Jess Corbin - Tolgani The book of legends. Over 16s Sci Fi. 

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends

Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends




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The morning after, his romp with ‘Maelstrom’, he was resting, recovering from, the lack of sensation, his nether regions were experiencing.

NOT the first time but this time it was certainly echoing the ‘shagging of a lifetime’ numbness associated with all of that.

To say, that he, was NOT UP for anything, would be fairly accurate. At this moment in time, some ‘Faerie’ juice would be like the nectar of the Gods.Jess Corbin Sci Fi

Whilst he was not in a hurry to go anywhere, being here, was causing him problems.

THe strange markings on his shoulder could not be missed. As for the disc that hung around his neck to drop across his chest, that could NOT be removed.

Meeting up, with a space captain, who ran an inter planetary trading vessel, an agreement was reached on him joining her re her next trip out.

A short hop to another planet which would be a good way to get off this one for a little while?

It appealed to him. She was making it very apparent that she was  more than interested in him, being with her. The craft itself, was a sturdy inter planetary trading vessel.

OK, size wise, for transporting the cargo it carried, it was fine, BUT otherwise, nothing of any real class or distinction.

Settled aboard the craft, the ‘rest area, was next to the main control ‘cabin’. Auto pilot systems were reliable and once set she did not need to do anything but let it complete its journey.

That, gave them both, the opportunity to build up a good report whilst telling each other about their lives, events that he found where she was concerned he was seriously lacking re any real substance.

Never mind.” She had told him. “You’re young so its to be expected. I am the daughter of an old ‘fox’ who has traversed a lot of this Qiverse taking his daughter along for the ride on many a trip.

Many an adventure. Learned a lot from my Papa. Thieves, robbers, mercenaries, hijackers and more.
They don’t bother me anymore unless they are stupid.” She pointed to the weapons arrays.

My brother is a weapons dealer. What he does not know, about weapons and tactical, ain’t worth knowing.

The sensors and capabilities of these, far exceed any known for a vessel of this size, which kind of takes them by surprise.” She started to grin.

A few drinks later and, whilst he, was relaxing on the large recline unit, she left him, to use the cleanser unit returning a little while later almost half naked.

Rubbr was stunning to look at. Her body out of her ‘work clothes’ left nothing to the imagination and she had no inhibitions.

He could hold her, touch her, squeeze her and finally get to take her. She was delighted that he was so accomodating.

Size wise, well we know, he was not lacking re that. She however was more than capable of sucking it in,
like a vacuum hoovers .. every last bit, every last inch.Jess Corbin Sci Fi

It was, as she had made clear, why he had free passage, to hers AND for the trip out?

With what he had to offer, she was NOT charging him anything. True she was a little older than him,

MILF, might, for some, spring to mind, but what a body!
Full, firm and pert to perfection.

She could ‘twerk’ to finish by riding hard down on him, as he felt the twitch, the sudden Tsunami, in all its glory, hitting home; well certainly her G spot.

His ‘Faeries’ were the absolute of any intimacy but Rubbr went beyond that. She did things to him that were obscene, over the top, on the top, below and across to leave them both wrecked.

Spanking, tying each other up, nothing was missed. The trip was a short trip out but enough for them to experience an orgy of perversions. The tasting of her, of him went beyond anything either of them had indulged in before.

Never, had a male like you.” He leaned in close to her. “Well that, is just what I was thinking about you.” “YOU,  can ride with me, anytime you want.” Which was sounding really good.

There was nothing, to distract him, whilst out in space with her. She, got his full attention and, she made sure, he had hers. Pefection. Arriving at the chosen trading port to off load and pick up another cargo?

The experience was not good. A sensation of his shoulder flooding with an energy wave liken to being hit with a ‘tazer’. It caused him to shake, stumble before he finally recovered, well some composure.

The female, in front of him, stared at him. “You are Tolgani arn’t you?” He nodded. “You are coming with me.” He started to tell her that that was not happening before he felt another surge across his shoulder.

This time it was to the point he felt nauseus. He wanted to speak to Rubbr but was unable to do so. She, had received, a mysterious transcom, ‘ message’  telling her, he was not. returning with her but he would be touch re a return trip.

A little vague, but, she did not, give it any real measure. Trips out to places like this, for him, would be something, that would offer him, a desire, to explore, visit famous sites and ! She had  been there, seen it etc.

The female had taken him to stand in front of an interplanetary space craft, A X6ei type cruiser. A lot more expensive than the one Rubbr owned. It was also far more sophisticated with certain features he might have not been able to understand and yet?

His knowledge was finite. Nothing was unknown to him. Stepping into it the hatch closed behind him shutting the female out. He was alone. It could comfortable take up to four aboard it.

The craft powered up. He could do nothing to override what was now taking place. Whoever was in charge, it was not him. Then an image screen formed in front of him.
“Rest, the journey will take a little while. Everything you need, re sustenance and all other needs, have been taken care of.

Aludria, yes that was to be his final destination. A female had dropped in on the planet by mistake. HE had to go find her and rescue her. TAKE her OFF the planet. She was NOT to remain.

He, was to use force if necessary, to do so. If he wondered, about his safety? He remembered the reason he had the stramge markings on his shoulder related to a FACT he could NOT be killed.

The so called ‘Medallion’ was a token of the power behind his existence. Anyone foolish enough to ignore that he sensed, was going to be in, for a rude awakening.Jess Corbin Sci Fi

Acquainting himself with the vessel? Not just the controls but everything he needed, well for the moment, to be aware of.

The Wormhole.

A strange, phenomenon to behold. For a short burst, before dark screens, around the vessel; initialized.
Blocking the view outside.

 Emerging from it, the screens opened up and he
could see he was in deep space with a lot of stars and,
below him a large planet?
Two small moons in orbit around it?

The readings, on where he might be, in the Qiverse, were of little use. He was certainly somewhere of considerable distance from where he had started his journey,
That, he had no illusions about.

The navigational tech, was extremely sophisticated. All he knew was the planet below was an unknown. NO reference to it in any star charts.

Aboard the craft, was a Zimp, to take him down to the planet? His thoughts were interrupted, by the sudden flare of light. It illuminated, where he was stood. Growing brighter, until it flared and in front of him?

A female, but one of the strangest he had ever seen. IT must be he thought, one of those silica based, bio organisms. His knowledgeon that, was from the archives, in his ‘minds eye’ so to speak, where it was registering, as just that.

I am Anipre of the Seven. YOU, will bow, before your God.”

He felt, his whole body, being scanned? ITs eyes flashed, as it now took in his form, his presence?

You will NOT, go down to my world below. YOU are NOT welcomed. I will punish you, if you attempt to do so. Disobeying your God is a death sentence.”

The look on its ‘face’ was giving him as one might say, the ‘eebie jeebies’. She looked gorgeous and not one he would refuse to bed BUT?! He also had a feeling she was reading his thoughts?

So, you would offer me, sexual favours, for permission, to visit my planet.” Once again he felt his body being scanned,. In particular his lower anatomy? What the! might have sprung to mind.anipre Jess Corbin Sci Fi

A more than capable being. I find you amusing. YOU may, come down to my planet. I will  expect you to deliver on your request, to be at my pleasing.”

Before he, could say anything in reply to that, she vanished. That might have annoyed him but !

The truth? Whatever it was was bizarre to the point of being just that; BIZARRE!

Was it capable of physical form?
The one he had seen was definitely there but actually PHYSICAL?
You know, the reach out, touch it, squeeze them?

Something did not add up. The original threats, were still, resounding in his ears, as he, headed towards the Zimp.  

Of the seven.” .’ WHY was his mind trying to figure out exactly what she had meant by that?

On the planet below? The ‘female’ had smiled to itself. So, the time has come, for us to finally meet.
Seizing the female, to lure you here was good.

I am going to have so much fun with you.


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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends.

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Jess Corbin Tolgani the book of legends