Jess Corbin - Tolgani The book of legends. Over 16s Sci Fi. 

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends




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Tolgani, was still wondering, what the heck, was going on, though his thoughts, were more focused, on what might be coming off? Whatever she was, was bright and colourful, all the way, from her hair to her toes?

She slapped him.

“Woa, what was that for.” “I should warn you, we can read minds and yours is a real cesspit.” WHAT the .
She also sounded intelligent, which kind of confused him. Jess Corbin Sci Fi

“I am to take you to the Queen.” If he had ventured to ask more, he got less. A grunt which comming from her, based on her previous rhetoric seemed a little primitive?

“The time, we have wasted, thanks to you, NOT listening, will see me punished.” They were interrupted by another ‘female’ approaching them.

“Bedme’” “Banger.” “I am sent to find you. What is taking you so long?” She looked at Tolgani shook her head.

“Him, Banger, HIM! What, the Queen sees, in this primitive, is definitely not his brain.” Banger, ran her eyes over him and, down to his nether regions.

Ah another one. Still, after she has finished with him, we can have the left overs eh? He is big. I do like them with decent meat and two veg. “ She giggled.

“Banger, you kidding me? I’ve seen Suffu with more appeal.” What he wanted to know was a ‘suffu’? “Something with a brain. The thing, you obviously lack. Well unless, you keep it down there.”
THEY, fell about laughing.

“You do realize, she, will put me, on cleaning out the Suffu. The smell!” “Well at least.” Banger leaned in and sniffed him. “HE smells quite nice. Stripped naked, might be interesting, though the tasting, is more to my liking.”She licked her lips as Bedme shook her head not the least bit amused.

“Now I know why.” She stopped. “Our Queen, named you Banger! More like Bang WHORE.”
“Well at least, I’m getting some, which is more,, than I can say, for you. When was YOUR last time eh?
Oh YOU haven’t had your first yet ! “

The look on Bedme’s face, was one of building rage? Frustration, he reckoned, it was pure FRUSTRATION?
She had never had it, done it? REALLY?  She stopped, moved towards him hand raised, to slap him? “

“Frustration,, bloody FRUSTRATION? You, are clearly asking, for another slap!”  Banger stepped between them. “Bedme! Come on, you can’t seriously be, thinking, of slapping him? If he is damaged, the Queen will see you living amongst the Suffu. “ What, exactly that might entail,, was not forthcoming, from either of them.

Then he vanished? They both stared at each other. “Faeron, I bet you one of those bloody Faeron have taken him. All the noise, the screaming, the SLAPPING from you!  I bet they, could hear that, for bloody mi (miles) around. “anipre Jess Corbin Sci Fi

Bedme was not, taking the blame for this!!
“They, are always doing this. Oh NOOO .

She, is going to be having us BOTH, cleaning out, those smelly stinky, Suffu after this! “

“Where is he? “ The shadowy outline, now solidifying in front of them, of the Queen?

“He ran off.” Banger, was feeling the pain. Like an electric shock as we well, SOME might know it, or TASED.

Anipre knew, she was lying. She went quiet.

“Where is he? “

Bedme bowed her head,
“The Faeron have him.”
“Ju bloody Ju, the last time, she did the same to me.

Snatched my prize with her whores, to wear it out. One of these days, I am goiing to teach that .. a lesson.”

Haven’t those Faeron, anything better to do than sex, sex sex?  “ She looked at Bedme. “YOU, could do with taking note, YOU,  need some lessons, from them!” Banger grinned. “Is she, frigid Banger? “

Normally Anipre would have punished her, for being so abrupt to how she spoke n her presence BUT she was still fuming at having lost him, well for NOW...

“I’m saving myself, for the right one. Not screwing around, like Banger.”  Anipre laughed. “Time you, end up getting laid, the sell  by date, will have expired. It will have sealed itself shut.”

She vanished, much to the relief of both of them. “Woa, I thought that was it. Thankfully, you being frigid, worked in our favour.” A fight breaking out ? Drew a small number of amused onlookers.

“What is that all about.” “Bedme being frigid.”  A few murmurs, some grinning and they, went back, to what they had been doing. “You two! “ They stopped looked at her.

“You do realise, that whore Ju, is lovng all this?” Boots ah yes Boots.  She too had a hatred of the Faeron. They were always, snooping like unwanted Voyeurs. 

Intruding, spying, sneakily stealing their ‘Primitives’ robbing them of their pleasures. Ah yes the low lifes, the ones with no brains, but gifted in other areas?

Banged ragged, by those dammed Faeron. NO matter how, they had desired to  apeal to the Queen of the faeries? Ju WAS the dammed Queen!  It was known, she had, an intense dislike, of Anipre. The tart as she called her?

At least the Faeron, were selective, about their mating rituals. For Tolgani? It was the curse kicking in?

You see, I am sure, we remember don’t we? The moment they, sniffed HIM being present? Faeries could do what they wanted with him.Jess Corbin Sci Fi Jess Corbin Sci Fi

Actually NOT strictly true. They would, fall at his feet, at his mercy, to do with as he pleased. He could refuse them, though I suspect, that might NOT, be such a good thing?

Question is, would Tolgani deny them? So far, he had been without, his most enjoyable preoccupation, for some time. Since Rubbr. It did not, simply because it was not being used, stop protesting, in its absence?

Made worse of course, with, the comments from Banger and, Banger was certainly on his mind, let alone Bedme. Bedme more so, cos of her Virginal status? Never! Really?

Where Banger was concerned, nothing beats experience, desire, raw and hopefully disgusting; perversions. She was he reckoned more than into a few whips, chains and ?!

The sudden shift, from where, he had been with ‘them’, was now becoming apparent. A wooded area and it, reminded him, of happier days.. Ah yes. Woodland, Faerie rings.. Faeries.

Then he saw them. HER, tearing towards him like some wild cat on heat, though the idea, of it actually being a wild cat, was at least thankfully NOT the case.

Grabbing him, shoving him down, to straddle him? She was NOT ugly, NOT the most beautiful of Faeries that he had enjoyed BUT there WAS a kind of hotness, about her, that had his big boy, was responding well, to her, shoving her groin against it.

“I am Ju, a Faerie Queen, so it, will NOT, be good for YOU primitive, to upset me. After, I have enjoyed you, I WILL, be passing YOU, over to the rest of my Faeries to enjoy. What little is left, of any energy, you may have, remaining.”

If she, reminded him,  a little of Maelstrom, he was not to be disappointed. Bullying, dominating, a pure dominatrix?

She stripped him, whipped him, him and he was lapping it all including his tongue paying her some attention in all of the right places.

Almost an hour, Earth time and, she slid off him, to have a smile on her lips, as she licked, her tongue across them, sucking back the drips., to leave him now dragged off by FIVE, FIVE of them taking turns with him.

If he had felt drained and a little unresponsive? They gave him some liquid that made him feel recharged, with a lot of Euphoria, across his senses.It also, had the same effect, as that Faerie juice.

Powering his ball game, to now take them all, with a rocket at maximum thrust. One of them, had never, been taken before. He was thinking of Bedme as he pleasured himself but made sure she would want to come back for more?

The others, liked him, for that. He, was not rough, as he had been with them. NOT that they, were complaining. BUT, this one, was trembling a little.LYSA Jess Corbin Sci Fi

Even if, she appeared, a little older than some of them? .NOW she, was shoved on top of him and told, she, could do whatever she wanted with him?

It, was as if some switch had been thrown. NONE of the others, did anything, except watch, as he was drained and DRAINED. It was like it, had a suction pump wrapped around it.

The, final slamming down and, the Tsunami, in all its final glory, that followed, left him, admitting, the well was dry.

it, was no longer going to respond.
His ‘big boy’ had decided, enough was enough.

They were dressing. Ju had approached him to straddle him. HE, was not, going to be moving anytime soon, that was for sure.

He was knackered was an understatement.

She leaned in to kiss him. “I think I, hope we have the pleasure of having YOU again. Now stud, I am going to give you a present as a thank you. “

Touching his forehead, he felt an image, appearing in his ‘minds eye’.LYSA?

“That, is the one you, are seeking. She, will NOT be easy to find. I will, give you warning, to be careful, others, who are not so pleasant, are looking for her.”

With that, they all vanished. The image?
Of a female and, he was realising, how she, had his attention. Even his big boy, was trying to respond.

 Bloody hell, uh noooo more like HEAVEN.

The name was Lysa? A Kugara Fem. Space traveller, trader and explorer WHO, had been sucked, into the wormhole, he had been brought through.

An ‘Aphrite’ protected by the Goddess Aphrodite. An ancient, who liked her and, gifted her ‘protections’ as she, took on her desires, to traverse the Qiverse.

She could not, be killed. Only her God, could terminate her. Somethng he felt others, might be in for a shock, where that gift, that power, was concerned.

Something Tolgani could align with. How ‘experienced‘ she was with those powers? Like him, coming  to terms with his situation? An ‘Immortai’ she might have been, just like him, BUT even that, he knew from personal experience,  took some getting used to?

So, where might she be, was, NOT even on his lips.
He, knew little or nothing, about the planet, its people, even if he had met some of them?

Could be a drop in the ocean. How big was the planet?
A sizeable one, NOT as big as his home planet but the FACT he knew almost nothing about it, gave no surety re size being of any relevance.

Anipre and, those he had met, who were, his ‘minds eye’ telling him imitating Anime characters? WHAT?

Well I guess we need some enlightenment?

Over centuries, broadcast signals from ancient Solus 3 (Earth) had been beaming across the Qiverse to land on this planet, in its early days of being able to translate and even watch broadcasts? Streaming from Solus 3 to them? Albeit there was a delay of light years.Jess Corbin Sci Fi

We have to remember, these, were sentient beings, having no original shape or form?

Thus, they liked, what they were watching, seeing, hearing and, started the finest form of flattery?

Imitating, becoming. Choosing Anime characters. Some, more so than others, re their actual form.

Others, preferring, a more solid form.  
Less 2d and more 3d?

The arrival, of one of ‘them’, ‘Sushi’, was after his romp with the Faeron. It, was not being met with much favour.

She could smell, the stench and it was never pleasant to those such as IT. The rancid smell on her nostrils, of stinking Faerie juices.

IT, KNEW, from the others, he, had been taken, by that witch Ju, the Faerie whore. At least they could have cleaned him down? The stains were more than evident. HOW many ? A LOT!

She, had, to tell the others, tell the Queen, she had found him? IN their interests, probably yes, NOT in HER interests, well the ‘Queen’ but that could also, easily be construed,  as IN THEIR interests; NOT to tell her?

“You’re looking for HER arn’t you?” Tolgani looked at her. Did she mean Bedme and Banger? Or Anipre the Queen? It was all a little too vague for him.

Sushi, moved her hands in front of him to display the image of Lysa. THEY hated solid forms such as Lysa who was FEMALE, FEMININE. It was abhorrent to them that such could exist.

TRUE and, she was NOT telling HIM this, there were ‘solids’ on this planet BUT also on one of their moons? NOT under the power of the Queen? She smiled, a twisting of her lips

“Modeus One of our moons. I can sense she is there.

NOW, do you want to find her or not?”

He nodded his head. His craft could he was being told by Shiri and OTS take him there.
For Sushi that was too long. The Queen would find out and he would end up back here before he even left the planet.

NO! It simply would NOT do. She waved her hand at him and, he felt the sensation of being dissolved?

Gone! He was gone! not dead, not deceased in fact very much alive BUT on Modeus? That was what Shiri was telling him her signal re his life signs were showing him to be.

Sushi? She, was almost laughing, as she told Bedme and Banger the news. “The stink of Faerie was just too much for me. I had to get him away from us.” The others now started to grin.

IT, has NO idea, what is ON that moon! Just one of those things will eat him for a snack.” More laughter.

“Suishi you are wicked.

 IT, has NO idea, what is ON that moon! “

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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends.

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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends