Jess Corbin - Tolgani The book of legends. Over 16s Sci Fi. 

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends




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If Suishi that dammed Anime !!! had thought seeing Tolgani swallowed up would be just retribution on ITs part ? The figure looking on was not just Inexi. Shaking her head she moved towards Tolgani to throw him a weapon?

Now Tolgani stared at it. In his hand a more than capable high energy weapon. Not too big, not too small might have crossed his mind. HOWEVER that paled into insignificance compared to this huge ugly, well OK maybe its looks and just how UGLY it was might not have been on his mind at that moment in time?

He might just as well have had that old Solus3 (Earth) weapon in his hands, the pea shooter? The female yelled at him, barely audible above all of the racket around him. “When you are swallowed by it, FIRE the weapon!” 

What the! yes another ‘what the hell’ moment crossed his mind.

It swallowed him. No teeth, just tongue, which for some I guess, would be good in retrospective! BUT yes, its huge tongue, scooped him up and he found himself, taking involuntary surfing lessons, as he was doing a Beach boys Surfing USA jig all the way back.

Deep, deep throat. The darkness, the stench was triggering his olfactory senses to the point of wanting to add to it.
The things hanging down like laundry on a clothes line waving ahead of him. The voice, in his ears, still ringing clear but not necessarily loud; ‘When you are swallowed by it; FIRE the weapon.’

He took aim at those ‘strips hanging down’ and targeted them, one by one. Tonsils? It was as though he was shooting ducks in a gallery one might say.. The first two, saw it hit home for the surface to break up, a shudder, dripping of some disgusting green effluent before the third one hit home and the beast reacted.

The back of the tongue, rippled with the effluent on it, forming a ball of scummy fluid, rolling towards him, at some considerable speed. The mouth opening slightly to expose the ‘ daylight’ now shimmering between its teeth and a LOT of seriously large ones at that.

IT coughed, the build of flem, attempting to clear its ‘throat’; the rolling stinking effluent, whatever the hell that was, now shoved towards him like some mini tsunami to slap against him, Covered in it, but carried forward with it, to be expelled at speed from within its jaws. The edge of one of them he felt nick his clothing. AT least he was not naked!

His pride and joy was intact, thankfully no surreptitious tonguing of that on his way in OR out.. A mammoth blow job?
Now there was something to match his mammoth assets. BUT the thought, died away, as he realized, he, was some distance now, from that beast but almost next to the female?

Whoever the female was, now stood in front of him, to shake her head, her fingers up to her nose. The stench, the dripping green yellow goo, was almost too much for her! He felt her touch on him and he was transported elsewhere.
That ‘shift’, had been almost as fast, as the original one, to land him, in front of that thing!

Moving quickly away from him, to still grip her nose tightly, he too could now feel his nostrils flaring.
Leaning forwards to spew and spew AND SPEW. Shaking some of the dripping goo off him as he stripped.
The clothing, that stinking pile of the most disgusting sticky, with bits of whatever it, had previously eaten?
Sand at least helped to dry some of ‘it.

Almost naked. His big boy’, was still unmoved, by all that had transpired, but in fairness, the ‘enchantress’. had given it such an amazing ‘work out’. that he considered it.  was still recovering, from being over worked and, under paid; well overworked.

The ‘female’ was not impressed. Luckily nearby, was a ‘lake’? He ran towards the water, to dive in and feel the cool refreshing vibes of it cleaning him. Clothing, well what was remaining also getting ‘washed’. Amused by her, watching him for her to raise her hand and fingers pointing.. behind him?

He turned, to see it, heading at speed towards him. “i think we ought to move and NOW might be a good idea?”
The voice of Inexi. Shifting from the water, to turn and now standing on the shore, above a layer of rocks? to see that thing, from another hell, jaws snapping in the air, the row upon row of small but no doubt razor sharp teeth?

It dropped into the water, for a few seconds, to disappear and then turning, moved off away from him.
“Whoa that was a lucky escape. “ We can, best describe, that creature re Solus 3 (Earth) terms, as being a rather large and seriously mutated crocodile. Its body, was more of a Shark form but, the head, jaws and teeth, were closely resembling those of a crocodile though alligator might spring to mind?

Alligators are dark colored with a broad, rounded snout and are usually found in fresh water. Crocodiles are grayish-green and prefer coastal, brackish and salt-water habitats. They have a narrow, tapered, triangular snout.
What is more powerful a crocodile or alligator?
In a theoretical battle between these animals, the odds favor the crocodile. Typically, crocodiles tend to grow larger, are generally more aggressive, and have a stronger bite force than alligators. The crocodile's size advantage is the main factor when it comes to winning a fight.

Now refreshed and, feeling CLEAN, he watched, as the female, moved closer to him. The recognition, of who she was or he believed her now to be, was still questionable, due to the trick, the ‘enchantress’ had played on him.

“You are stupid, beyond belief! Am I, supposed to be ‘baby sitting’ you?! “ Tolgani felt his shoulder, flush with a mix of bright colours. “Talk to me! “ Tolgani began to mutter, when he was cut short. “NOT YOU.

 I am Lysa an Aphrodite. WHO are YOU?”

“I am Inexi, one of the creators of all things, all knowing, all seeing and YOU Aphrodite are impressive. Aphrodite (tee) has taught her Aphrite well. That is why you, are chosen by me, to teach this creature, HOW to use the powers I have granted him and, I hope, to your level at the very least.

My gift goes beyond yours and I cannot gift you, because you are already the Apossolyte of Aprodite (tee) BUT putting you two together will make a formidable duo.

YOU, have the gifts he, does not have, especially sensory and intuitive powers. Something he has access to, but is incapable of the reasoning to do so.

It is, a bit like, putting a high energy power source into a toy. Wasted. ! “  HOWEVER he has shown the capabilities of learning and surprisingly fast. All he needs, is someone like you, to show him, teach him and, I give you, the right NOT to be merciful re that.! “

A God of creation. Cannot be denied. Cannot be refused. To do so goes beyond heresy. It is refusing the knowledge, the power of an all seeing, all knowing entity. A once in a life time offer or ? She stared at Tolgani. Shook her head.

“THIS is going to be, much hard work! As for this.” Her hands, reached down to his loin cloth, to pull at it, drop it to reveal his ? She gasped. Shaking her head as she shifted closer to him.

“Why the hell is this the only redeeming, OUTSTANDING feature on your part? “She dropped to her knees her tongue to lash at it. The swelling, getting larger, standing proudly to attention symbol of his ? “ I am an Aphrodite. I, cannot refuse to be pleasured or, please the one, my body is drawn to. That I, have NO control over.”

She tongued at it harder, now taking it in to have him suddenly remembering that tongue. That monstrous tongue throwing him back into that stinking ... His head thrown back her tongue, flicked across it, to have him, remember that Tsunami of green effluent goo, the ejection, ah yes the ejection. HE needed to eject..

Never before had he felt that build up, the raging fury the rising tide of a Cornish coastal walk, with the white surf of the seas in an Atlantic storm, thrown against the cliffs below him..

He grabbed her head, pulled her in, shoving hard and harder ignoring the gagging sensation she was feeling, before he finally, felt the splash, against the cliff, the back of her throat feeling the slap at full force causing her to gasp.

Swallowed back, the sudden onslaught, upon her throat, her tongue moving to let it flood not only her mouth but her senses all of them in disarray; askew.

Her head pulled back, her lips sliding off it like the waves with that surf having slammed against the Cornish cliff tops.. now falling  back, to splash on the rocks below, across her lips, across her face; to drip, drip; DRIP.Thefi300

Some time later, both of them were sat opposite each other, to be partaking of another pleasure; food and drink.

A tavern, an inn of sorts? A mix of characters and mostly military sorts. Uniforms, weapons and ? There was, a war going on.

AN evil ‘sorceress’, had sent in some of the worst beings, to challenge those, living on this moon, to a ‘Game’?

The Gods ah yes the all seeing, all knowing, all embracing Gods of creation, had a questionable aspect to them.
They enjoyed taking primitive beings and playing with them.

This ‘Soceress’ from a planetary system known as Hacus. was known as

A unusual, Impericus. with terrifying  powers.

For hire, by those able to pay the price WHATEVER ‘IT’ decides / demands. ONLY a GOD creator can end her existence. Pronounced  Tay E FEE 

The Jji are controlled by the sorceress Thefi

A robotic sentient lifeform inhabits the ‘durret’ or revolving turret within a droid like structure.
The Jji ‘mysts’ as they are known are Rocloids = Robotic CLONES.

The Jji were originally, a dying race, who were constantly at war with other races. leading to their virtual extermination. Progenesis helped, but was too prolonged, slow and eventually they became CLONES.

Almost all of the original race, were wiped out.
Their rescue, in part to the arrival of Thefi who wanted new toys, ensured their survival.

BUT Thefi, offended the other Gods of creation, to the point they ‘cast her out’. NO one could ‘kill’ her.
She was so powerful, that even they, would rather allow her her ‘games’ than provoke her..

This would be, the first time, Tolgani and Lysa, as she was known, would encounter Thefi BUT, it would NOT, be the last time. The strange attachment IT, would end up forming with Tolgani, would turn out to be prophetic.
For Lysa, not so much, but, it would in some ways seem the clone female warriors had a liking for him.

“What have we here. It seems I have uninvited guests to my Game. That requires, some, upgrading on my part, for us all, to enjoy what must follow your arrival.” Lysa shook her head.

“We’re not YOUR guests AND we are NOT staying.”Jess Corbin Cistera 2 Sci Fi

“Now Aphrodite. Don’t be rude. You know I can trap you all in a time loop where you will simply go around and around, rinse and repeat.” Lysa laughed.

“Really? When we, are in the presence of an original
God of creation presentt.”  “Well, I am glad, you recognise me for who I am.”

Lysa shook her head again. “Not YOU, HER.”
She pointed at Tolgani. The Sorceress seemed confused. HER?

 I should remind you that is a HE, a HIM a MALE.”
She removed his loin cloth. “Definitely, no dispute re that!”

“Here we go again.” Tolgani mutters as two clone warriors approach him to stand either side of him.

“So what do you think? “ Their eyes flashed. Tongues across their lips? “Sorry but this being is MINE.”

Standing behind Tolgani, Lysa placed her hand on his shoulder. Gone! Despite Thefi putting a lock on them? Her powers, were beyond any, that she knew, existed on this moon.

So what was it, that could shift them elsewhere, trash her locking them in place? ONLY another God of creation, a being equal to her could do that. Then she realized again what Lysa the ‘Aphrodite’ had said.

“Not YOU, HER.”

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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends.

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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends