Looking at Bedme and those around her marvelling at the new born? Fast was an understatement. It had that mystical look about it. Boots was quick to enquire. “SO, has Toani been returned to the Faerie Queen? Suishi is missing?” 
To their knowledge, no. “That is NOT good! If you are stupid enough to anger the Faerie Queen, she can invoke the Sprites, YOU know what happens when they work for the Faeries. As for yours, they can steal it and replace it with a ‘changeling’. Do you want that to happen?
IT had happened before. The pain and distress was unreal. Their Queen Anipre was also more than aware of the fact it seemed that Toani had NOT been returned.
Suishi was misisng. Attempts to locate her were failing. A code of honour, HAD existed between the Anime AND the Faeries. NO Ketlevling would be exchanged, bewitches or bothered, by any of them re those NOT their own.
Suishi had broken that agreement. Some appeasement had to be granted AND Toani returned ASAP.or trouble and BIG trouble was on the horizon.
‘Sprites’ were mystical creatures and could control elements such as the weather, the air, heat and cold.. YOU did NOT, want to have them involved, especially the ones sanctioned by those such as the Queen Ju?
NO, not good at all. Lysa and Tolgani were equally frustrated. WHY had Suishi not returned Toani? The truth was that Suish has hidden Toani with an ‘underling’. A goblin like creature who would ransom the Kevletling with her sharing in the profits.
The ransom was received. The creature delivering that, with the ransom shelde giving details of where the ransom was to be paid? They had no choice. The Drax put together and a ‘neutral’ entity now delivering it? The Goblin delighted now decided to up the ransom and add on another amount for its own pocket.
It, would pay Suishi, whilst pocketing the remaining ransom. Once again they had no choice but to pay? Then it happened. A flash of light across the Drax as they shoved it into the container for delivery! No one had noticed that tiny flicker of light NOT how it now settled in amongst the Drax!
Suishi had stood in the Goblins lair. The soft sounds, of Toani, in the background. Delighted, her ruse had worked and, now pocketing her spoils. Leaving, that stinking Goblin, was next on the agenda BUT the Goblin, now trapped her, in a cage, locked and secured, as it waited for the next delivery.
Panic had set in on Suishi’s face. The realization, of what that underling had done, now dawning on her. IF it had not been for her GREED? She softly cursed. NOW, Faeries can VANISH. they have the power to do that, BUT the Goblin was no fool. It, had secured her, with some ragwort, which inhibited her powers.
Then, the entity appeared. The Goblin, grabbed at the container, letting it, fall as the contents, spilled out, onto the dirty filthy floor. Some crystals lining the edges. 
Sparkling with the gold, of the Drax shining on them? The flash of light that grew and grew with intensity blinding all caught within it.
Too late, the Goblin realized, he had been tricked. A Sprite and it sensed powers were too frightening, to comprehend, let alone, remain here.
IT tried to run, but too late. The slap, of energy across it, as it could no longer move? “YOU, I shall turn YOU into a stone statue. Put you where all can see the wretched creature you are.
I was tempted to turn you into a males ‘urinal’ so they could ... on you BUT the statue, will long remind others, NOT to dare to do, what you have done.
As for you. IT turned to glare at Suishi. Your Queen has a punishment fitting for what YOU have done. I will leave her to deliver YOUR fate.
The Kevletling is a blessed by the Gods, Immortal. The spirit of an ancient God exists within.
So you, have not only, broken the agreement, between the Faeron AND the Anime; you have dared, to threaten a Kevletling blessed by the Gods.
It waved its hand for Suishi to vanish. Finding herself, now in front of her Queen; Anipre. The sight, of the Faerie Queen Ju however was even more terrifying. “I, will NOT decide YOUR fate. You have offended the Faeron and for that..
I leave, your fate in the hands of their Queen.
“I could turn you to dust. My anger, is so intense, it makes it difficult not to do, just that BUT; Tolgani, has asked you be given some mercy. YOU, will become a Suffu, for at least one lifetime. Thereon, a return, to who you once were.”
Boozy and Boots, were standing mucking out the Suffu when another suddenly appeared in front of them. Boots, kicked out at it, cursing. “Another one, to stand there farting and ..”
“I hear that Suishi, is still missing AND, with the Ketlevling! I would NOT, like to be her, when the Queen, let alone the Faeron Queen, catches up with her. That Faeron Queen has a nasty temper. Take Toani away ? “
“I heard a ransom was demanded re Toani. Some horrible underling, managed to secure her. ” Boots kicked out at the Suffu as she made it shift away from them, farting and peeing, with a spray in her direction. Boozy was laughing. Looks like that Suffu has fallen in love with you.. spraying you like that. “
Tolgani, was now in front of Queen Anipre and Ju. The apperance of a Sprite? Carrying Toani bathed in a soft cloud of energy. As Tolganii reached out, to take Toani into his arms. A soft murmur, a goo good of peaceful; repose now shared as Ju joined him.
The Sprite looked at them and smiled, before vanishing. “I think the underling, that took her has been punished. The Sprite, are not merciful, when offended OR, when they decide punishment is needed.
I NEVER, offend them. Tonight, I will make sure to leave some offerings in their sacred place.”
Looking at Tolgani as Queen Ju nodded. “We will join you. Tolgani, WILL say thankyou to them! Well he is the Papa of Toani AND your Kevletling; Anu..” “Then I can leave?” “Of course, but do you not want to spend time with your Kevletlings?”
True, with Toani in his arms, the peaceful aura, bathing him, in the moment of rapture, was difficult to say no, BUT Lysa had told him, his time here was limited.
They were needed elsewhere. Thus a while later within that sacred place, now seeing them leaving gifts for the Sprite. Small but significant to them, gifts. Tolgani was at odds, as to what to gift?
Taking a sharp blade, Ju had slit the palm of his hand, for him to drip some of his blood onto a red rose. Gently placing it, in the middle of their gifts.
“Your blood, has the essence of a God, flowing through it. The Sprite, will be well pleased with such a tribute. Now you, are ONE with them. Whenever in the future, you need their help, they will be there for you. Just as we too, will be there for you. They leaned in to kiss him. Taking turns to hold him close.
“NOW GO! Before we bind you with a spell! Securing you forever with us, blessed by a God or ! “ Interrupted by the sight of Bedme? She moved to shift in close to Tolgani, to place a small lock of hair, encased in a a glass heart shaped locket.
YOUR Kevletling, will be with you wherever you go.” She leaned in to pull him in close to her to whisper, I will NOT, forget the gift, your Aprite gave me. A moment in time, shared with you, in toral rapture. A love, that now binds us as ONE. My lover and, OUR Kevleting Lysanne’s Papa.”
He vanished to appear befoe Lysa, some tears in his eyes. “Well well, we have an EMOTIONAL Tolgani, that’s a sight to see AND remember. She leaned in, to place a small bracelet on his arm. It glowed to shimmer and before him the image of Toani? A small crystal from Anu, Queen Ju had insisted Lysa take it to him.
Wherever you are, YOU and her, will be as one. Papa and his Kevletling. Toani? Raising her head, to look at him and softly the smile across her lips.. The sparkle in her eyes, as she softly whispered.
“I love you Papa and ONE day, we ALL, WILL meet again. “