming training sessions? Having refreshed himself, Goran was stood near the entrance to the Collonades talking to two of his companions.
What Goran wanted, Goran got, or else came into the conversation. By force or by guile he did not care how or why he got what was coming to him, cunning, thieving, dirty, low down individual that he was. He expected nothing less of them!
As for a little persuasion, they could always find ways to blackmail and similar. His other favorite pastime was belittling some of the Kets, humiliating them in front of others who did not dare to challenge him, or his minions. The weaker more fragile Kets, his ultimate treat! Seeing them crying, wanting to run home to Mama."
Ameryst had discovered, where Goran could be found. She had, persuaded other Kets to spy on Goran, to tell her where he might be found. Some were reluctant to say anything, in fear of reprisals, should Goran discover what they had been up to!
There were those helping her, curious to know what Ameryst had in mind? More than happy, if it meant, the thug, got his just deserts.
If Ameryst had given thought to giving Goran some punishment. She had come to the conclusion, that she needed to create a reason, a very transparent one, to all present, for her doing so. She needed to tempt him, into some of his usual gratuitous violence. But what?
For her plan to work, she had to persuade Doona and Lillia to participate, as one might say to use the expression. ‘Lambs to the slaughter?’ Doona had encountered Goran before, he knew exactly, how vindictive and nasty, he could be. Put the love of his life, Lillia into danger?
Ameryst would be persistent. Offering up both sides of the coin, to illustrate the benefits of such a plan, being put into action. Lillia and Doona, she insisted; would NOT, be in any real danger! The fact that Becci would be there? Finally gave way to the plan, taking shape and being implemented.
Becci was reserved about the intentions of Ameryst where Goran was concerned. Lets put things into perspective! She was smaller, he was so so much bigger, well actually HUGE! in comparison to HER. Weight to weight, size to size ratio's were well out of balance!
" I need you to keep an eye on Doona and Lillia, to make sure they're kept safe. Plus, if they decide to back Goran up, making sure Luic and Beeks, Goran’s two geeks, for want of a better description; would NOT pose a nuisance or a threat, to proceedings.
Uanita had, with Delise and a few others, overheard some of the Kets enroute to the Collonades, discussing the Ameryst versus Goran scenario? News had spread with Uanita denying any blame, for how that, had been leaked to the other Kets!
Eager to see Goran taught a lesson? Yes there might be doubt on Ameryst actually beating him down to size. BUT! Well worth seeing him getting a Ket standing up to him.
Goran? The size of his hands, they were certainly on the large side and when clenched into a fist hmm ... No, they weren’t ready to bet, that it would be Ameryst who would come out of it the winner!
Eyes on him, Ameryst smiled. Time to put the plan into action. Goran had been made aware of Doona and Lillia. Doona had leaned into give Lillia a kiss? The scathing abuse, echoed across the chamber, all too clearly directed at them.
Doona’s eyes looked up, to see that lump, stood in front of them, towering over them. Gulp, might have been an appropiate word at this time. He swallowed hard and waited for the inevitable outcome of this encounter!
Lips curled into a sneering grin. “Well if it isn’t the pipsqueak who.“ Doona had moved Lillia behind him. "Think I had forgotten about the Frubi?" Doona had not! Threatened by Goran, Doona had decided on taking an opportunity that would afford him, to get away from the oaf.
He had thrown the Frubu he had just acquired, at him. Doona had not been pleased at the loss of the drink. What transpired, made him wonder, if it actually was, the best Frubi re value for Draxets, he had ever bought!
The howl from Goran echoing in his ears, after the drink, had been thrown in Goran's face, that semi thick slush of fruit and what we would have called milk! Sticky, sludge dripping off Goran. Fury? Rage? Was worth all of the coin he had paid for it.