Cistera, was having none, of his retort even if she had begun to feel a little guilty. “If you, hadn’t stepped back awkwardly and if you had LOOKED, where you were going? Perhaps I, WOULD NOT have stepped on your foot, in the first place.“ ‘Woo’ Thought some of the Kets, Cistera can sure give as good as she gets, when she wants to.
If she had given up cussing at him, her tone of voice had not by any stretch of the imagination lost its sting! It seemed to fall on deaf ears. He was ignoring her comments to continue growling at her. “So WHO are YOU?” Another female Ket interrupted them, she had moved closer, encroaching on their space?
“Why, it’s lady, ‘Lady’ Cistera from Fendiq.“ Becci noted she had dwelt on the ‘LADY’ making it all too clear, she thought, of Cistera’s status, as a non Royal, was something to be played upon. She was about to say something more curt; when Kesop hissed at her, making her step back?
“I was talking to Lady Cistera, if you’d oblige me, by NOT speaking for her.“ The female grunted, turned and left, somewhat, thought Becci, if she had been Claria from Bexes, with her tail between her legs!
“So Lady Cistera, you, can say sorry, by sharing some refreshments with me, I am hungry.“ Cistera rolled her eyes, as she looked over to Becci and Ethan with Soniette. Shook her head. Becci grinned, “And if I decline?” “Then you are, exactly as that other female said you were, nothing special.“ ‘Wooo’ Thought Becci, talk about pouring ice cold water over poor Cistera!
“For that, YOU." Hisses Cistera. "Can buy me, refreshments.” They turned, as he, well he tried to, hobbled off with her.
"Will you look at that." Becci and the others fell about laughing. "I think she may have made a lasting impression there." "Certainly, on his foot." More laughter.
Elsewhere and not far from where they were stood. "You have managed to acquire what I wanted?" Dario nodded. "It will cost you. Not cheap!" "You must have those words pre programmed into you." Dario scowled.
"It must be a trait of those from Succhara. Always wanting something for nothing." Ameryst handed him two coins. "Hand it over." "Two!" "That is all you are getting. How do I know, what you are selling me is genuinely 'Frxi'?"
He reached into his jacket took the small tube out, passed it to her. She looked at it and opening it sniffed. Placing a tiny speck on her finger she licked at it. Replacing the cap she smiles. "I have missed this so much!"
"Well next time it will cost you more than two coins!" She put the tube into her pocket, leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you!" With that she turned and walked off. He looked at her vanishing in the distance. He liked her. Always pleasant to him and though he could easily have got a lot more for that? If it pleased her, to have it, he was happy and that meant, two coins would suffice.
The Galactic Imperitannica.
'Frxi' is a bean pod, that has its core, ground. Added to foods it is semi acidic and bitter to the taste. The unrefined, liquid form, when drank, gives an artificial 'psychological (pleasing in most cases) high'.
It is similar to the Humana, Aztec's 'Food of the Gods' - Chocolatl. A drink made from Cocoa beans, bitter in taste. See Aztec, chocolatl.
Frxi has a history of long term side effects, include hallucinations. Hence some worlds ban the sale of, use of it. Goods permitted entry to the Akademy exclude 'Frxi'. Hence the reason why it can command high prices. Two coins, is particularly cheap for this. Five coins would be the norm and a Hafa would easily get that.
The Hafa are not liked. Their race often become pirates, raiders, pillagers, murderers, thieves and generally acknowledged as being the scum of the galaxies. They are renown for their ability to pick locks, electronic, sub sonic, and trade or smuggle goods on a regular basis. Those places that forbid trade of illegal goods including 'Renais' protected items, allow them to sell at massively inflated prices.
A shock to a lot of the Kets, that two Hafa; Dario and his sister Aisha are here at all! Thus they suffer the silence or face the contempt of Kets who see them through the stories, the legends, the word of mouth of others as to who they are in their eyes. Are they that evil? We shall have to wait and see!
Becci with Ethan and Soniette had left the Collonades, to head on over to an 'Ovir. A relaxation area, with seating, various facilities including food and drink available. A good place to meet up with others and chill out. They are within the Akademy Charter, deemed to be, 'unrestricted' to any race, but are often adopted by certain races for use only, by their own species. The presence of others to that specific 'Ovir', by invitation only.
Along the way, Ethan seemed quieter than usual. He had moved in closer to Becci, trying to avoid attracting attention from the others?
“Where can I, find the Temple of Shadows?” Becci glared at him, looked at Soniette. “What do you want to go THERE for? You, don’t want to go there. I’m not hearing this! Only those seeking answers to certain questions go there. Usually, not the RIGHT ones.”
“I only asked.“ Protested Ethan. “Its not, the place to get answers, whatever you are up to, Mama told me. Unlike the other temples and the priests, you don’t have to take a gift or offering into THAT temple. There’s a reason for that. You want something? If, they give, they also TAKE!
What seems FREE, will in the end COST you! Even Papa says, there is nothing that is totally WITHOUT a price! What appears to be is often an illusion, especially he says, when it comes to those found within the Temple of Shadows. Whoever those beings are, they are not to be trifled with.“
Ethan nor Soniette, would say anymore, but an hour later, they had drifted away from the others. “It’s this way, I’m sure it is.“ He gripped her hand. The sound of their feet, as footsteps echoed along the stone floor, walking into the temple. Stepping between the columns, a slight breeze across their faces, the grey stone floor. The sudden realisation that suddenly, there was a eerie silence? Sound. Sounds? NOTHING! Not even their footsteps.
“You sure“ Ethan turned to Soniette “You certain you want to do this?” She moves in close to him, as he holds her to whisper. “We NEED advice. We HAVE to summon, the Shadow Walker.” “I’m frightened! What will this cost US?“ Ethan held her, pulled her in close.
“You know I love you, I have to know, we, have to have an answer. We can’t continue as we are, what is happening between us is almost out of our control. Only the Shadow Walker, will have answers, that can help us. Is that not worth taking the risk?"