“She looks real mad, about someint?” Taon was stood looking at Anora gulping back her water.Brought up to date on what had happened.
“WHY! Are they always so nasty to each other.“ “POWER Tao, power. They know she is next in line to the throne to succeed that witch Isabellani.“
“Well I think something should be done to stop them.“ “It’s alright accusing someone Tao, you need proof and they’re used to deception. Whoever did this, will have destroyed the evidence by now, if they’ve any sense that is.“
Dario paused looked over to Anora who was now being led away by Taon, Delise and Claria. So, that was what Fre had wanted the lance for? He had watched Becci storm off, intent on finding Fre?
The expression on her face was one of rage. What had Ameryst said? “I think Becci, is mad enough to find the perpetrator and deal some punishment!“ She had not been wrong as to Becci’s intentions. Not at all.
Moving past several Kets she saw him, but had her attention diverted, by the sound of Ameryst shouting to her? She turned to look in her direction and wave, beckoning her over to her. Fre looked at her. Surprised? Shocked? No. But that look on her face? He was not going to hang around to feel the outcome of that rage!
It looked as though she had not seen him! He darted into the shadows! Too late! He realised Becci had, seen him!
He shoved into the middle of other Kets. Some Elder Kets? She would not dare to do anything physically to him, to provoke a response from him. NO! Not with so many others around him as witnesses?
They, were by now, more than aware, of the look on her face. Rarely had they seen her so enraged! Guess who was and could be the one, reponsible for that! Little love for Fre the bulk of them stepped to one side, clearing a path for her.
Fre felt the wave of energy slap him, Becci's hands outstretched, as it threw a wave of it at him. Like the strands of a whip in form, two of them, slapped against him, lifting him off the ground and hurling him back, until he was now, pinned against a pillar.
Unable to move, the energy streaming across him and all you could hear was his screams. She stopped, dropped her arms, her hands down, as the energy died away, he dropped to the floor on his knees in front of her.
“Next time you go near Anora to do her harm, to kill her, remember this! How it felt. Imagine it full on, no mercy. I won’t kill, not even you Fre. BUT, I will promise you, you will have your body so wracked with pain and so broken, it will take you a lifetime to recover. Oh, and pass the message onto the rest of your lot, especially Illia!
I’m fed up with you all trying to hurt, a friend of mine! Note the FRIEND bit Fre. I guess that might be an alien concept to you, but Anora IS my friend. THIS is YOUR last warning!
Hurt her again and I WILL, give you what I promised you, even at the risk of expulsion from the Akademy. Not that you, will be in any condition to complain about it afterwards.“
Kets had gathered around them, Fre was clearly shaking, not so much from what she had done, more with rage. He watched Becci walk off with Ameryst, grinning? The other Kets, delighted by having seen him duly punished! However he had come to warrant Becci's attention, including some much due punishment from her?! Whatever it was, one thing was certain.
To have enraged Becci, the Haphketsut Princess Becci of Fendiq, to such a level where she would use her powers, risking expulsion from the Akademy? Whatever he had done, why did they feel, on his part, it was deserved punishment!
Unfortunately, Becci couldn’t report what had happened, without revealing her punishment and the illegal use of her powers! Thus he, had gotten away with being expelled.
Those other Kets around him started to leave as he slumps down to the ground and screeches at them “You saw her, you all saw her, use her bio weapons on me, illegally and that means expulsion! I’ve got witnesses." He knew he could also rely on extra evidence from the Opticons.“
A Ranadian, Elder Ket, stepped over to him, leaned in to hiss at him. “No one’s seen anything Jogarth NOTHING! If YOU, don’t want to end up expelled, when the Haphketsut explains why she did what she did, no doubt she WILL, unlike you Jogarth, be believed. Telling the truth?
What ever you did, I suspect will see YOU expelled. I hear your mother would not be pleased about that at all, so I’d suggest YOU make sure, you say nothing and it stays that way.“ He turned and left, with the others, all it would appear, of the same opinion.
“Got his just deserts, did you see that Becci from Fendiq! I’m not planning on upsetting her anytime soon!“ Fre could see and hear them laughing! Not the least bit concerned over him trying to get to his feet, still shaking, with rage.
Fre leaned back against the wall eyeing the Kets as they left him. He would remember that Ranadian. As for Becci, from Fendiq. Power? He would show her what POWER was. It was time to put things in motion that would leave HER at his mercy.
‘What I need‘. He muttered to himself, is a power beyond yours, a power I can use, to teach you and a few others, a lesson, you won’t forget. One that won’t be leaving you, to tell the story, let alone ALIVE."
Illia was stood hidden from view. He had watched Becci, seen her deliver that punishment to Fre. He grinned remembering the screams from Fre. However, he too, was thinking the same thing. He had other ideas, even if they were similar in desire to Fre’s.
Unlike Fre, the solution lay elsewhere and he, had an answer to how he could achieve his purpose, in protecting himself from any action by Becci and or other Kets, of a similar disposition. A force field of sorts?
In the control room, Serenia glanced at the images from the Opticon, She had seen all that had transpired. Becci dealing some justice? Fre screaming and afterwards? Witnesses.
Well actually, NO viable ones as to what Becci had done! Only those Opticons. A password to allow her access to their data storage banks? Select the right ones and!
She smiled as she glanced at the controls, hit the 'delete all data' option. No one could use that data to incriminate Becci.
She would of course, have to have words with Becci but that would be it. Expulsion? No! Fre had been taught a much needed lesson. The attitude by several Kets had been the same, don’t mess with someone’s FRIEND. Now why, did she doubt that Fre, had gotten that message?