Jess Corbin - Tolgani The book of legends. Over 16s Sci Fi. 

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends




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The moment Tolgani saw what was now forming in front of them, them being him and the Queen of the Faeries?
He knew he was doomed. IT was beyond anything he had ever witnessed, even from folklore or tales of supernatural beings?Jess Corbin Sci Fi

It was seeming to be taking in all that was now before it.  Unknown to him IT was looking back over recent events.

If we were aware of what he had been up to in all its glory or was it ‘gory’ details; IT sure as hell was more than taking it all in.

A second by parsec by parsec review. Emotionless, absolutely NO expressions on its ‘face’? Then it stopped, a deep silence, before it finally spoke.

“I accept your request Faerie Queen. This is indeed a being of little conscience and they do have a saying amongst his race.

The ‘males’ appear to ‘keep their brains’ their intellectual reasoning,  in their nether regions.

THAT place in particular. A place that has grown larger over time, due to the forbidden Faerie juices. More so than its intellect.

My my, he is well gifted there. I have sensed, a high degree of some pleasure, not only from its use, but also on washing it beneath water.

Taking in its width, girth and breadth, delighted that it was such a wondrous thing to behold. That many, would be jealous, of such. Envious, bewitched by it.

Lost for words, well some of your Faeries certainly were. Unable to speak. ‘Must not talk with your mouth full’, I believe is one of the sayings this primitive is used to hearing..

A popular quote, from his race of beings. I am somewhat amused by that and especially so re ALL concerned here as I review events. TRUTH is there certainly was NOT much talking going on. Communication is indeed something lacking here between the Faeries AND this predator.

The FACT, that two of his faourites, actually provided whips, chains and other devices to further HIS, NO THEIR pleasures? NOT under the influence of the Gobli dust. Of their own volition?!

Some of your Faeries were not without sin. Enjoying the pleasures, they took from him, those two in particular,BUT the others, were, when bowing to consumption, (the honey water, the mead as we would know it) abusing, taking and pleasuring themselves.

The moment they did that, they lowered themselves, to be as primitive as he was. NOT, that I will judge them unfairly for that. Given what I am witnessing, he was indeed, a more than capable primitive re giving and TAKING of his pleasure.

That some, are unable to give testament, to his outrages, seems to echo my thoughts, re their sins.
They cannot, give such because to do so would have them reliving those moments in time.
I would judge, based on FACTS, not a projection of that which is NOT FACT.

That Gobli creature saw a weakness and took advantage of it re this primitive lust, its adolescent urges.. Jess Corbin Sci Fi

I cannot punish it, because YOU have already done so and I, am more than satisfied, re what you have done; I will however, make sure, that that creature, can not be killed.

Every time it ‘dies’ it will come back to life, to be hunted again and again. IT will, long outlive, those seeing revenge, until the last of them slaughters it, whereupon IT will cease to exist. . .

Terror, fear, dread, NO! Far too much pleasure from their having the power over him to do so.

The Faerie dust, nay the Gobli Dust would only work for so long before your Faeries became immune to it.

TWO of his most regular ‘interests’ were NOT affected by it. THEY conned IT into thinking it was the one with the power.

The power, to take them, use and pleasure himself whilst they were willing participants AND taking as much from their encounters as he had!

We see all, we know all, we sense and KNOW all there is to know.
If I were a primitive being, I would delight in being beneath him lapping up the pleasure.

However his perversions, I see beyond them and he is capable of far greater things than he would have himself believe. That and that alone has made me think carefully about HOW to ‘punish’ IT.

We are GODS, we have the power to take, destroy, manipulate, use and transform the destiny of all who are, who exist thanks to us. I am like so many of my kind not into destroying those who have potential and your Faeries took advantage of that! So I shall do likewise.

Your Faeries and I gather YOU, do not want him to die so easily. An immortal. Hmm now there’s a thought.
A being that cannot be destroyed by anyone or anything other than a GOD. Shall we? “

She blinked, yes blinked and Tolgani felt his body changing. Across his shoulder a flash of blinding light.
He felt strange markings forming. Unknown to him his reasoning, intellectual and otherwise was changing.
He knew far more, was aware of so much more.

“He has the Qiverse at his heel. To follow in the foosteps of the GODS. An Aposolate. One of ours and protected for all eternity by us. I am Inexi the GOD of all things INEXPLICABLE’. That means there will be such within ALL of the days, the time he walks the Qiverse.

INEXI - Inexplicable things he cannot explain, can do little about, that WILL be there, WILL, determine the course of his existence. BUT! I will also have some fun. I shall make sure that when that which he deems to be of such importance to him will never be greater than the love of his GOD.

MY ;Aposolate; will be thinking of me, every time, he makes ‘LOVE’ to another being, to hold, kiss, cuddle and show fondness, affection to IT, IT will see my FACE, feel my presence and KNOW it is something that can never be erased.

IT WILL be, as though we are intertwined, making love with each other, pleasuring each other. NOW how much of a gift from his creator is that? Hence I will NOT forbid him from making love to your Faeries.

Taking them, soaking up their juices, or them pleasuring themselves re IT. He will NOT need the Gobli dust to have them falling at his feet.

You, may think me unfair, re this BUT. Your Faeries are not nor have been without sin. To expect IT, to be punished, whilst they claim such is just and fair is UNFAIR.

NOR would I, deny some of them who would think such to be just that to be deprived of their pleasures.

NOR will YOU their Faerie Queen disobey me re this. You, will NOT. deny them, nor IT, their pleasures. NOT will you in any way shape or form, punish them for their alacrity.

I do feel, before I send him elsewhere. that some of your Faeries, may choose to take time out with IT before IT is taken away from them; well for now. I WILL allow it to visit its family from time to time which means IT will return to your world. Jess Corbin Sci Fi

In the blink of an eye stood before them? The one called Maelstrom,? Cept this was how such a Faerie actually was and not the ILLUSION it had perpetrated on Tolgani?

He was speechless, ah yes the DON’T talk with your mouth full!
His head was pulled down to rest in between her cleavage.

The fullness, of her beautiful firm breasts, the scent of her parfum that he was now remembering so well.

The horror the shock the remembering how she had been?
Ugly, contorted, twisted, wrinkled and now this?

Beautiful, soft, warm, inviting and his loins feeling the arousal of a giant awake from its slumber...

“I  heard, you calling my name. It pleases me, to see that you see beyond the ugliness. I perpetrated upon you in the hope, that you would realise, that you liked being treated the way I treated you.

I will NOT be any different re that, I will take you, drain you dry and YOU WILL, be calling for me again.
Her mouth now fook in his ‘giant’. He felt his loins twitch, jerk as..

Lips wrapped around it and sucking it back, the sheer sensation, of her tongue lashing across it.
Mittering between each slurp, each fliclk of her tongue.. I am sooo blessed.. You are sooo big and beautiful..
I am going to drain you dry AND this will NOT be the last time for either of us!

 I am looking forward to some more with you ‘big boy’, just call out my name and I will come to you.. Maelstrom, my name is Maelstrom..”

She took him. Just as before, but the ugliness gone, the beauty of a Faerie that had his loins responding as she stripped and rode him ragged is an understatement. Him taking HER? In his mind it was NOT her, it was his GOD soaking up the ripples after ripples of pleasure, flooding its senses,  no; ITs senses.

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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends.

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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends