“I’m not one for all this equality!” Colfra was talking to Dario. Cxan and Coleja, sat behind them, Cxan, somewhat amused by the gist of their conversation. It was, Dario thought; a good thing his sister ‘Nintas’ wasn’t around! Given his own thoughts on equality, he was unsure as to whether she was right, to have the views she did, or he was wrong, on how he thought, the female of the species should behave.
Behave? He was of he opinion, she was probably right to feel offended, at the word 'Subservient', bandied about and referring to, females, by those such as Colfra! Colfra in his defence, would mutter that Nintas had a few of her marbles jumbled.
It was well known, that she had an intense dislike for males who practised so called male supremacy. She was not alone. True Becci, Colfra’s sister would have had a few choice words in retort, to his use of 'that word'! Not that it would persuade him, from using it.
“Where is it all going, let alone what has happened so far!“ He fetches them some more drinks. “I mean, when is, the master, not master of his own, especially when it comes to the female of the species? What is so hard, with ‘Yes master, no master?“ Dario grinned. "Shrian was telling me, the Salafi have no problems with how their females behave and BEHAVE they do or else! Coleja nudged Cxan.
Her eyes were glancing across the room, he was now taking a look himself to see what had got her attention. It was the female Ket, Seocia. Leaning on a side unit, looking across the room, to where Colfra and Dario were? Head up slightly and turned as though listening?
Eavesdropping? Cxan shook his head, smiled at Coleja. “No way! Not from where she’s standing.“ “So if I told you, that Seocia can lip read?” Seocia was far, far worse than Nintas! She had an inbred hatred of males, who regarded her or females per sae, as dumb pets or worse. Simple minded, to be abused?
Seocia was to most of the Kets a Glam. Into the latest fashions and was way, way too spoilt! She seldom ever, went without, when it came to cosmetics, jewelry or the latest tech items. Well what she was permitted at the Akademy.
A little class conscious, yes. Well liked and, not just, within her circle of friends. However! One thing they all knew and if they had to, warned other Kets about?
"Forget this at your peril! When it comes to Seocia? ‘Break her nails, you might as well be breaking her heart!" The consequences of that? Not a wise idea to wait around and find out!
She kept fit, was an excellent team player, uh well Captain of a Pjas (Similar game to basketball) team. Trained in self defence skills, she certainly knew how to and could, if pushed to it, defend herself admirably.
Several females moving, to where she was stood. One of them, passed her a Frubu. As she did, Seocia whispered not just to her but to those close to her. Some of them turned, looked across to where Colfra was sat talking? Seocia smiled; some of them started to grin! Now that, thought Cxan, means trouble!
It can be said, that there are quite a few places, where females are predominantly the rulers of their own planets, or systems, their domains, settlements? Where Seocia comes from, there is a set protocol in place, for all her family.
With exclusion of the ‘Aristocracy. All of her people, have set class structures in place and they abide by it. Unless of course, you get the odd individuals, who don’t accept, won’t accept, the class structure and decide to upset the system that has been in place, for generations.
Trouble makers? Does disrupting the harmony of others, give them the right, to want to change things. Making changes, to how THEY, perceive things should be, does that, actually guarantee, life will be so much better? Often the reverse!
Civil war, insurrection; hell. IF your eyes are focused only, on one piece of the jigsaw, do you fail to see the whole picture?
‘Engage the brain before you engage your mouth? Do you? Its easy to jump to conclusions and say things are WRONG! Sometimes they ARE and we ARE justified in saying so, speaking out. But what is our knowledge based on?
Hearsay. Social networking and what is written. Said? Unless we can truthfully say, that what we know is TRUTH and based on FACT, not what we have READ or HEARD (hearsay), or what WE BELIEVE, or elaborate, to be the truth, from what we have seen or heard! Can we condemn something based on that?
Those who chose to bully, to intimidate to enforce their will, their opinions on others will say 'absolutely'. Using others in the gang or the pack to spin the same lies, the same deceptions. To beat the individual who says different, not one on one but several to beat them down.
That's not truth. Truth is free will, the right to KNOW what is the truth and to uphold it. For some across the galaxies the odds will seldom be in their favor where the truth is concerned.
Seocia was brought up in a class system, her family is rich, affluent and have a position within the government of her planet note PLANET not country or place per sae. Which means she, has HER own views, HER own perceptions, of what is and what is NOT correct, re how she lives her life.
How she behaves towards others and similar? Can we say the same of Colfra. Or how about Ocasa, with his fixed views, on the race known as the Jogarth.
A trait her friends know all too well? Seocia does NOT cattow, bow to any male, re being inferior or unequal to any male. Royal or otherwise! ONLY her father, would have Seocia, accept a command, an ORDER, or instruction; to do something.
Tutors and similar at the Akademy. Seocia accepts. are there to TEACH. IF their TEACHING has substance and IS honest and FACTUAL, RELEVANT? Then she will abide by, take note of what they have to say. She recognises that education, learning; is a strength. In itself, a power not to be ignored!
The conversations for most had changed, talking about the creatures, animals, birds as we would know them that could be found around the Akademy, strange and wonderful plants and flowers found in the Galesia gardens. The Estuary area and along to the bridge? Which brought them to talking about the legendary ‘Grovok’