Heliera, Aisha, Cala, Becci, Ameryst, Delise, Kelawi, Claria, Taon, Ortora, Majeni. All of them were assembled ready to leave, the moment the race started.
'All of you have spare energy packs. Corleu hid some weapons they found from a cache, left by the original miners, here and here." Becci pointed to the map. We will need to inspect them and ensure they are fully working, before we proceed further. Heliera has contact with Hoki and the Simeron who will guide up on the easiest route to where Pantheus can be found and resurrected."
"Any news on the rogue Ket or that thing?" "Nothing. We don't know where it is, who the rogue Ket is, which is not a good start to this. Not that we want to be seeing that thing anytime soon! Not before we get to Pantheus."
"What I don't understand, is why the Simeron don't use the Dragonja to bring Pantheus into play? " Heliera moved to look at them all. "The Simeron do not want the Dragonja to know what we are planning to do. They might object to their deity being brought back to life, to send that demon back to where it came from, minus its lifeforce." "What about the Likorian crystal pieces, the rest of that crown?"
"To be left undisturbed, UNLESS there is a possibility the demon finds a piece. In which case we have to stop it. If it has it, steal it back. Bury it somewhere else. Remember. The longer we take, the stronger that thing gets and the energy field around it, increases to shield it. TO a level it will be virtually indestructible.
Oh and if it gets three pieces of the crown its powers, will be enhanced. Two pieces hardly any effect. We also have to try and find a way to seize the piece the rogue Ket has."
Taon was curious to know about the last known locations, of the various pieces to that crown. Heliera was saying nothing but Taon was sure she knew, as did Aisha on where they could be found. A little persistence, might have her slip up? "NO deviating from the instructions we will be given. Coms units will be worn at all times!"
Jadwn had seen Anora approaching, with Xugan and Kinsey. In front of them, two Kets were having a dispute. A real tongue lashing in progress with no kissing! "Whooo look at those two." Squeals Kinsey. They had not seen Jadwn, shift close to Anora, as she threw the device towards her. Tiny hairline claws came out to grip onto the suit she was wearing. The thing whatever it was firmly attached to her.
Anora had seated herself on the Monotac. The race about to start? Fre, had left Illia after assurances from him, that the device had been secreted about her person. His hand rested on the other part, on his belt. An activator unit. What poor Anora did not know, nor Xugan, was how cleverly the final drive unit had been modified on her Monotac.
Any examination would reveal nothing unusual. The changes would only take place after she was airborne. Giving Fre the means to turn off what was known as the yoke. That helped stop it turning or flipping over with a high risk of the rider being dropped from it.
Van Ea had been engaged in a boxing match with Arkanaje. A lot of Kets, had their eyes on them. The whole bout was compelling and screened, across the Akademy. You could watch it sat in your Galleria or live. Your choice.
Sophen had been sat with Ocasa, enjoying the bout. In his domicile Galleria? No longer a prisoner of hers! She had been surprised at how he had been so pleased to see her. Hugged her, held her and made it clear that no could possibly take her place? So what about Jelli?
It would seem that Jelli, had been taken to watch Anora and the race, whilst he, was otherwise engaged. She might have considered it cheating on her, however that consideration might have been put to one side when she discovered WHO he had been cheating with! Somehow this was not going to end without a confrontation. Ocasa in the middle of it? As for Velicia? What was she going to think of what had been going on?
All of the clones were dressed, inspected, before being led away by several of the so called REAL Kets closest friends. Watched by the away team? On a screen. Astonished at how the clones measured up under scrutiny. "I think your's Cala is a lot more intelligent." Ortora was laughing. Not for long, he backed away, as she moved over to him. "You were saying?" "Right everyone, the moment Anora is away on her Monotac, we are moving through the water filtration plant underground accesses here. To the T unit that Aisha has reprogrammed."
Aisha had received word that Anora had moved off. "Cmon you lot! Stay quiet! The monitors here have been disabled but just in case any of the other audible sensors are still active?"
Anora was in the lead. Close on her tail were Fre and Illia. Perhaps some, might have thought it strange that she was still ahead as she neared the end of the stretch? The one closest to the Estuary? Fre was counting down the last lengths to the finish line. Any second now as his fingers reached down to his belt.