Jess Corbin - Tolgani The book of legends. Over 16s Sci Fi. 

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends




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Use of the so called ‘black arts’ is strictly forbidden. Sushi had been disappointed with the failure on her part to destroy that whatever it was re Tolgani? aniprewhi400

Anipre had been furious to discover Tolgani fast becoming one of her most ardent desires, fuelling her rage at knowing that Faerie Queen; the WHORE, had had him first?

However, the discovery on her part, of what Sushi had been up to drove her to the point, of taking some of that built up, nay pent up, fury out on her.

No she would not be mucking out the Suffu stables.
She would be taking up residence there; as a SUFFU.

So what IS a Suffu? It is a cross between a donkey as we would know it and a BUFFALO.

It also likes to poo, a lot. Not the cleanest of creatures.
As for its tendency to deliver long drawn out farts...

If Suishi, struggled to make friends, amongst the Anime community, this event, one could say totally ‘ ostracized’ her.
Albeit temporary, the experience, was NOT one, to leave HER, any less than enraged.

Some time later and, restored to her former ‘form’, she plotted revenge. HOW, to get back in favour with
Anipre and, yet, at the same time, get some pay back, for what she had suffered?

At the heart of it all, was that THING; Tolgani. BUT she knew the rage her Queen harbored was also due, to that Faerie  WHORE Ju. IF she had not taken away the Queens TOY..

Others, had been taking time out, to get to know, each other. Lysa was aboard the space craft, noting amazing it was with some of its technology.

The time shift device, was of little value to her. As an Aphrite, she was sometimes shifted in time, by
Aphrodite to investigate, to take action as needed at the behest of her patron?  She did not need a device, to achieve that.

She had been aware, of the real reason, she was here and, it was made all too apparent, that a partnership of sorts, was deemed to be an acceptable conclusion, to their meeting up?

IF, Tolgani hated this dammed planet, he was not alone. The transfer from the previous hell, had at least seen him, well THEM;  back on his space craft.

Shiri had been prepared and he was now resting in a tub of sorts equatable to a ‘hot tub’ as we might know it; bubbles as well. BEDME300

NO thankfully NOT, the BUBBLES of the Anime variety, though it was a flashback to the moment he had feasted his eyes on what was ITs name...

Bedme... the virgin Bedme... he stroked his best friend dwelling on the image of IT beneath him, getting his full on attention.

He had liked the look of her, feisty, obnoxious, intemperate.
ALL she needed,  was, some in depth loving, from his best friend.
Her stroking it, those gorgeous lips wrapped around it..

As for Bedme? She was sat with Suishi. “I need payback!”
Whilst she was in agreement there was little they could do.
Care had to be taken to NOT offend the Queen again.

“You could bed him, distract him while I seek to cripple him.
I can use Udo juice on him to castrate him.” The udo juice would act like bromide but far more devastating. It caused or would cause, the object of its affection to shrivel up.

NOT die, but, it would be totally useless AND, making HIM a laughing stock let alone abuse from anyone gazing upon it? That sounded good really good bar the being banged ragged by him?

“We could use Busty OR even Boozy.. “
They were interrupted by the arrival of ? Xhale

“Damm girl you’re looking hot.” She smiled moving closer to Bedme.  Sniffing her?
“Stop it, that is disgusting! “  Still the stench of Virgin eh ? When are you, going to realize, you are not getting any younger? “

“I am doing nothing, until I find the right one, the one I take as mine for life, well sort of; long term. XHALE300

I’m not like you, shagging all in sight and, the bigger the better.” Well she was right re that. Xhale ran her tongue across her lips.

She could still taste the drips from the last one
“I don’t want you Bedme to think I don’t admire your will power.
 At the moment 

That being what was his name, Tolgani.” She ran her tongue over her lips again.

“I heard, that Faerie Whore Ju, enjoyed every drop, every drip from it. Rode him like I love riding my stallions.

I have to concede she, sure does enjoy a good dousing. It was everywhere. Like being beneath a fountain where he was concerned.”

A hiss from Bedme. “Alright, we get the message.” “So Suishi.”
A smile across her lips, her eyes sparkling, was there some contempt reflected in them?
“What was it like being a Suffu?”

Laughter, not just a giggle. Full on resonating ripple after ripple of laughter. The fury on Suishi’s face as she landed Xhale a blow to her jaw sending her tumbling back.

Sat on the ground nursing her jaw? “Whoa Suishi, no need for that. I even volunteered to get some casu (Carrots) for you but they were sold out. “

Laughter, more laughter. It seemed to Suishi AND Bedme that Xhale had not leaned her lesson.
Xhale was now stood stepping back from them still laughing.

She suddenly stopped, as though, a thought had crossed her mind? A flicker of something, she had momentarily forgotten, now coming to the fore?

Moving in close to them, she stared that solemn hard faced look that had them stopping in their tracks.
WHEN she had that look you did nothing but LISTEN?!

“I almost forgot, why I was looking for you.” She rubbed her jaw. “NOT that you deserve to know after this.”
She rubbed her jaw again.

Moving closer to Bedme to whisper in her ear? A few words, not long, not much of a paragraph one might say but enough to have Bedme with her jaw dropping open?

“NOOOO way! “ Xhale went to leave them. “It is true, every word! “ They watched her leave as Suishi now looked at Bedme the jaw still open from the !

Recovering from the shock? “I think we have a way to get revenge on not just YOUR part but OURS.
I have a score to settle with that ... that TOLGANI.

She leaned in to whisper, Suishi listening intently before letting out a gasp, the words loud, distinct. CLEAR...



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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends.

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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends