“Teglen’s” Becci was non too pleased, the opposing team had four, out of a team of six? Doire knew, that three of them were males and one of them a female. Apparently called Viacia. Maybe, as Roija was quick to point out, their paths had crossed, when Roija had upset Viacia. Not only, were her and Doire on the opposing team, but also the Icarian Twins?
Viacia may not have liked Doire but in comparison to those two? Lets say that they had upset her brothers, least said where that was concerned. She doted on them!
Teglen’s had one might say UNFAIR advantage when it came to the choocraft? The craft, was built on a design, based around their own original craft, used on their home world. 75% of the surface of their home planet, was water!
So they’ve got the advantage, when they designed and built the unit? “I’ve always wondered how they don’t have webbed feet.” That had raised a few smiles!
If thoughts had been on Viacia. Becci might have been in for a shock, if she had known what was to transpire after Ocasa had left the Twins and split from Xugan.
He was in the corridor, not far from his domicile when he saw her.
What was striking about her, was the ‘Braisq’ of pure Draxetnium, worth a small fortune, tied into her hair. Her ears as we would know them, were pierced with Draxetnium ‘Squills’ Apart from other extras that were also made, of pure Draxetnium.
She was in our terms a robbers paradise on legs. But lets get back to the story. It can be said I suppose, in part due to, the sheer numbers of Kets there, that it could be reasonable to accept that Ocasa would NOT know, who she was!
Nor the fact that she had, three big hulking brothers! Two, who would have not have allowed him to say anything to her!
He had not heard Becci’s additional comments re Teglen’s! Their so called ‘Protocol 40t’ in its simplest form, meant you did not approach an ‘Imperium Teglen Empress.’ unless, you had an invitation from the family to do so, OR you were FEMALE! Even that was open to question.
Thus it was a surprise, to Viacia, when Ocasa spoke to her. To acknowledge her presence as he passed, was possibly excusable, but to actually SPEAK to her? She smiled thinking to herself, you are sooo lucky that I did not have my friends with me. As for my brothers!
This was however an opportunity without them TOO good to miss! Sat down, looking out across the Akademy at night the soft glow of the moonlight flooding the galleria, to Ocasa it was unreal! Yet unknown to him! He had not only made an impression on Cyn but this mysterious female.
She was keeping her lips sealed, re where she was from, loathe to tell him, her name! “Just call me V.“ That was it! OK so a few other figures had passed, where they were sat, some had surprised looks on their faces. A sign of envy?
Beautiful and eloquent! Talking about home? No, she seemed far more preoccupied, with knowing about his! Did he know, she was in one of the opposing teams, re the Strat challenge? Well no! One could say her eyes, sure lit up, when he mentioned WHO was on his team!
The Icarian Twins? Did she feel guilty about not letting on that she was in one of the opposing teams. It flashed through her mind, that maybe she should be honest with him, then thought better of it.
By the time they parted, after of course! Ocasa had been the perfect host and escorted her to her domicile. She knew a lot more about him, whereas he knew little or nothing about her. Before parting, she leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips! In total disobedience to protocol!
An Empress from the Teglen Dynasty committing such an outrage! 'Off with his head, springs to mind where Ocasa was concerned! If they had seen this, witnessed it, Ocasa well and truly would have lost his head! He left her smiling AND with his head, still intact!