Claria was restless, whatever she did she could not sleep! This had not been, the first time, that this had happened. Her body she sensed, was going through changes. Not, that she was ignorant of this. Her family, had taken time out to explain that she would.
As all 'Animorphics did, in one way or another. In the end, she decided, if she could not sleep, perhaps it was because, she was not tired enough? Maybe a good way of getting to the point where she would fall asleep, was to take some exercise.
Putting on some suitable clothing in the form of a bio suit and footwear, to allow her to run. Clicking on her monitor and system alert, that she was stepping out into the grounds beyond.
She set off at a pace, away from the Knurlings, passing through Kaewenas Gate, towards what we would have called, the ‘sports field‘.
Early morning, the grey of the clouds, as we would know them, tinted by soft light from a half moon, made shadows cast by the lighting from lamps, that suddenly switched themselves off, one by one, along the path, she had taken. Not unusual. Kets were seldom around, outside, at this time!
At least her enhanced, 'Animorphic' eyesight, coupled with a knowledge of the route she was taking, helped to prevent her, from getting lost. Soon, she would be moving through the entrance into the sports area. A sigh of relief, that some of the cloud, had dissipated to improve visibility even more.
Almost an hour of running, exercising and she was starting, to feel tired. A relief! Claria decided it was time, to head back, to the domicile and catch up on some sleep!
Stepping towards the exit, something caught her eye. A movement? Someone. Her senses telling her, both smell and sight, that there was someone or something, ahead of her. Whoever it was, had stepped back into the shadows. The outline, was too faint, to be discernible, as to WHO, or WHAT, they might be.
Claria was not wary, why should she be. Even if, it was another Ket, there was no reason to believe, that she would be attacked. Why should she. YET the hair on her neck was tingling!
It had been a long time, since she had had that sensation. Thinking back. When the transporters, were being attacked by the aliens, whoever or whatever they were, she had felt it then.
She had gotten to thinking, on the smell and the sight, of movement, in front of her earlier. Hiding itself?
Torvan and Eula, were known for their strange night ramblings. Eula liked to get out at night, so she could watch the nocturnal habits, of animals and insects, birds as we would know them. Torvan went along to keep her company. Tonight, they were the far side of where, Claria had been exercising.
Amused by her antics. Understanding her insomnia. If Claria hd passed them, it would appear, that she was completely unaware, they were there. Eula reasoned, that because her physiology is colder, perhaps that was why. Not desiring to be joined by her, or having to walk back to the Knurlings with her, they kept quiet, let her pass.
Claria was unknowingly, moving towards the figure, that had, tucked itself into the shadows! Above her, the clouds drifted across the half moon, causing the light, to drop dramatically. Torvan stirred. “Think we ought to make a move, go after her make sure she is OK?”
Eula looked at Torvan and nodded. “We could. But don't worry, its a Bexes Animorphic transition phase, she's going through. As they mature, they find their animal instincts come to the fore, Bexians always, find the early stages, a bit disconcerting; they get restless at night.
Adolescent hormones!“ She smiled, as he continued observing Claria, whilst they stood up. Watching her, puzzled by her deviation, away from the main exit. 'Now that'. He thought, is odd.
Peering towards where she had been, the light, was not so good and her form kept fading? Seconds passed, as Eula took his hand and they made a move, towards the exit and Claria. Some of the cloud shifted, the light levels increased and across from were they were walking, it was clear enough to actually see her.
Curious to know why, she had deviated from the exit? "I thought I saw something, did you?" Torvan nodded. "In front of her. Another Ket?" The shadow ahead of her moved, remained indistinct. They still could not make out WHO, or WHAT it was. Both of them, quickened their pace.
"I don't feel easy, about this at all. I sense something is wrong." Claria had moved closer to the figure, it WAS a figure of a Ket! The outline all too clear. Who it was, too vague and made worse, as now the cloud once again, obscured the half moon.
The light fading out to leave deep shadows. A surprise to Claria, when she realised her vision, was compensating dramatically for the low light! This had to her knowledge never happened before so fast and so clear! Her body had, she felt, transformed.. To be expected and as she knew, nothing unusual for an Animorphic.
However, this time the transformation was a lot more, than it had ever been before.
All of her senses were heightened. Smell, sight and? A sense of danger. The figure moved from the shadows, ran at her. In its hands a weapon. Torvan screamed at Claria, seeing the glint of the weapon he let go of Eula, running as fast as he could towards Claria.
The assailant, shoved the weapon towards Claria. Torvan was almost upon Claria when he saw to his astonishment, her fully transform! If Torvan was speechless by the transformation.
Claria’s assailant had few words! It happened so fast and so vivid, to those watching.
She repelled the attack as large, sharp claws, deflected the weapon, flinging it into the air like some arrow flung from a bow. The assailant fleeing. The weapon, dropped with a thud to sink into the ground, at Torvans feet. He breathed a sigh of relief, not so much at seeing that Claria was safe, but at the blade having missed his foot!
Claria sprung around to now face him. A defensive move and to poor Torvan, the sight of Claria, like he had never seen her before. Her jaw was almost cat like, her teeth sharp distinctive. Shocking enough for him, but her whole body, was almost twice, the normal size, towering over him!
Torvan was feeling distinctly queasy. He fainted! When he recovered, being fussed over by Eula and it should be said, a concerned Claria. The hair on her face slowly vanishes, her claws retracting, her whole body shape shifting. Cat like features, with lines across the face and the soft tufts of hair. More of a pussycat!
Seconds pass, as Claria re transforms, to look more, like the Claria she had been. Torvan gave a sigh of relief, as he mumbles. “I thought I was about to get eaten!“ “Now that would have been a sight to see!” There was some laughter from them both, looking at him, helping him to his feet.
Eula stood by his side, looking at Claria still not believing, how much Claria had transformed let alone terrified poor Torvan!
"How come it didn't rip your clothing?" Claria smiles. "Stretches. Most of my age have special clothing in case 'Xemotra' as its known, happens. This suit, is specially designed for that.
During the early stages, it can happen at any time, so we have to be prepared! Apparently, it will stretch to four times, my normal size!" Torvan grins. "Judging by what I saw, I reckon you were close to that!"
Eula leaned down picked up the blade. "Who wants to cause you harm? Did you see who it was?“ Claria shakes her head. "No idea."
"With everything happening so fast. Its not unusual with the first major transformation, to actually increase your senses, but lose at the same time, because you are adapting to all of those enhanced attributes, of hearing and sight." "By the time I could focus, they were gone!" "Well at least, your physical responses, were not compromised."
Eula moved closer to Claria. “After all you've just gone through. you OK?" Claria had placed her fingers on her face. “Still got some hairs, but most have gone. Jaw feels a little raw, likewise my fingers are tingling, but otherwise, fine.“ They started to walk towards the exit.
“Maybe you surprised whoever it was here, up to no good. Not expecting to see you here? “ “Wouldn’t surprise me if some of the Kets, use this at night, to trade illegal goods!“ "Well its isolated enough and the lighting, is really bad tonight. Perhaps they were going to be meeting others and we, well, YOU! Scared them off!"
"I thought for one moment it was one of the Hafa, but it wasn’t. “ Torvan looked at Claria. “What made you say that?” “Whoever it was, was too tall and before my vision started to play up, I noticed, they had a distinctive tatoo, across the forehead."
“Did they move! After you chucked the weapon in the air. All I could see, was the shadowy outline, but it vanished real fast!" "Lucky you, distracted me Tor, or I think I would have been after them."
The attack had not gone as planned. "Did you know that that Ket possesses powers, which according to the prophecy, can bring about the destruction of my pet. Why I wanted IT, that thing. Dead! YOU. Have failed me!" The Ket turned, to see the massive fist, swing towards him sending him hurled towards the edge of the pit. Landing on the very edge. Still alive. The female and her demon, turns and leave. The male struggles, hardly able to walk.
Claria had rested. She woke refreshed and hoping to discover more, on who had attacked her. “I’ve had that blade examined." Torvan produced the shelde showed it to them. Rare design and if we can discover where it comes from, we may also discover the identity of your assailant.
“So who do you think it was? “ “Its only the tatoo that I can remember on the forehead, won’t forget that.“ “Don’t think they’ll be showing themselves, round here, for awhile. “ Torvan moved close to Becci to whisper. “Think someone, is on to what we’re planning?“ Becci nodded.
“We’re going to have to be extra careful. Whoever it was, that attacked Claria, had it all planned. Perhaps they were going to force her to talk. Claria knows almost everything about the plans. I hear you were going to leave her out of things, being Claria.“ Eula paused grinned.
“Timid little Claria? Not anymore. Her Mama, would be pleased to know Claria as a Bexian, can be so transformed into such a wild cat.“ She giggled. “I'm telling you, one look and Tor fainted. Out like a light. Just remind me, NOT to get on the wrong side of Claria in future.“
Ameryst had been listening to Claria, she now moved over to Eula and Becci. “Claria is far more.“ “We know. Ask Tor, if you're not totally convinced. “ Becci looked past Ameryst watching Claria. “Think you’ve, just gained another invaluable, team member, Ameryst.“