Jess Corbin - Tolgani The book of legends. Over 16s Sci Fi. 

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends




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Inovia, was the mother of Tolgani. She was frequently absent from his life. An explorer NOT a ‘Gildateer’ BUT had  a good reputation as an explorer, archaeologist of some repute.Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

More, into the scientific, than the treasure seeking aspects, of such exploration. She sought out new found resources, which could include precious minerals, Gems, diamonds, Drax and more.

She might, have been absent, from him, but he never went without. Spoilt? Almost certainly, as he did not, place a true value on anything, without it being of some use to him.

That included those around him. HIS ‘father’? Died, killed in a cave, where Trexl had exploded fracturing the roof space and causing a massive crack to appear above them with massive rocks smashing into them.

Tolgani, had blamed his mother, for part of that, as she had, so it had been rumoured, insisted, that he and his team, explore the cave in question.

The truth, was much less of her fault and more, of his fathers, re ignoring warnings, from those, who, had detected the Trexl?

TOO late and, they were all dead. The exploration, was cut short and another team took over. Even experienced as they were, within days, they too were all dead.

Volatile, unpredictable. Trexl could with methane gases filter into passageways and soak into softer rock.

One flint chip embedded in a piece of rock now smashing against another, as that rock dislodged itself, from terra firma and boom.

Detection equipment, was also subject to failure. Some gases or liquids, could permeate the internals, to create arcing, or burn outs.

A sudden case of the blues, as it was known, where such ‘arcing’ was observed clearer, in the almost pitch darkness or shadows, causing a blazing inferno to look like star going supernova.

Thus in retrospect, Togani had an easy life. No real threats, no dangers or the requirement to work.
He was howevder very interested in Astronomy. Mechanical old world ‘retro’ AND even some more modern
Teslaran propulsion systems.

He, could be, pretty adept, at getting into places, some could not. He was as we might say ‘double jointed’.
Able to shift his physiology to his advantage? It was as some would point out, bizarre to say the least.

He could trade, barter and where the ‘females were concerned? His morality was sometimes questionable.
He was certainly as we might say; no saint.

If the expression, keeping your brain in your pants, was applicable, it would certainly apply to him.
Not, short of assets, re that part of his anatomy. {NOTE, he was NOT Human(a)!}

Bix his friend, his accomplice; was also known, for being a reprobate. {an unprincipled person}
This often, resulted in both of them, attempting to present themselves, as lovable reprobates, than the callous, unlikeable individuals some regarded them as. Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

From their first desires, to get as one might say; laid?
There was, a decent amount, of options open to them.

From, professional courtesans, to Bynards and certain ‘free lancers’. OR to actually attempting to use old world charm?

Certainly, neither of them, were without admirers. However, not prepared to give up their precious bodies, to a pair of known perverse and immoral reprobates?

Some parentia, had already warned them NOT to go near their nearest and dearest or, face a quick death.. Castration, was also another option.

Bix had received a gift from his father. Two tickets, to a well known Courtesan. They could both, go along and she, would attend to their desire, to be free of their virginal status. That sounded really good and thus?

A short time later, they were now at the domicile, of the beauty, who now greeted them. A little older, but she was certainly, raising a lot more, than their blood pressures.

They were agreeing, that experience, counts for a lot. She had them hooked, with them, handing over some Drax, something given the tickets they had, they did NOT have to do.

Convinced that she would be pleased AND, might be a little more, into satisfying, some of their more perverse fantasies? IF they  paid for some little treats up front? Non refundable of course. 

What was a few Drax slips, between lovers? Once they had had her, they would be coming back for sure.
A few moves of her body, with her taking hold of their hands, to place it on parts of her body?

“Firm! Think of your hands, your bodies next to them. Naked, raw flesh on flesh?”
She led them into a back ‘room’. “ Now both of you strip. Put on the cloaks behind you and wait.

When, you hear your name called, come into the room, through that door.” They both nodded.
Stripping furiously, as a little while later, Bix was going through the door into a dark barely lit ?

From a short distance, in front of him, the voice telling him, to move towards the voice. She mumbled that she preferred the darkness AND, there would be more fun, less inhibitions to deny them pleasure.

Tolgani, might have been a little annoyed, that he was the next in line BUT, conceded, he had NOT, paid for the tickets AND even though, he had been the one, to hand over the Drax slips?

A while later Bix returned. Worn out? He staggered into view. “Whoa, you are in for a real treat!
Damm is she good! Now that is what I call a value for money.” He grinned. “Work over. Better get in there, VIRGIN.”

The scene, was no different, to what Bix, had experienced. He could, barely make out, the recline unit, with the form laying on top of it.

Grabbed, thrown down and nothing, in all of his wildest fantasies, could have had prepared for what was to happen. Loving the full on taking of his prize possession.

NOTHING but NOTHING, was missed out. Her oral technique, her posture, firm beautiful, full rounded flesh, had him gasping for air, as she used him, abused him and if he had any suspicions she seemed to be getting a lot more from this?

Everything was over sized, bigger and more voluptuous, than he had envisaged, from what he had seen earlier? Must be, how they are, out of their wrapping! NOT that he was complaining. Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

“YOU are a real stud! I love you younger ones. Can’t get enough and it makes a change, from my usual older males. NOW get down and give me your tongue.”

Bix was laughing, as Tolgani now staggered in front of him.
“Damm was she good! I realize now that they must be bigger out of their wraps, hell were they BIG!”

The journey home, was one of friends having a good sense of fulfillment. No one needed to know the Courtesan had taken their !
No more feeling that they were not going to know what to do when it came to future encounters. 

“Tea, I’ve brought you some of your favorite.” She picked up the two Drax slips. An added bonus.” “Which one?

The second one, what was his name. Tolgani. I shagged him ragged. Damm was he big I might pay him next time! ”

“Stop it! A way of me, saying thankyou, to you for being my mother.” They grinned.
“The first one kept calling out your name; Salemi, Salemi this is soo good..I’m coming Salemi..”

They fell about laughing. “If they only knew! “ More laughter.




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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

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