Jess Corbin - Tolgani The book of legends. Over 16s Sci Fi. 

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends




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It was a relief to Tolgani, that he, could look forward to leaving ?
Shiri, had sought, to make Lysa welcomed and, had provided her, with all she needed, to decide on her next actions.

The usual precepts, re the identification, face scanning and other identity necessities, to allow her, access to all of the crafts systems, On the same level as Tolgani? Well almost, the craft had been provided by Inexi so there were some exclusions.

The final changes re the craft, colours, equipment and technologies had to have Tolgani’s agreement.
Otherwise the protection, defence and other relevance to its occupants namely Tolgani AND Lysa applied. ju1

After his soak in the ‘hot tub’ his energy revitalised, Tolgani had felt the need to seek refreshments AND whilst doing so, talk to Lysa re leaving?
No dispute re the need to make leave.

All systems checks completed and they were ready to leave? Then it happened.
An intrusion alert? Something or someone had by passed the crafts security to now form in front of them?

Tolgani instantly recognised Ju? The Queen of the Faeries AND a look of terror on
her face? “You cannot leave! WE, yes WE have a problem that involves ME but also YOU!”

It would take a little while, to calm her down, as she sat opposite Tolgani, glaring at Lysa but, the panic had not subsided. “Our Ketlevling is missing.” A Kevletling is missing.
The words, had not sunk in, the actual wording, the meaning, had not registered with Tolgani?

Lysa was also, mulling over, what had been said. Then she stood up, looked at Ju and then at Tolgani. “Noooo way!  That cannot happen. YOU, cannot conceive a Ketlevling where Tolgani is the other parent?”

Ju glared at her. “Are you for real.” might spring to mind on her lips. “I am an Immortai, a Queen, above YOU and, what might apply to YOU, does in no way apply to me! I made the decision and Tolgani was the choice for my Ketlevling (baby).

HE is blessed by a God. Inexi blesses him.” (Blessed might be suspect BUT!) “Our Ketlevling will also be protected and gifted by Inexi. “She shifted to drop to her knees in front of Tolgani.
“Our Ketlevling has been taken. I need YOU,

I need the help of our God Inexi to help us find her?”

Tolgani could hear, the voice of Inexi, within his ‘minds eye’. I am not detecting her presence nor where she is to be found BUT, I do know WHO, has been responsible directly or indirectly.

A pause and then Tolgani, looked at Ju, at Lysa. “Suishi! That dammed Anime!
We, have to find IT, to find the Ketlevling.” Ju murmured. “OUR Ketlevling.”

“YOU will have to step back and let us sort this.” Lysa looked at Ju.
“With all respect, to who you are, it is obvious, what has happened, is targeting YOU and Tolgani.

It would take a while, to finally convince Ju, to leave it to them? After, she had left them, they sat and mulled over the question as to HOW they were going to find Suishi?  One solution, was not welcomed, It however, became less important, against the desire, to find the Ketlevling?

Anipre the Queen, who could summon Sushi? At what cost? Lysa grinned. “Perhaps showing her some commitment on your part to pleasing her, satisfying her former request?” Ah yes the one that had got him into the mess he had been left with?

I will  expect you, to deliver, on your request, to be at my pleasing.”  He wondered how he could manage to find the Queen? On the planet.

He had to go back, to where he had first encountered Bedme.
A stirring  in his loins, made him aware, the thought of that and how, he had felt, in the hot tub?

That is disgusting.” Lysa shook her head. “I sometimes wonder, if having the ability, to read minds, is such a good thing.”  Tolgani was cursing under his breath.

‘Another one! The slap Bedme had given him, he raised his hand to where she had landed one on him. BEDME300

He, would have to be careful, around any of them. He did not, want them to know about Ju and the Ketlevling. IF Suishi was hiding then he needed to persuade them to take him to IT or summon the Queen?

He was sure, the Queen Anipre, would sense his presence and, would appear?
Finding himself, on the planet and, almost the same spot, he had been met
by Bedme?

Who should appear but Bedme! “Well well well. Look at the one who survived the attack of the Beast. Swallowed up and spat out. No surprises there, if I had been that creature, I would have had the need to vomit.”

She stepped back, away from him, her hand to her nose? “You still stink of that whatever it was thrown out with you, that horrible green goo. SLIME! “  “It was mucus! “ “Whatever. WHY are YOU here?”
There was a smirk forming across her lips.

He knew, that she KNEW, why he was there. No doubt at all she KNEW. “Where is Suishi?” 
“Am I her keeper?” She was recalling the moment she had seen her transformed into a Suffu.. the long drawn out farts the stench and having to clean up after IT?

The more she dwelt on those thoughts, the more the inner rage, blaming him for all that had transpired.
No way was she going to give up where Suishi was let alone the Kevletling! Oh yes she knew alright.
When she had been told by Xhale

The initial shock, the realization that whore Ju had given ‘birth’ was a surprise but as to who, the other
parent was? Telling that and, sharing it with Suishi, had given them an opportunity, too good to miss.
First they had to find the Ketlevling.

Deep in the forest area, within the Faeron domain, a small encampment where a select few had been allowed to settle. Some ‘older’ though ‘older’ is nothing like the age of many other beings. An Immortai, does age, BUT can be a century, before any semblance, of a spot or blemish Toiani1

Looking after the Ketlevling, of their Queen, had been kept a secret, for only a select few, amongst them to know. Toani as the Ketlevling was known loved butterflies. Surrounded by them unfortunately drew attention to her.

Laid on the grass amongst, some flowers the butterflies dropping to entertain her? She was giggling and, loving the colours, the movement within rays of warm sunshine.

Distracting, the one watching her, they rushed in to whisk her away. Delighted, that they had their prize, now in their grasp. No crying, no screaming from Toani, who was more goo goo then gah gah..

Vanished. Gone! The appointed guardian, was in a frenzy of fear as much as anything else. Her queen on hearing the news could have ended her life.

Ju had the power to do that. BUT she had realized, the kidnapping
had been the work of those dammed Anime.

Only Tolgani could find her. Ju, would be helpless, ONLY because, she did not know, where they had secreted Toani. Hidden and shielded, was a truth.

Suishi was no fool. She knew, the powers of the Queen, could be powerful enough, to seek out her Ketlevling. A link, a bond, exists between them, as kith and kin.

What Bedme and Suishi did NOT know, was that Tolgani had Inexi, who’s powers went beyond, any of theirs, beyond even their Queen Anipre? YET, Anipre, knew of the presence, of another. Lysa had also as an Aprite been known to her.

Taking Tolgani from her, Ju as that whore Queen of the Faeron had left Anipre livid. Knowing of the kidnapping of a? A Ketlevling offspring, Ju and Tolgani had created between them? Suishi had gained some favour as now she knew they were at her mercy.

NOT so much Ju, she was not interested in Ju. It was what Tolgani was going to give her in return.
Bedme was stood talking to him as Anipre appeared before them with Bedme dropping to her knees to bow before her?

IT had worked. Tolgani, was pleased, to see Anipre, now making her presence known. NOT that she need to identify who she was nor what she represented?

“So what do I have to do to give me back the Ketlevling?! “

I will  expect you, to deliver, on your request, to be at my pleasing.” 

She dismissed Bedme and with a wave they were back in her palace domicile? The decor was astonishing.
It screamed decadence, on the highest level. Palacial, inviting, erotic and sensually delicious on the senses.

Leaning into strip him naked. Her body now naked against his. Hissing in his ears..
YOU, know what you have to do...

she whispered in his ears as he howled?  Echoing a gasp...

NOOOO wayyyyy !

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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends.

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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends