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Over time and yes ‘time’ was always relevant. I learned to avoid upsetting  Lysa. FACT. Bad news, if she got a ‘strop’ on, got testy or decidedly hormones in disarray askew.. and NOT in a good way?!

SO I was OK. However in the search for the Kevletling, MY and Ju’s; she was really trying hard to find it and for us to eventually leave the planet?

I was taking care of my obligations to Anipre in return for BedMe telling us and showing us, where they had hidden the innocent in all of this?

Thus Lysa had confronted her about the situation; that Anipre her QUEEN, expected her to comply with the request, she had just made for the release of the Ketlevling.

That ‘B’ she was later to remark, said she would do no such thing until she, was with the Queen in person, to hear, to feel, to know, that that, was what she had agreed to.

A sense of a nasty streak in her, which in fairness we had already come to accept; BedMe was more than capable, of exuding. Banger had often remarked that was why she had never gotten laid.

No male in his right mind would want HER. Something that Lysa in her fury reminded her of ? NOT good that! NOT good at all. It made her even more resigned to defying her Queens instructions.

NO Queen, me not next to the Queen means NO Ketlevling.
That po faced look of hers, once again as she scrunched her lips, almost stamped her feet?

What the. Lysa now was furious. How long Tolgani was going to be servicing the Queens demands? He did not, he had admitted to her, fancy the Queen at all. A definite downside, down being the operative word here.

That would rise (or fail to give rise) to that which was required to complete the task that lay beneath him? In the allotted time Lysa had given him.

“You sure, you want to upset me over this?” Lysa stared at her as BedMe stuck her tongue out at her? “Kedish (childish), absolutely Kedish!”
Nothing Kedish, about me.

She shoved her hands, under her breasts shoving them up and forward. “Untouched perfection. I bet you, are just like Banger. A real whore ! .
Around him. I know what he wanted to do to me.. “

There was something in her voice, that had Lysa aware of?
A frustration. Yes Tolgani had been right, she was frustrated.
Her thoughts were interrupted by BedMe.

“Screw you, I can read YOUR thoughts. I’m no slut, just saving myself for the right one...” Her throat moved, swallowing back? “I am no slut.”
Her tongue out and across her lips.. Raised pulse rate, looking flushed.

Lysa grinned. BedMe, did not know nor suspect she could read HER mind. Damm you really are needing that release YOU, should have enjoyed a long time ago.

Looking at her, sensing her frustration? .”Time for me an Aphrite to grant you, a gift from me. Lets get you laid. That way you will soon be telling me where the Ketlevling is.

Tolgani had been from the off, not responding well to Anipre. She had leaned into whisper in his ear. Think of the one female you would want to make love to.

Ah yes, that classic scene, the full firm pert breasts appearing within his ‘minds eye’. Mometarily as he felt the surge in his loins Then he stopped. Something was happening and he could feel an overwhelming sensation of absolute raging lust?

The image of the female form had changed. The way she looked, smelled, breathed on him; Muttered obscenities in his ears as she slapped him, shoved him down to saddle him like some Suffu being mounted for the first time by her.

It took almost all of the time alloted to him to finally collapse as BedMe, yes BedMe, took him and swallowed back, the last of the drops he had splashed across her.

Then she was gone. Anipre, was back and, looking as exhausted.
No memory, of what had just taken place, other than he had given her a seeing to, enough to leave her, impregnated. To have his Ketlevling.

In a flash BedMe, appeared in front of Banger and Busty?  A shock to them, they were quick to growl at her for being .. semi naked?

Busty leaned into sniff her.
“Well about time !” Banger looked at her.
“She’s gotten laid. No more a virgin!”

BedMe shifted, to stop her hands on her abdomen? A slight swelling forming.

THEY, were also, more than aware of it.
“A Ketlevling?”  She could terminate it but BedMed shook her head

“Its a gift from the Gods. “

SOME Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL
(CC BY 4.0)
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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends.

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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends