Jess Corbin - Tolgani The book of legends. Over 16s Sci Fi. 

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends




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It was to Tolgani. as if hie senses had been hit with a hammer. Something was trying hard to take control of his body.NOTE his BODY not his mind. THAT at least could NEVER happen. isheru

HE was, acutely aware, of how his surroundings, had suddenly changed. MORE desert and more, in your face, searing burning; sand!  As if he had stepped into a sandstorm?

His hands flayed out, his legs wobbling like some puppet on a string and all due credit, to that lass Sandie Shaw.

For the memorable old Human(a) Solus 3 win on what was it? Ah yes the Eurovision song contest.

“Yaa, OOOK... Yaa more jerking and flaying of ones arms  or rather HIS. Getting a little too repetitive now and, ANNOYING! Suddenly, it ceased.

A voice ? Ah Inexi ! “Seems someone want to play games with you. I am tracing the source of the.. “

Laughter ringing in his ears. REALLY?! Now that is old, very old, some ‘ENCHANTRESS’ involved here. Might pay her a visit, don’t you think?
Within the, as one might say it, blink of an eye, they were stood in front of a ?

The response, was almost immediate. His hands, moving to try and move, what he was to soon discover, had NO, intentions, of being moved, unless it was released, from its solitary confinement.

IT was starring at him, watching him in his efforts to ? Eyes rested on that bulge, that ever increasing BULGE. The buttons flew out, as he felt them, then saw them, fly ahead of him. IF hands, had reached forwards, to grip ITs restraints, the garment was ripped off him, torn into pieces.

He was naked, Totally ‘buck naked, dragged in front of IT as it leaned forwards to stare at IT? “in all my centuries I have NEVER seen one this big. This is beyond my wildest expectations. YOU are a magnificent specimen.

Hands now took  hold of it, stroked it, pulled on it, some disbelief, at the length, the breadth the.. what is this a lesson in trignometry?  She dropped to her knees and took it in ‘her’ mouth. The moment he felt her lips close around it, he knew he was doomed.

NO was not in his vocabulary, YES YES and more YES minus he felt he was showing some disrespect, when he should at least, mind his manners. YES...  PLEAAASE.
She was like some kid sucking on a lollipop.

VERY lash of her tongue, across it sent shivers across his whole body. “Damm he could hear Inexi muttering, “She is a complete master or is it mistress re this.. She gives a whole new meaning to the term Fellatio.

Soon she had slipped out of the loose what would be silk. In fairness Tolgani has had more than enough female physiology he could write a book about it.. make a fortune, UHH well he did write a book no so much about the ‘fortune’.

At this moment in time his hands, HIS tongue was lashing at those big beautiful bobbng underneath him orbs. “I’m not wasting one drop, on her Inexi, she is going to have it all.”
It took over 2 YES 2 ‘Earth’ hours.

Savage was BOTH of them going crazy with lust. Enchantress? He now knew what one of them was.
The final thrust hit home as he did not hold back. NOR was ‘she’ going to let him.
Collapsing at his side BOTH of them exhausted.

“To think, I got paid, to waylay you. Keep you entertained, was what she wanted. Something, about, taking her puppy for a walk. Was afraid, if you were around, you might attack it. be nasty to it, if you saw who its owner was?

Never mind that, Tolgani was staring at her, Thinking, thinking and then it hit him. “You are the the one I have been looking for. “ She laughed. “NO I was ordered, under the terms, of my payment, her ,  agreement, to look exactly like her. She emphasized that as one of the absolutes re our agreement.

YOU, have given me, so much pleasure, it is only fair, to consent to ONE, note ONE wish !
Do you want to stay wth me, PERMANENTLY, or,   she desires to introduce you to her ‘puppy’?

She stopped talking, went quiet. “OK, yes I understand.” “Inexi? “ “I have told her we cannot stay.
Which means I know where you are needed to be. Say your goodbyes.”
Tolgani kissed her, a long deep kiss, then he was gone, she was alone and he was?

IF HELL had just opened its orifices, he had been shat into it,  into the fires of hell. In its midst, a creature, out of hell itself, tearing down on him, with him TRAPPED?

The ground, had opened slightly, to, take part of his body, wrapping it around him, locking him within its ever tightening grip.

“Never mind, the voice screeches in his ear, the all too familiar voice of .. Suishi... My puppy  will help you out of there.”

Inexi was laughing, bloody laughing!

“Wicked, absolutely wicked.





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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends.

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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends