Becci was stood, with other Kets; watching what we would have called a documentary; on a massive holographic screen in the ‘Collonades’. Delise, had been slurping her drink, much to her annoyance.
“Are you not, the least bit interested about the those featured, on the ‘Gate of Illumination’ and why?" "Bit out of date and over rated if you ask me.“ She slurped again, one long drawn out slurp, that died away to the sound of air, gurgled with the remaining lather, of her Frubu wesh. (Kinda tropical fruit milk shake).
“Delise! So you don’t think, our past, is as important as the present?” Before she had an answer, Delise had seen Ameryst enter with friends. She waved to them, mumbled that she was going to talk to them.
Leaving, Becci with the others, who apparently were of similar opinion? Cistera had walked away from Ameryst, said her hello to Delise who smiled, stopped to converse with her for a few minutes, finally, shaking her head and moving off to join Ameryst with other Kets.
"Kaila!" She glared as Delise approached her with the others. "You know, I hate being called that! Ameryst! B! You do it deliberately to annoy me." Delise grinned. Cistera was now, stood next to Becci.
"All I know." Uanita moves closer to her. "Is the amount of confusion it causes between you Ameryst and Ameryst from Sucharra Fendiq! "Well just call Ame's like most of my friends!" There were giggles. Coming into view the other Ameryst! "She's up to something." "What makes you say that." "Look who's with with her." "Dario, the Hafa. So what does she want with him?"
“You really did not think, Delise would be interested in anything, to do with HISTORY!“ Becci giggled. “Delise can just about recall, what happened over the last twenty four hours. She's energy efficient is our Delise, saves on having to expend energy re her brain!" Cistera started to laugh, a definite grin forming. The program came to its conclusion. "That was the Juanna of the Phaketsut story?" Becci nodded.
“Well that’s good but it doesn’t tell us about Juanna. Who she was, or where she was from! NOT all of us know the history of her and her race! “ A voice, a little meek in tone, interrupted them. “Oh I, can tell you all about that !” They turned to see a an almost chestnut colored Ket with a distinctive tattoo across her forehead. One of the Kets recognized her. 'A Pheshari from the Jade Dynasty.
Elder Ket Aibbi ? She smiles, sits down as they gather round her. “Juanna as a Phaketsut for those who don't know, is protected within the governance of the Royal house of the Kal Heiron. They command the highest number of inter-galactic armed forces, across the galaxies. Not to be trifled with. Some of them are out and out warmongers.
Never happy unless they're picking fights, causing unrest, attacking other races they see as quality opponents to gain their 'Equa'. (Bolster their legend, their reputation as elite warriors.) Most of them nothing less than thugs; bullies." It was clear to those present, that Abbi had no love, for those of the Kal Heiron! Luckily there were no Kets, of that persuasion, in the group present.
"Juanna was not a warmonger. More of an envoy, a diplomat acting on behalf of her own family; their worlds. She was in the 4th quadrant and due to a navigational error in her equipment. Not I should add, caused by any failure of the equipment she had. (That, was some of the latest top tech.)
No, it was due to what we now know, was due to the peculiar error, that occurs, when a Globesat series 3 module, receives an interrupt z3 reset signal from an old Lamsat? How that happened, was due to the fact, that she had NOT turned on, the ‘Ignore Lamsats’ setting or, turned it on too late!“ Erino another Elder, interrupted.
“Old Lamsat systems, if they can't be updated, upgraded; should be scrapped. Those who rely on what I call, ‘lame sats’, can end up in serious trouble. They're dangerous.” “Dangerous?" "If you are relying on their accuracy, that can put you into serious trouble.
Misleading enough to have you think you are in one place when in fact, you are anywhere but! If you end up in a zone, or region of space, where there are 'Baida' (Pirates, thieves, slavers.) or worse still, a forbidden zone?
Forces from any of them will destroy you and your craft without blinking twice! If you get too close to the things, their systems automatically jack, into yours, sending that reset signal.
If you don't have the reject module set up, (firewall.) locked into the systems, and ACTIVE, to block it? Your system WILL allow the reset signal, to parse a code, that the original manual says, 'Adapts your system to work with theirs.' What it actually does, with newer navigational systems especially, is corrupt the core main software. Rendering your navigational system, ineffective or totally inoperative.
Shutting down the system and rebooting, will have little or no benefit and, does not remove the corrupted code. That gets written into the Shriene, ghosting it. Only highly expensive tech detection software will find and remove it. Plus of course, cost you a lot in Drax!"
"So why, don't they upgrade the old Lamsats, or scrap them?" "No one owns them. Well, not strictly true. Globesat always mutter that they own them, but when they're sued because their product writes Trojan code to others equipment, causing them expense to put right; they deny ownership. As for the Sats? Getting to them and updating them costs too much. Their scrap value is next to nothing."
What is a 'Lamsat', anyways?” Erino stared at the, what he considered to be, an insignificant Ket! He shook his head. “A Nevrin, I might have guessed you wouldn’t know, NOT, the most intelligent of species! I mean the things have only been in use for the last century!“
Becci scowled at him. She smiled at Ninte. “When settlers first got into space they wanted to track, map out their journeys across space. Particulary trading craft? So they developed a basic satellite system, that allowed you to lock onto a given satellite and use that as a point of reference?.
A bit basic, until they developed the more sophisticated Lamsats system. Named after Grie Lamsat, the technician, who invented it. Instead of you putting in points of reference, the device did it automatically for you. When you wanted to make a return journey? Select return and your systems were controlled by the device on auto pilot.
Generally, it worked. Most thought, far better than manual control as that allowed errors due to those suppose to put in the data, not doing so or inputting incorrect data. As it became popular, the more it got used, the more errors and problems came to the fore. One of the biggest?
It has long been known by Sciestes that the universe ‘shifts. Dark star emissions; Cimbrian Spaes. They cause distortion, inversion of and folds in space. The Lamsats become inaccurate. The early ones are almost Renais collectibles! Their tech is so old but as Erino says; they can still transmit old codes, interfering with newer systems, that are not fitted with the blocking module.
When Globesat, took on the task of improving the system, they discovered, by compiling accurate up to date info, from the outreach sats, the ones spread across those areas of space, most likely to suffer from problems, a solution. Add in navigational error compensation, with sequential updates to their Glamsat systems, as they became known; the accuracy is almost 95% perfect.
They, went onto market the equipment, the device software is encrypted, to protect their interests. The downside with it, is as per Globesat always is; their products are select and expensive! Hence the reason most travellers, especially, pilots of cargo and illegal transports, or those on a tight budget, will still try and use the old Lamsat system.
Another reason why, they are seldom removed, is the opposition to losing them. Those who claim it would be giving Globesat a closed market for navigational aids.
Of course another option, is to buy one of Globesats units on the cheap. Usually salvaged from a damaged or scrapped vessel? It is also possible to find copies or fake system devices? Alright if you know they are what they are and prepared to take the risks BUT?!
When they are marketed and sold cheaply as the genuine product? Globesat experts will tell you, some of those copies that they have examined? It is very difficult to tell the original from some of the fakes!
Pilots, who get conned, don’t receive even if they have paid for them, regular updates. Some of the fakes have modern exteriors, controls, switches to them but the core components are made up from old system modules. With those, they're worse than some of the fakes! They might as well not bother in the first place!“
“Thanks?” “Becci from Fendiq.“ “Ninte from Nevrin Quo 4.“ Erino glared at them both. “If you can leave social introductions until later?! Perhaps Aibbi can continue!”
"Sjora Dei, is a small planet in the vicinity of the Icarian home worlds, cept its, its own world, not ruled or dictated to by the Icarian unlike some worlds close to it."
“Do you mind we’re Icarian Princesses! We don’t need you to...“ They were hushed, the others eager to know the complete story. They sat down still muttering, to be hissed at.
“Juanna knew that the planet was being held to ransom, by the Vendaran horde. They had formed a blockade, determined that no trading craft with medicines would get through, to a planet they had infected, with a parasite in the form of a flea. Spreading across the planet, thousands dying and millions seriously ill.“
Becci interrupted her. "We had something similar on our world, it bites, leaves behind a bacterial residue called Cmt9x5 which, untreated, causes severe dehydration and malnutrition, at latter stages heavy discoloration of the skin, respiratory failure, with fatal consequences." Aldren another Ket was quick to add his knowledge of that particular parasite to the conversation.
“Early symptoms of that, with boils that leaked and the skin of the infected, stinks!“ He went quiet, as Aibbi growled at them, none too pleased, at being, once again, interrupted.