“When I first started to write Kets Aka I decided it had to be nothing less than SENSATIONAL.
The problem with any lengthy series such as this is the sheer numbers of Kets before you even start on the story lines themselves!
I wanted the readers to start to know them and to get insight into the Akademy plus everything else that is in simplicity, teenage adolecence!
Throw into the mix what their families have taught them to believe, instilled in them about other races ? Apart from standing up and being counted in more ways than one!
As for the next in line to the throne?! Get them outta the way and step up to the challenge of being THE HEIR? By any means possible!
All of their emotions coming to the fore plus that coming of age trait added for good measure.
Not forgetting and I make no excuses for the expose of the traits that are as much a part of us as a human(a) race as it will be with them.
Lying, cheating, scheming, deceitful, coveting, desiring, taking by force or any other way they can including stealing.
Devious, cunning, conniving and sometimes murderous with their intent.
Yet in all of the 5 there will be moments you smile, you feel for them, even the odd tear. You won’t be spared the drugs, the drink the other illegal activities they get up including the more intimate moments. Though I have kept it to our code re FAMILY and of course the Junior readers so moms and dads don’t have to worry on that. BUT when it comes to, for example drugs.
Some of them have real problems. Its showing both sides of the coin to illustrate HOW that came about, do they regret it? Its deliberate to show how easy some fall into the trap conned by those who want them to fall in, be part of the gang and so on. That’s its not always simple to say no, walk away. YET at the same time if you are tempted, to understand the harsh realities. Mood swings, violent, aggressive, paranoia and so on. That like other scenarios is kept to short bursts within the story, but enough I hope for the readers to step back and understand the merits sometimes of saying no or walking away.
Slavery is another topic covered. Again I thought well covered as to HOW some become slavers, slaves to others. Jealousy and greed. The ‘You have it, I like it, I want it, take it attitude.’ That occurs all too often in the races across the galaxies so its not just the Human(a) who have those traits.
The plots going on have one central theme and that with our Ket Taon, an annoying to some Kets, irritatingly inquisitive Ket! Will lead her to start to wonder about certain revelations and whether there is any truth about them. Poking around, finding certain things and two and two start to add up to four. Others realizing she is uncovering what they want to remain a secret, will want to maybe silence her? Or perhaps lead her on a trail that is to coin the phrase, a red herring.?! We have to, like Taon, separate the truth from it all.
Certain parts of the Akademy remain a key part of the stories. The AWESOME Stratorium. The Great Hall, the Stone Circle. Those mines where you have all of the problems you would expect with being underground a lot more besides ! Well actually they’re called Kets!
Those clones !! In Encounters they decide they are going to paaaarty ! I loved the idea of taking them and turning them into alter egos of the Kets they are supposed to be. Exact copies but ? As with Quiet tech Ket Delise who becomes a Rock chic overnight ? Imagine being Delise and getting back to find Kets in awe of you ? Gonna have fun there!
Not without the villain of the piece! The rogue Ket. Nasty critter. Will kill to get what they want. Can our group of Kets or some from that group manage with the help of others to send its BEAST back to the depths it came from?
Kets Akademy Vol 1 ARRIVALS was a heck of a lot of work. Kets Akademy Vol 2 ENCOUNTERS will be even more work because it has to be par excellence, simply because I want it to sell like hot cakes, for the various charities involved. Lot of thought and hard work going into all of this to make it work! Aside from the writing!
IN Vol 1 you had a taster of what some of the Kets are capable of. Some perhaps you will have picked out to watch re the rest of the series. Or even a team you are going to follow. In Vol 2 it gets a lot more indepth re others you did not read about in Vol 1 who will come to the fore. They have to trust some who they hate or despise because they know OR DO THEY? They are NOT to be trusted! YET if they have the skills, the know how to sneak them into the Forbidden lands, or as the Kets call it The Far Away Lands Vol 3 maybe its time to forego principles and accept their help?
There are from the off a few shock revelations about our Kets. One twist will lead to a whole bunch of problems even trying to keep it a secret from others. Guilt? Can they live with knowing something that those closest to them don’t? Do they keep the secret or tell all and to heck with the consequences?
Vol 1 was the tip of the iceberg. Make no mistakes about that. What is coming up as more is revealed, love the little darlings or loath em, wanna be em or wanna kick their.. You WILL be back to find out what happens NEXT! Vol 1 may have got your attention, Vol 2 will have you hooked. Vol 3 - 5 Well.. you’ll realize why I kept my promise it would NEVER be less than SENSATIONAL!