The sun shining, a beautiful day and some were occupied with the forthcoming challenges.
The Stratorium trophy and tournament.
"You’ve won the opportunity to represent us in the final stage.“ Becci grinned at Ameryst as Ocasa and Xugan listened, knowing full well, that Becci and Ameryst believed they had no competition.
“Both of you have experience with the Magellan Choocraft they use, even if the other teams don’t know that!“ They all started to smile. “No one else, in our Ket year, has that experience and of course brother, I KNOW how good you are!” Ameryst nodded in agreement, as she gripped Xugan’s arm to whisper. “Your sister in year 3, told us everything we wanted to know!“ At least Xugan didn’t have to compete with his sister!
Ocasa and Xugan weren’t bosom buddies, but they both had to accept, where boats and Magellan craft, were concerned, they were not just good they excelled with their skills.
“So who else is with us on the team.“ “How many in each team?” It was Ameryst suddenly remembering, there would be others. “Six on each team, but all from year1.”
You didn’t choose your team, they were chosen by La Toyah, balanced out to take the weaker one’s into the arena, to make the others in the team, accept their weaknesses and to play to their strengths?
It would be several hours later, when Xugan was leaning over the Magellan craft. Thermic Core needed adjusting. It controlled, the flow of the energy streamed through the power optical connectors controlling the main drive units. Data for adjusting the settings lay with Ocasa, reading off the Shelde.
in front of him, the different figures. So far, everything was going fine. “Down to the last two.“ Hisses Ocasa. Xugan, his backside stuck in the air, with him fully leant over and almost disappearing into the craft? He was cursing at the tiny space he had to work in, and the fact that the adjustors, were not easy to get at.
Apart from wishing he had smaller hands, longer fingers might also be a definite asset.
Within the craft, tucked almost out of sight and yes you had to feel for them, to find and locate them, were the last two adjustors, His hands struggling, the space becoming far less and his fingers almost too short to squeeze the final two adjustors.
“How much.“ Ocasa fumbled with the shelde, dropping it! He hurriedly picked it up as Xugan felt his fingers with the tool tingling!
'Pins and needles' as we would know it, rippling across his finger tips. It was a most unpleasant sensation AND getting to be painful. Cursing, that he could do this. He knew he could. Well providing Ocasa gave him the reset figures he wanted NOW! Uh oh!
Ocasa was having trouble. The Shelde unit was not responding. Had it been damaged when he had dropped it? He had NOT seen the enercet pack drop from the unit, to tumble to the floor. Trodden on by him, as he looked at the Shelde unit, then heard the sound of a hiss from the crushed energy unit, beneath his foot? Seconds pass before Xugan had finally had enough!
He pulled his hand out, almost dropping the tool in his hand. Puts it down, rubs his hands glaring at Ocasa. Xugan glanced down to see the trampled Powercet cells. The NON illuminated, somewhat defunct SHELDE UNIT. “So its pointless me carrying on, until you.” Some emphasizing on the word, YOU! “Repair that Shelde. Which means by that time, it will be over an hour wasted!”
He shook his head thinking to himself, what should have been a short task, was now turning into a tedious drawn out shambles! Worse still! The other team members would be arriving soon. More humiliation.
They would look complete fools. “The last two sets of controls!” Ocasa howled, trying frantically, to recall, what they were. However hard he tried, his mind was a jumble of figures, stressed out and agitated, there was NO way, he was going to get it right. Could things get any worse?
“What, two figures.” They turned, to see two IDENTICAL looking females, stood in front of them. Apparently, two of their team. The other giggled. “Core adjustments.“ “Not finished them yet? Just the last two?" Xugan nodded.
One of them picked up the tool Xugan had been using, to move towards the main drive unit and peer in. She looked at Xugan. "Come and hold my legs for me so I don't fall in!" Another round of giggles. Seconds passed before she was now over it and leaning into it, her body. her bottom in the air with Xugan holding on as tight as he could, to her legs. NOT that she was, he noted heavy!
Suddenly the one whose head had been down in the craft swung up and was now facing her twin. “Final adjustors, 8.4 or 8.6?“ “8.4.“ The head turned, the body moved forwards, the bottom again in the air, more giggles. "Done!"
A few seconds pass before she is now stood next to her sister. Xugan closing the hatch lid, securing it in place. Ocasa had been looking at her hands, those long thin fingers. Gave her the extra length to use that tool on the adjustors with ease. So who were they? Cynan and Cybia.
Ocasa said nothing, his eyes had not moved from Cybia, who had been stood watching Cynan. He had, been amused by her giggling. Xugan had rested his eyes on Cynan, the way she moved and her poise, the confidence with which she had taken control has made a lasting impression on him.
In the midst of the conversation on the merits of team work, Roina and Doire arrived to interrupt them. The final two members of the team.
Ocasa noted Roija’s irritation, at seeing the twins. “You two.“ She had hissed. Cybia glared at her, the giggles vanishing, to be replaced with a distinctive scowl.
Doire was as unpleasant to Cynan. “Icarian’s. Just don’t go thinking, you can boss us around.“ So that was where they were from, but where were Doire and Roija from. Ocasa was not sure, but Xugan knew. He was not short on his words, where they were concerned. “Before you have a go at them, mind your own manners. Your people are well known for their intolerance and arrogance.“
Ocasa muttered to himself. ‘A good start, to forming a strong competitive team. He interrupted them. “Look, do you think we can all agree to differ and just work together as a team, forgetting our differences and concentrate on the challenge ahead!“ Much to Ocasa’s relief some agreement on what he just said.
Going their separate ways, Ocasa and Xugan had made their way back to an Ovir, to meet Ornatha and Aniette, who were with Lilia, Doona, Mawaena and Sajani, sipping ice cold drinks, with news of what had just happened.
"What is with the hatred for the Icarians?" Mawaena was able to enlighten them. "When they first arrived in that part of the galaxy, they took up trading with other worlds.
Established good ties, with their governments, officials and Impericals. Several decades passed. No problems, everything seemed fine. Until the morning, when Icarian military, descended on the planet nearest to them. Seizing a stash of minerals and other materials, to provide them with more weapons more opportunities to enslave and move across the planet.
It is rumored they dropped a mind control drug into the water supplies. Similar in composition though not proven, to the one the Ai Su used.
Manufactured, to be less potent, more a case of disorientating your victims, rather than having them killing each other leaving them compliant, incapable of free will.
Three planets fell to their forces. To prevent any chance of outside interference, insurrection. They created a Forbidden Zone. Enter without invitation on pain of death.
Setting up governors across the planets. Thus ensuring the Icarian Impericals, were paid tithes. Some manage to evade capture and escape to other worlds. Don't talk about them to Iofnen. The Jade Dynastic are sworn enemies of the Icarians."
Becci arrived with Delise and Ameryst in tow, overhearing them. “Trespass and suffer the consequences, well if you live long enough of course!” “We heard you met Cyn and Cyb!” Delise giggled, glances at Ornatha who Ocasa swore winked back, for Ornatha to add.
“Be careful, those two, will run rings round you both!“ More laughter? This time, from Becci and Ameryst. Xugan scowled, looks at Ocasa, shakes his head. Becci was close to him giggling. “So which one do you fancy brother.“ “Better not be Cyn.“ Squeals Xugan. He realised he had walked right into it as they say. “Hmm looks like its Cyb for you brother.“
“She scored quite high at tactical“ The giggling had stopped. They listened to Lilia recall some earlier encounters. “We were in the Strat, couldn’t match her score on the Zyton attack simulation.“ Doonan nodded, as Sajani interrupted. “Who’s to say they didn’t cheat, we all know..“ He went quiet. Stood behind them, were two females. The twins!
“Anytime Sajani you want to take us on fair and square, name the day the time. Perhaps it’ll shut you up, when it comes to even thinking, we would cheat.“ Her voice was harsh there was NO mistaking the underlying threat. ‘Say that again and I’ll..‘ was pretty close.
Sajani had gone quiet VERY quiet. "One thing I hate is hearsay. Those that make assumptions and follow it up with gossip. Speading untruths and others pick up on it and so it goes on. Adding their words to change the context of what was the original truth." Cyn scowled. She looked at Ocasa.
“Ocasa I wondered if you’d join us for the rest of the evening?” Was it Cyn or was it Cyb, asking? They looked so much alike! “I hope you’ll join us aswell Xugan.”
Cyb smiled as Ocasa and Xugan much to the amusement of the others, moved to leave with them. “Have they got a shock coming their way.“ "Well I liked her honesty. She's right. All too often we judge, quick to condemn, without knowing the true facts."