Ah yes. Such a creature is known quite well by most, of the Elder Kets. The ‘Grovok’ is, an underwater dragon of sorts. If we cast our minds back. we can remember the tale, of how Princess Isabellani of the Jogarth, sought to antagonise it, to the point it almost ate her. Luckily for her and one wonders, the creatures's digestion, that it was not into eating Kets!
To the annoyance of the other Kets? Somewhat it is suspected, disappointed by the fact she had NOT been eaten! They knew, that she was horrible, mean and spiteful, when it came to teasing, to bullying, to asserting herself over others.
If other Kets had heard the story re the Grovok and laughed at the thought of Isabellani being swallowed by it? For others like Anora, who had heard the story from her kith and kin, with some relish on the part of Fre, who noticed that Anora, squirmed each time she heard the story.
It was to her, truly terrifying. The stuff of nightmares? Made worse, thanks to her mother, who had taken great lengths, to tell her of it. With some embellishment on how vicious and terrifying a creature it was. BUT! How she, Isabellani of the Jogarth, had stood up to it and it should be noted, the only Ket at the Akademy to do so and live!
Thus one could hardly blame Anora, for her, perception of the Grovok? She had an unfound and profound fear of it!
It did not matter, how many times the other Kets including the Elder Kets, who had seen, spent time close to it, swimming with it, feeding it? Said nice things about the creature, they found it impossible to convince her of its true nature.
Emphasizing to Anora, that it was a peaceful creature and were it not for the fact it had been antagonized, almost to the point of no return, by you know who?! It might well have had, just cause, in eating Isabellani, simply to have some peace and quiet, if nothing else!
The truth was, it had NOT, eaten her mother. By way of some therapy? Some had intimated, that perhaps it might actually allay her fears of it, by actually facing up to the fear itself. Find the Grovok and let Anora see for herself that it was nothing like she had been led to believe?!
Ah yes, WHERE was the Grovok? It had not been seen, after the incident, with Isabellani! The hysterics from her, had been enough for the poor creature to decide, that it required some time to itself, away from the madness of those like her. Uhh, well actually, just her. So thanks to her and her actions, others would lose out on a lot of fun.
The creature had sought refuge in the deeper parts of the Estuary, hiding out in caves, away from the Kets, closer to the forbidden land. Where Kets did not dare, for fear of expulsion from the Akademy, venture. Thus to date, it was rarely seen, let alone encountered. Which one had to admit suited the Grovok, though that is not to say it did not, miss the Kets!
Anora was not convinced, not in the least! Almost one might have said stubborn about it! In her sleep, haunted by it. Waking screaming, sweat pouring from her, in her mind the thought, the vision of this monster and her, about to be eaten by it! Anora, out of all of her kith and kin, was to an onlooker a bit of an outsider.
Amongst the Jogarth there, Fre was the worst of them. A really nasty tyke. Illia was the second worst Jogarth, closely followed by Van Ea. She stood up to her brothers and they often backed down, knowing full well she could not only outsmart them but give them a good hiding, if they pushed her to respond with physical violence.
No, Anora was NOT as vindictive nor as nasty. Certainly not, where her brothers and sisters were concerned. Probably why strangely, Anora was liked by the other Kets. That, was a factor that her own disliked intensely. Made worse of course by the knowledge that she was the rightful heir, successor absolute, to the Jogarth Empire, should anything happen to Isabellani!
Mouse like, she might seem to them, but they were not giving her the benefit of the doubt. At this moment in time, she might be living and breathing? Just don't stick to the illusion, that would be the case for long, should she ever get to actually being, next in line to the throne. OR her bottom on the throne!
NO! as far as they were concerned, a popular conception, amongst all of her kith and kin and something they all agreed upon? Her accession to the Imperial crown, HAD to be terminated at the earliest opportunity, regardless of Akademy rules!
Hence the actions to date of Illia and others to psychologically bombard poor Anora with ideas of that monster finding her, eating her alive? The attempt by Fre to brainwash her, break her spirit, to the level where she might, MIGHT take her own life?
Becci liked Anora a lot, which for some especially Ocasa was hard to reason. For the horror of the past and what the Jogarth had done to her own people? You could, if you knew the truth behind that, understand why, they were hated by a lot of her people.
The new generation of Fendiq Kets, were not going to allow, old history to cloud their future vision?
Becci’s Momma had made it clear, “You make your friends, sometimes the least you expect, the more you get, and the more you expect; the least you get?“ Now how true was that?
Becci and a lot of other Kets were equally convinced of its merit. If and he was, despising Anora, Ocasa might have been quite blatent about it, though not if Becci was around! Anora accepted his honesty. She liked him for that and totally understood why, his opinion was as it was. He was not picking on her alone, that was all too clear. His rage was at the Jogarth as a whole.
Fre? He had gotten off his recline within his domicile, intent on his purpose, which was to upset Anora. Unlucky for her, she was nominated to be the target of his affection for the rest of the day! Devising the means of his torment had not been difficult. Putting it into action might be.
Illia had taken an early morning walk. Taking some of the fluid he kept about his person. That contained an illegal drug, secured thanks to the Hafa Dario, the brother of Aisha.
He was stood in the shadows, sipping at it. Illia near the stone circle, when he spotted Fre? What he wondered brother, are you up to? Upon getting closer, he saw Dario meeting up with Fre. Was Fre buying the same illegal drug from him? Surely not! and yet why not? No it would appear it was not, the same as he had bought off Dario.
What was passed to him was different! More solid in appearance and the object glinted in the morning light. Illia glanced at it, as Fre went to put it away. Taking the Drax Slips off Fre, Dario bundle them into his pocket and sauntered off.
Fre took what he had in his hand raised it, stared at it, took two small parts and clicked all three together. Seconds later he held it up to look closely at it, making sure he had assembled it correctly before tucking the item, quickly out of sight.
Illia had seen all. His eyes had focused on what it was. Now he knew, he would not hesitate to be on his guard around his brother. Keep him in his sights and at a distance. No close encounters!
What Fre had, was a Veracium lance. Small in size, thin and discreet. Was it lethal? Dangerous? Deadly? We could simply say that Illia was not just frightened, he was terrified and yet so proud of his brother. Truly a Jogarth, make no mistake about that!